“The Fox Hunt: The Story of how Ginger A. Bush-Tale met his Mate"

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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"The Fox Hunt"

The Story of how Ginger A. Bush-Tale met his Mate

Out in the beautiful countryside of England, a bunch of young foxes where running around, playing and having a ball, just then an adult female fox yelled out to them; "It is lunch time my dears! Get yourself inside, cleaned and ready to eat!" The young foxes obeyed without question, playing for almost six hours straight really works up an appetite! After they washed their hands and changed into their evening dress they seated themselves at the dinning room table and politely waited for their mother and father to seat themselves at the head of each side of the table. Their mother came out of the kitchen with a large soup dish filled with her world famous cream of potato soup; the smell alone was enough to make your heart ache for just one taste. She placed the soup dish down upon the center of the table. "Lunch is ready Ginger dear!" She called off into the living room to her husband.

Ginger was currently in the middle of reading a book and enjoying his afternoon smoke with his pipe. "Wonderful love!" Ginger kindly responded, closed his book and settled it along with his pipe on the nearby table and got up to join the rest of his family in the dinning room for lunch. As he entered the dinning room he took a deep breath and savored the smell of the wonderful stew! "By-Jove! Is that cream of potatoes I smell?" He happily asked and his wife responded with only a smile and nod of her head. Ginger then walked over to his wife and gave her a kiss on the cheek and continued; "Smells wonderful love!" And walked over to his seat at one side of the table and seated himself just after his wife sat down first. He looked over to his pups, smiled and happily asked them; "Did you all have a jolly good time outside my young ones?" They all nodded their heads and politely said; "Yes papa!" Ginger nodded and said; "Jolly good! Young foxes needs all the playtime they can get if they want to grow up big and strong!" His pups only smiled and giggled.

Being the head of the household it was his duty to pour the soup. He filled one bowl and passed it to one of his nearby pups and they passed it onward to the next and so on until the bowl was handed to their mother at the other side of the table. This processed repeated until each person seated at the table had full bowl of soup before them. After he passed along the last serving to one of his pups he then took bowl full for himself, placed it before himself and said out loud; "Let us say grace." And everyone bowed their heads in prayer and their father said grace. When Ginger finished with the word; "Amen!" everyone seated at the table also repeated and picking up their spoons enjoyed a nice hot meal of cream of potato soup.

Ginger sipped down the last bit of the soup from his spoon, placed it down and said over to his wife; "Marvelous Lucy!...Simply marvelous it was!" She blushed and thanked him. When everyone was finished, Lucy got up and picked up each empty bowl and took them into the kitchen to be washed. Ginger also got up from the dinning room table and went back into the living room and sat down in his favorite chair, picked up his pip and cleaned out the used tobacco and started to refill it with a fresh new batch and just then all his pups entered the living room and sat themselves down on the floor before him. "Tell us a story papa!" His youngest daughter said.

Ginger smiled at her and taking a match he lit his pipe and took a few puffs and blew out three perfect smoke circles into the air and then said; "I say! Is it story time already? Ok my young ones! What shall your papa tell you this evening?" All the pups started talking at once and each one asked for a different story, but when his eldest boy asked out loud; "Tell us the story on how you met momma!" And just then all his pups stopped talking and all agreed in unison. "Well...I guess you're all old enough to hear that story...Ok my young ones! How I met your mother it is!" He sat back in his chair, took a few puffs on his pip and though about where he should begin and then asked; "Before I begin my young ones...Do any of you know what a fox hunt is?" Some of his pups shook their heads no and some raised their hands and eagerly said they knew and begged to be called on. With his pipe in hand he pointed to his eldest daughter and said; "Yes Daphne! Will you enlighten us to what a fox hunt is?" Daphne stood up and said; "A fox hunt is where unmarried foxes go to find their mates!" Ginger clapped his hands and praised his daughter; "BRAVO DAPHNE! BRAVO! Yes you are correct...but it's not so much about finding their futures mates as it is about their future mates finding...or should I say..." He leaned in towards his pups and continued in a suspenseful voice; "Hunting them!" Each pup felt a shiver run down their spine and became excited to hear more. "Will you tell us?...Please papa!" Said his third youngest daughter and he replied; "Very well August!...Now lets see..." He thought for a moment and then continued; "It all started almost seven years ago, way back before you where all born. I was a young fox lad around 16 years old. I was just after leaving the Fox-Ford gentlemen's club with my best mate Charles and..."

