“More Then Meets The Eye” (A Story Where Fur-haters get what they deserve)
"More Then Meets The Eye"
-:A Story Where Fur-Haters Get What They Deserve:-
How many of you have ever wanted to see a fur hater get the justice that they deserve? For those of you who have had the displeasure of running into one or more of these ranting hot heads, you then already know that they detest furries and or members of the fandom, and have been known to resort to violent acts. Their reasons for hating the fandom number in many areas, but at the top of the list is they do not understand and really do not want to. Being frustrated with all the anti-furry bigotry going around online, I decided to write just such a story where the fur hater gets what they deserve! This story starts with a mated pair of gay wolf furries that are about to attend a privet fur-suit party at a friends house. What this mated pair does not realize is that they are being targeted by two fur-haters whom they have had encounters with in the past...but tonight these bigots are no longer satisfied with just tormenting the mated pair. They have decided to go a bit further and cause physical harm to the unknowing couple...but what these two fools don't know is that there is more to this mated pair, especially the one who's fursona is named Alpha Moondancer...then what meets the eye!
So the story begins...
Josh Williams was standing outside his front door, completely dressed in his black wolf fursona suit, holding his wolf head in his hands as he stood and waited. "Hurry up Hun! The party will start in thirty minutes and we promised to be on time!" Josh called through the open door to his mate Andrew. "Hold on damn it! I'm not ready!" The sound of stuff being tossed around carelessly echoed within the house as Andrew continued, "Have you seen my paws anywhere?" Josh laughed and replied, "I got them right here!" He reached into his wolf head, pulled out two paw gloves and showed them to Andrew. "You handed them to me five minutes ago, don't you remember?" The sound of Andrew laughing loudly came from inside the house and he soon joined Josh outside. "I hate being in a rush!" Andrew laughed and continued, "I would forget my head if it wasn't attached!" Josh giggled at that and replied, "Speaking of which, where is it?" Josh was referring to that Andrew forgot to bring his wolf head out with him and Andrew replied as he slapped himself on the head. "See what I mean!" Andrew started giggling as he went back inside for a brief moment and walked back out with his fursona wolf head in hand. "Let's get going before anything else goes wrong." Just then Andrew's pager beeped. "Too late!" he said in annoyances as he reached under and into his fur suit, located his pager that was held in a small pocket he had installed for it and his cell phone. "Who's calling Hun?" Josh asked as Andrew took out his pager.
"Fuck!" Andrew barked as he read the message. "What's wrong?" Josh asked again in a concerned tone. Andrew took a deep sigh as he returned the pager back to its place and replied, "Tina locked herself outside store again and forgot to bring the key." Andrew grumbled and cursed a bit before he continued, "She's a sweet girl and a hard worker, but she is just so damn careless!" Josh giggled and said, "She's just getting used to her new position as P.I.C Hun. Give her time and she'll adjust." Andrew just nodded, for he could not argue with that fact. "God damn it..." Andrew grumbled to himself and continued, "I have no choice but to show up at the store dressed as Alpha Moondancer, it takes forever to get this suit fitted comfortably and I don't have time to get undressed and redressed in my normal clothes!" Josh just rolled his eyes, shook his head and playfully pointed out, "Tina already knows you're a furry! Anyway, what's she going to do?" Andrew looked annoyed at Josh and pointed out, "Laugh and tell everyone at work the next day that she saw her boss dressed in his wolf suit!" Josh had to bite his lips to keep from laughing at that scenario, for it amused him despite the obvious fact that Andrew was not happy about it.
"Oh just quit your bitching and get over to the store love!" Josh patted Andrew's shoulder and continued, "You go ahead and take the car, Wild Cat and Love Fox can give me a carpool, they're getting ready now. Wild Cat called to tell me he was going to be a bit late because their dog max left a nasty little stain on his fursona and is right now in the process of washing and dry even now as we speak." Andrew chuckled and said, "Well...it's at least good to know that I'm not the only one who's having problems." Andrew then pulled his mate close to him, gave him a warm loving cuddle and kiss before he headed for the car. "You drive carefully now and don't be late! Tell Tina I said hello also!" Josh called over to Andrew as he opened the car door and was about to get in. "Will do love! Oh and I would wait inside for Wild Cat and Fox Love if I were you Hun! Troll and Thug will most likely make a move and violate the restraining order we took out on them. Goddamn rednecks!"
