“The Tale of Willy-The-Wisp” As told to me by my Great Grandfather.
**"The Tale of Willy-The-Wisp"** **_As told to me by my Great Grandfather._** Long ago there was a poor blacksmith by the name of Willem O'Hare. Willem, better known to his friends as Willy The Hammer, for he was always hard at work in his forge...
The Arcane Warrior - The Art of Combat and Survival Without Blade or Heavy Steel Vol#1 Destruction
**YOUR DESTRUCTION HAS INCREASED!** Fire, frost and lightning are the prime weapons at hand for those who use the School of Destruction to smite down their foes. A reckless mage often gets carried away using heavy spell fire to take out a single...
Twelve Days of Skyrim - TES Arrow in the Knee Christmas Song
On the first day of Skyrim, my companion gave to me... An arrow to the knee! \* \* \* On the second day of Skyrim, my companion gave to me... Two stolen sweet rolls! And an arrow to the knee! \* \* \* On the third day of Skyrim, my companion...
The Wolf & The Lunar Path
**Note from author:** _WONDER OF WONDERS! I was able to get back my old poems I wrote way back when I was in high school! My entire works of poetry was destroyed when my house burnt down back in 2005, TO...THE...DAY Hurricane Katrina hit...
So Knotty! (A playful Poem I wrote under the influence of Jager Bombs)
_I was wolfing down jagerbombs and watching cartoon-cartoons on Cartoon network (recorded on tape). The current cartoon was my most favorite Courage The Cowardly Dog episode: Freaky Fred. Suddenly this little rhyme and thought popped into...
“To Say Goodbye…” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
**Note from author:** For those of you who don't know what a Khajiit is; A Khajiit is basically a leopard and or tiger like furry. Khajiit's haven't quite mastered speaking English and they make it a bad habit to refer to themselves in...
“Sweet Justice: A Khajiit’s Revenge” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
**"Sweet Justice: A Khajiit's Revenge"** A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll's IV: Oblivion Within the Provence of Cyrdiil, just twenty to thirty miles away from the trade town of Leyawiin. It is here at a poor but fairly well constructed chapel...
“The Fox Hunt: The Story of how Ginger A. Bush-Tale met his Mate"
**"The Fox Hunt"** **The Story of how Ginger A. Bush-Tale met his Mate** Out in the beautiful countryside of England, a bunch of young foxes where running around, playing and having a ball, just then an adult female fox yelled out to them; "It is...
The Night of The Tiger: A Short Poem
Note from author: This is a poem that I wrote quite sometime ago...during my poetic phase. I had it published through what was known at the time as Poetry.com and it was even published in one of there marketing scam poetry books and read a loud...
“What‘s done is done!: The Tragic Moral Story of Jasper the Fox.”
"What's done is done!" **-The Tragic Moral Story of Jasper the Fox-** Within another time and or existence...where magic, humans, furries and beings of unimaginable power exist together. It is here within this world where our story beings... ...
“Ro’Jo The Mage” A Story inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
**"Ro'Jo The Mage"** Coming across many a story told about different adventures that visited the province of Cyrdiil, the one that stayed with me for years to come was a story told to me by a traveling merchant who joined me for a drink at The Inn of...
“Wabbajack The Cat” A Story inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
**WARNING:** _Trying to make sense of this story may cause irreversible insanity! Followers of Sheogorath welcome!_ **"Wabbajack The Cat"** A Story inspired by Elder Scroll's IV: Oblivion Many strange and odd stories have...