Seven years ago...

Ginger and his horse friend Charles where walking down Sleek Foot Avenue within the small city of Fox-Ford England. "I say Charles...what you say we head over to pub and have a snort or two?" Ginger said to his friend Charles. Charles reached into his coat and pulled out his watch from his pocked at checked the time. "Well...it is half past lunch...Ok me boy-o!" Charles said and they entered into the nearest pub and each ordered a small glass of whiskey. Charles and Ginger chatted for a bit on what's going on and how life was treating them. "I just got myself a good paying job I did!" Charles proudly announced. "Did you really? By-Jove! That's wonderful Charles! So what new chores are in store for you this time, if you don't mind me asking?" Ginger curiously asked and Charles replied; "I've just been hired by Lady Fire-Coat I have! She been looking for a strong mount for the upcoming...um...what was it again?" Charles sort of trailed off and looked around inside his coat for something and when he found it he said; "Here it is!" He held up a peace of paper, opened it and read; "The Fox-Ford Spring Annual Lady's Fox Hunt." Ginger let out a laugh and asked; "Lady Fire-Coat is going to be ridding you all around the countryside chasing some poor helpless fool for her to marry?" And continued to laugh. "By-Jove! It's bad enough anyone would attend that preposterous event, but to have me best chum making a fool of himself and running around with some rich broad on his back?!...I must say that is too much!" Charles felt a little put down but took no hard feelings and replied; "Here now! She be paying me ten pounds for the run and another ten when we catch her new bloke!" Ginger could not disagree about that sounding very tempting...if he were a horse himself he would also offer himself up as a mount for the hunt for that kind of money! "You should enter yourself in the hunt as the prey you should!" Charles pointed out and Ginger only replied with a loudly empathized; "HA!" and continued; "I will not be making a fool of myself and risk getting trapped into a marriage that will involve myself being publicly humiliated and brought in rope tied and on horse back!...For that matter...what will the chums at the gentlemen's club say?!" Ginger shivered at that thought and continued; "I would have to leave town and never comeback!" And just then Ginger finished his drink and slammed the glass down on the table. Charles only smiled, leaned in and said; "I should not be telling you this, but I did a bit of snooping around and learned that the prize this year is a thousand pound reward to the suitor who doesn't get himself caught!" Ginger couldn't believe what he was hearing and shook his head to clear out whatever mind altering effect his drink had on him and asked; "I'm sorry Charles...the drink had me going there for a moment! I thought I heard you say that was a prize of one thousand pounds to the suitor who doesn't get caught!" Charles ginned a huge tooth grin, nodded and said; "You be hearing right governor! One thousand pounds to the last bloke who still be running free!" Ginger liked the sound of what he was hearing! One thousand pounds would be more then enough to get him going with his dream future and then said; "One thousand pounds is it?!...Hmmm...I suppose I could get myself back into shape and enter into the hunt...Ok Charles you convinced me! Where do I sign up?"