The fur-hating duo affectionately known to Josh and Andrew as "Troll and Thug," are two brothers who live just six housed down the block from them. Tony Lance aka "Troll" is a white bred male from the country and so was his brother Donny aka "Thug." Thug was at this time currently homeless and had just recently moved in with his brother. Thug unlike his brother had an unpleasant militant attitude that instantly made you think escaped from a boot camp. Tony received the name "Troll" due to the warts covering his face and his fat beer belly made him look even more like a real troll. Donny received the name "Thug" due to his aggressive attitude and over dominating demeanor, which he shamelessly used to intimate other people and made them feel inferior. The duo had their own personal differences, often fought, and argued amongst each other like a common married couple, but the one thing they both share a unanimous agreement on was this: All gays and furries needed to be cleansed from the face of the world!
Troll and Thug spend most of their free time trying to start something with Andrew and Josh, mostly just rant at them from a distance and try and provoke a fist fight; which Thug was always eager to get into, not just with Andrew and Josh, but everyone he met and provoked. Recently the duo went too far and caused some property damage on Andrew and Josh's estate. A restraining order was put into effect, but both Andrew and Josh knew that it would not be enough to hold off the hot heads. If it did anything...it would only made them madder and that much more dangerous!
"I'm sure Troll and Thug are too busy out looking for some sheep to yiff!" Josh replied and laughed, "I haven't seen Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum all day thank god!" Andrew then said, "Well still, I don't want you getting hurt and just standing out here in the street in your fursona will just drive them over the edge and you could get seriously hurt Hun! Just please wait inside!" Josh was both annoyed and very grateful for his mates over protectiveness, so instead of arguing the issue he gave in and replied, "Very well love. I'll give Wild Cat a call and wait inside, I love you and I'll see you at the party ok?" Andrew nodded with a big smile and replied before getting into the car set, "I love you too and I'll see you then!" Andrew then started the car, put it in reverse and after he back out of the drive way, he shifted the car into drive and headed straight to the store he privately owned and worked at.
Andrew pulled up into his privet parking spot just behind the store building. The store was a general good market that sold mostly small needs to the public, the main sellers and attractions were junk food like candy, jerky, small and big bags of potato chips and sodas. Andrew put his car into park and turned off the engine. "Ok...just unlocked the back entrance for Tina, get back to car and head straight to AJ's party!" Andrew said to himself as he worked out the fastest possible scenario to getting this current problem done ASAP. Unlike his mate Josh, Andrew was very uncomfortable being out in the public in his fursona. The only other people he was comfortable around was those who were also part of the fur fandom. Being with other furries he could easily get into character and become his alter ego "Alpha Moondancer," a playful yiffy grey wolf who was just a big cuddle bug and loved to goof around. However, being out in the public, he just felt like a fool dressed in a wolf mascots uniform. Andrew thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel for a few moments and finally worked up the nerve to get out of the car and approach the back door to the building.
Andrew walked down the small corridor that ended in a small box like space that was enclosed by the neighboring buildings. "Ok Tina where are you?" Andrew called out as he looked around for her, figuring that she was somewhere nearby trying to find an alternative entrance. "Well, well, well...look what we got here!" Said a sickly familiar voice that was full of pure malice as a shadowy figure stepped out from behind the trash bin nearby, smoking a cigarette and walked forward, blocking the back door to building. Oh fuck! Andrew thought to himself and he instantly knew it was Troll. Where there is Troll there is also... Andrew started to think to himself but was caught off in mid thought by sound of another sickly familiar voice, "Looks like we got ourselves a pansy dressed in his faggoty furry suite!"
"Thug...FUCK! This is just what I need!" Andrew grumbled to himself as he heard Thug's heavy footsteps walk down the corridor and blocked his only means of escape. Andrew was trapped now within the small box like enclosure and had no choice but to face the angry duo. "Look guys..." Andrew calmly started to say, but was caught off by a hard blow to the back of his head, sending him falling face first onto the pavement. "YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO US YOU WANNABE ANIMAL FUCK!" Thug snarled and kicked Andrew in the ribs, as he laid helpless and in pain on the ground.
Pain shot all through his head and ribs, his ears rang and that warm wet feeling he suddenly felt now running down the back of his neck made him release that the blow caused a bloody wound and was now bleeding. "FUCK!" Andrew whined as he coddled his injured ribs, coughed for a moment and continued, "I JUST WASHED THIS SUIT!" Troll laughed and he joined his brother, took a long draw on his cigarette he was smoking and then tossed it at Andrew and said, "Buy time were through with you boy, your no longer going to be needing that suit..." Troll reached over and playfully elbowed his brother and continued, "Except maybe to be buried in it!" The sound of both Troll and Thug laughing echoed within the small enclosure for a while, but strangely,...Andrew was not the least bit intimidated despite what was happening!
"Since you animal wannabes want to be animals so fucking bad, looks like it's time to show y'all what happens to all animals when they cross the line." Troll coldly said to Andrew as he walked back over to the trash bin and pulled out a golf club. "We have done nothing to..." Andrew continued but was once again kicked in the ribs by Thug as he snarled, "You deaf as well as stupid boy?" Thug kicked him repeatedly many times and continued, "I thought I told you not to speak to us!" Troll laughed as he watched his brother kick Andrew in the ribs repeatedly and said, "Animals don't talk boy! So why don't you instead just act like the animal you want to be so bad and beg like a dog for mercy?" Andrew's ribs hurt so bad he could barely breathe and suddenly for a short moment, it looked as if he were crying. "Oh look Donny, the little faggot is about to cry!" Thug then kicked Andrew in the face, knocking out two of his teeth. Andrew spat out a mouth full of blood and continued with his crying act, but to Troll and Thugs surprise, what came out of Andrew was not sobs, it was a small laugh and his laughing got louder and louder by the second.
"Why you sick little..." Thug said and was about to kick Andrew in the face again but was stop by Troll as he held up his golf club to Thug's chest and said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Steady now...I want to know what this dog finds so funny." Thug snarled and said, "He's just like all those sick queers! Having someone beat the shit of them turns them on! Main reason they love it up the ass so much! They are aroused by pain!" Andrew took a slow deep breath, despite the intense pain he was feeling and said in a ragged voice, "Aroused? Such...big words..." Andrew stopped to take another breath and continued, "For someone...who flunked the...first grade!" Andrew continued to laugh. That pissed Thug off to no end and he was going to step on Andrew throat and crush it under his foot, but his brother once again stopped him and said, "Looks like you kicked him a little too hard bro!" Troll chuckled and continued, "But before we send you to...how do you furry queers say it? Yiff...whatever the fuck that means!" Troll chuckled again before he continued once again, "Send you to yiff in hell, why don't you tell ol'Donny and me what you find so fucking funny?"
Andrew continued to laugh and as he took a deep breath, he said in his broken, raggedy voice, "You...inbred...sons of...bitches..." Andrew closed his eyes, took a few more breaths and continued, "Have...no idea...who...or what...you're fucking with!" Troll and Thug made a long "Ooo!" sound and pretended to be sacred for a moment. "Oh you're just a big bad wolf aren't you faggoty boy? What's you gonna do?" Troll squatted down so that he was almost face to face with Andrew and continued, this time in a mockingly childish voice, "You gonna huff and puff and blow us away?" Thug laughed as he heard his brother taunt Andrew and said, "We're wasting time! Let's just kill him and get this over with!" Thug smacked his right fist into his right hand to say that he was going to enjoy this and continued, "I'm itching to kill me some furry faggot!" Andrew then looked up into the sky, noticing the clouds overhead part and gave a clear view of the full moon.
As the moon came into full view, a big toothy grin slowly worked its way onto his face and he said in his normal pain free voice, "And I'm itching to eat me some fur hating hill billies!" Troll was surprised at Andrew's response and as he shot straight up, he took the golf club, raised it and before he swung it downwards to strike a mortal blow on Andrew's temple he snarled in a hatful voice, "Yiff in hell you sick son of a bitch!" At the point swung downwards but suddenly Andrew shot his left hand upwards, grabbed the golf club and said, "Not this night Troll!" He then yanked the club from Trolls hands with very a strong pull, stood himself up and tossed the club aside. "THAT'S IT YOU MOTHER..." Thug snarled as he swung his balled up fist towards Andrew's face. Andrew suddenly with lighting like relaxes, grabbed Thug's first in his hand, taking a firm hold and started squeezing down with such force, the sound of bones crunching was suddenly heard and instantly followed by an agonizing yell as Thug's knee's gave out and he collapsed to the ground from the intense pain he was now feeling. Andrew continued to crush Thug's hand until it was a bloody mess and then released him. Troll was so taken back by this unexpected display of superhuman strength, he slowly back up towards the back door, reaching back with his right hand and felt around blindly for the doorknob.
Andrew closed his eyes and as he popped his neck and arched his back he said in a clear and pain free voice, "You mother fuckers just don't know when to quit do ya?" Andrew then unbuttoned the snaps around his shoulders that held his wolf suit in place and allowed it to fall from his body. He step out of it, picked it up and after he rolled it up into a tight buddle, he tossed it on top of the nearby closed trash bin. He was standing completely naked now, unashamed and very pissed off. All the wounds and bruises he received at the hands of Thug vanished and were completely healed. Andrew walked around Thug who was at this point doubled over on his knees and trying to stop the blood flowing from his mangled hand. "My mate and I have been very tolerant with you and your brother's ranting..." Andrew raised his foot, pressed it against Thug, giving him a hard shove and pushed him over onto his side as he continued speaking, "Your constant intimidation..." Andrew once again raised his foot to Thug and this time pushed him over on to his back, forcing him to look up at him and continued, "Your nonstop threats of abuse..." Andrew then arched his back and from the look of it...no...it had to have been the trick of the moonlight...but it actually appeared as if Andrew had suddenly put on twenty pounds of soiled muscle as he arched backward!
"And especially your disgusting display of bigotry!" Andrews voice sound more heaver and as he arched his back once again, there was the loud sound of bones popping and it looked as though he put on another twenty pounds of muscle and even grown four inches! Troll was getting more and more scared by the minute as watched Andrew slowly change from a helpless five foot wimp into a nine foot muscled out body builder. "Normally I don't believe in harming humans, mostly because my mate is a human and I don't ever want to risk the chance of harming him...but you two are going to be an exception tonight!" Andrew continued and as he closed his eyes, he cringed his face a bit and looked as though he were in pain. When he opened his eyes, they were no longer normal! They were bright yellow and looked almost wolf like. Looking a little closer, Troll also noticed that Andrew's missing teeth had grown back and his K9s looked like those of a vampire. "WHAT IN GODS NAME ARE YOU?!" Thug cried out in almost a woman's shriek as he looked terrified up at Andrew.
A smirk streaked across Andrew's face and he replied in a smart ass tone, "Are you blind? I'm a furry bitch!" And on that note, Andrew arched his back once again and as he did so this time, he gave out a loud wolf like howl and his skin split open to reveal a dark colored grey fur underneath his very skin. His face changed and at that point his mouth and nose elongated into wolf's muzzle and appearing over his head were two long and obvious wolf ears. Troll muttered nonsense like a scared child as he fumbled in vain with he locked doorknob, fear rocked his whole body and his knees gave out and he shrunk down looking very pathetic.
Andrew's hands no longer looked like hands; they looked more like paws with fingers and had very long and sharp claws at his fingertips. "W-W-What..." Thug muttered in a terrified tone as his eyes locked in horror at the terrifying wolf like creature that was now standing before him and tarring away at the remaining skin around its body to reveal nothing but solid grey wolf fur underneath. The creature arched its back one more time and when it did, it had completed its transformation. The creature then walked over to Thug, grabbed him by his shirt and yanked him upwards like small child with a rag doll. The creature looked deep into Thug's terrified eyes, snarling a loud angry growl and to his unending surprise, the creature spoke to him in a deep and freighting voice, "Most furries are harmless...kind...and cuddly...some will sooner give you a warm loving hug then punch you in the ribs!" The creature snarled again and after it took a deep breath it continued speaking, "But there are some furries who have sharp claws and have a taste for haters like you...and guess what..." The creature tightened its grip around his shirt before it continued, "I...AM...THAT...KIND...OF...FURRY!" And after the creature said that, it moved with lighting like reflexes, sinking its huge K9s deep into Thug's throat and shoved his body forward, sending it flying onto the pavement and tore open his throat which then sprayed a deluge of blood everywhere. Thug's body trembled and shook as it went into violent death throws and suddenly stopped just as the last hard jetting of blood shot from his exposed and open jugular veins.
The wolf creature let out a loud victory howl that made the very ground shake and instantly turned its attention over to Troll. Troll was terrified beyond words he watched this wolf like monster walk towards him very slowly. Troll could intently tell that running was not possible for this creature was no doubt a thousand times more faster then him and he reasoned that even trying to make a run for it would only get him killed that much more sooner.
"W-w-w-wait p-p-p-please!" Troll pleaded in a pathetic and frightened tone. "I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry! P-p-p-please d-d-d-don't k-kill m-m-me!" The creature extended its paw and or hand forward, extended its index finger and as it pointed at Troll, the creature demanded, "Say you like furries!" Troll gulped and tried his best to compile with the creature demand. "I-I-I-I...L-l-l-like...f-f-f-fur-furries!" Troll stuttered. The creature stepped closer and as it bent one knee, it slowly lowered itself down so that it was face to face with Troll. The smell and feeling of the creature's hot breath blew into Trolls face and it was very strong with the smell of fresh blood...his brother's blood!
"Now say you love furries!" Giving into total fear, Troll instantly started sobbing and crying. "P-p-please l-let m-m-m..." He began but the creature roared at him in a loud angry voice, "SAY IT!" Troll lost all control of his bodily functions, instantly pissed himself and said, "I-I-I l-love f-furries!" The wolf narrowed its eyes and demanded once again, "Say it like you mean it!" Troll closed his eyes, took a deep breath and reasoned to himself that if he complied with this creature's demands it would let him live, he opened his eyes and said in an earnest tone, "I love furries! I love all furries! Furries are the best and I love them all!" The creature let out a small laugh, reached up, patted Troll on the head, and said, "Good boy!"
The creature stood back up, keeping a locked angry gaze on Troll. "D-dose t-this m-mean I-I'm f-free to l-leave?" Troll asked in a hopeful tone as he cowered before the powerful wolf creature. The creature shook its head no and said, "I didn't say anything about letting you go!" Troll's hopeful tone instantly vanished and he said, "But I did as you said! I love furries!" The creature laughed again, raised its paw like hand to revel its very sharp claws, and said, "And you'll also yiff in hell for it! Save me a spot when you get there will you?" The last thing Troll ever saw was the creature's bright yellow eyes, the bright full moon overhead and the sight of his own heart being torn from his chest and being devoured in the monsters powerful maw...all else faded to black!
One hour later...
"Where the fuck is he?" Josh demanded as he stood before the window and looked around the outside for any sign of Andrew. "That's it!" Josh said as he reached up, taking off his wolf head and walked over to the nearby phone, took off his paw gloves and continued, "I'm calling the police!" Just as Josh reached down to pick up the phone's receiver, an ocelot furry prevented him from raising it by holding its paw over his hand. "Don't be such a drama queen Shadow!" The ocelot said and addressed him by his fursona name. "Alpha is most likely helping Tina close up shop!" Josh looked very worried and the Ocelot knew this and continued, "Tell you what Hun..." The ocelot wrapped a kind arm around Josh's shoulders and said, "If he's not her in another thirty minutes, we'll all go out looking for him ok?" Josh closed his eyes, took a deep breath and nodded in agreement. "That's the spirit! Now come join the fun!" And after the ocelot said that he help escort Josh into the direction of the room where the music was playing and a small gathering of other furries dressed in there fursona were having a blast.
Suddenly Josh heard the sound of a car pulling up and as he removed the ocelot's arm from around his shoulders, he rushed towards the front door, opened it and rush outside, he saw to his relief his mate getting out of the car and slipping on his paw gloves. "Hay Shadow love!" Andrew called Josh and taking his wolf head in both hands, he slipped it on, walked up to Josh and gave him a big warm cuddle and said, "Sorry I'm late, had a little incident at the store and I had to grab a quick bite to eat."
Josh angry push Andrew away and said, "You could have at least called! I was worried sick about you!" Andrew reached up, took off his wolf head and said in a sorrowful tone. "I know and I'm sorry love. Tina was not there when I showed up and apparently she was all the time back at her house and denied ever calling me. My guess is someone found her cell phone and was playing a prank call." Andrew could tell that Josh was not pleased at all and decide to use his get out of jail free card and asked, "Will you forgive me?" Andrew then gave Josh an almost cute puppy dog look. Josh smiled, rolled his eyes and said, "You know I cannot stay mad at you when you do the eyes!" Josh giggled and pulled Andrew close to him and gave him a big hug and long passionate kiss on the lips.
"Hay you two!" The ocelot interrupted and continued, "The parties in the other room just so you know and you better hurry up! Frisky Fox just drank half of TJ Wusky's rum spiked punch and is yiffer then hell! You should see this! He's got ahold of TJ's leg and he's humping it!" Andrew let out a loud laugh and replied, "Oh murr! This I got to see!" Josh also laughed and called back, "We're coming Wild Cat! Just give us one minute please." The ocelot nodded and headed back into the party room.
"My god Alpha!" Josh said and spat something out of his mouth and continued, "What the hell did you eat? Your kiss tasted fucking awful!" Andrew burped and moaned a bit. "Obviously something that didn't agree with me...oog!" Josh chuckled and said, "Well get your fursona on and come join the fun! A few hits of TJ Wusky's yiff punch and shaking your tail on the dance floor will settle your stomach." After Josh said that he walked back into the house, picked up his paw gloves, slipped them on and put back on his wolf head. "Let's go Alpha! IT IS PARTY TIME! WHOOOOO!" Josh then rushed back to join the party in the other room. Andrew burped again and almost threw up. "Oh god!" He moaned and continued, "I really hate eating junk food!" On that note, he put back on his wolf head, joined his mate in the party room and had a blast as he dance the night away.
The End