Ginger entered himself into the Hunt as one of the prey and was told the rules and what was expected of him. When the time comes, himself along with the other suitor are to be set free into the countryside and given an hour long head start and when the time comes the huntresses attempt to seek him out on horseback along with a K9 helper. When and if the huntresses catches him he is to submit himself and surrender. Thereby according to ancient tradition he is to be tied up, brought in on horseback and then be dressed and ready for the wedding which will start immediately after the hunt has been called to an end. If he is somehow lucky enough not to be caught he is to be given the secret prize. With the hunt starting in just three days he was already busy training himself and getting in shape. He was running through the countryside and started to feel tired and stopped to rest at a nearby tree and sat down to catch his breath. He had just been resting for ten minutes when he saw his old hound buddy Bilbo walking out from behind a bush and was sniffing around in the air. "What-Ho Bilbo!" Ginger called over to him. Bilbo instantly turned his head in his direction and then happily said; "Blood hell Ginger! I thought I smelled a fox nearby...who would have though it was you!" And then he walked over to Ginger, shook his hand and sat down next to him. "So what brings you out into the country?" Ginger asked and Bilbo replied; "I been trying to get my damn nose back in working order...Lady Fire-Coat just hired me to be her hound in the up coming hunt!" Ginger laughed and said; "Has she really? By some strange coincidence Charles has been hired to be her mount!" Bilbo didn't look surprised and said; "Yes I know! Who do you think it was who recommended him ah?" Ginger continued to laugh and said; "I pity this poor girl! She must be very desperate! With Charles as her mount and you as her hound...poor girl!" Bilbo look over at Ginger confused and asked; "And why would you be saying that I wonder?" Ginger then replied; "Bilbo you know I love you like a brother and we have been mates since we were pups...but that nose of your isn't what it used to be since you started taking snuff and Charles likes his oatmeal cookies too much he dose!" Ginger then started chuckling and took almost a sadistic amusement at what he was hearing and continued; "If she's going to catch herself a husband working with you lot, he's going to have to be pretty lame in the legs for good old Charles to keep up with him and reeks something most foul for you to smell him!" Bilbo playfully elbowed Ginger in the ribs and said; "Get off!" Ginger was starting to feel rested up enough to continue training and stood up. Bilbo also stood up and Ginger then said; "Sorry I can't continue to chat old chum, but I need to continue my training and get myself into shape if I'm going to be running in the hunt." And then started running in place and was about to run off when Bilbo stopped him and said; "You be entering into the hunt ah?...Well...If you be willing to sharing that lovely prize with your good old chum here...I might be able to tell you about a secret hiding spot that will be over looked when the huntresses come rushing in." Ginger liked the sound to that, he agreed and asked Bilbo to continue. "There is a certain location that is always downwind of the hunting trail, my fellow hounds and I won't be able to track you and it is always overlooked it is! Few people know about it and those that do are usually running from the law...not that I would be getting into that sort or trouble mind you! I just happen to over heard it from a fox who won last years hunt I did!" Ginger thought this sounded most promising and asked where this location would found. Bilbo told him what direction he should run towards and what landmarks he should keep an eye out for. Ginger took note and thanked Bilbo for the most helpful information and returned back to getting back in shape for the hunt.

It was the day of the Fox-Ford Spring Annual Lady's Fox Hunt. Ginger had gotten his legs in good running condition and was more then ready for the hunt. He arrived at the building called; The Fox-Hold. The Fox-Hold was where all the suitors who signed up got ready and where once again informed of the rules of the hunt. Ginger walked through the doors into the building and was amazed to see like fifty or more fellow young adult males. "Bloody hell! How many She-Foxes is their going to be?" He spontaneously yelled out and was quickly answered by a nearby fox; "Round about one hundred or so!" Ginger paled at that and wondered why so many. If he were to ask that out loud he would have been answered with; The ladies like their sport they do! Everyone was chatting and the whole building seamed to shake and echo with a everyone's voices. Ginger was most anxious to get this hunt over and done with...he had big plans for that prize money and he was looking most forward to spending it! He figured to himself that he had an unfair advantage with getting himself in shape and most important...the secret hiding spot Bilbo told him about!

Almost two hours had passed when the chair-fox finally came out and announced that it was time. All the other foxes started heading off into another room and Ginger followed behind. As he entered the other room along with the crowd of the other He-Foxes, it was then all of sudden someone called out; "Alright lads!...Strip yourselves down and get ready! The hunt is about to commence!" Ginger was a little trouble by what, "strip yourselves down" meant and asked one of the nearby foxes who had just finished taking off his shirt and was currently working on removing his shoes. "It's part of tradition it is!" The fox replied and after removing his shoes and socks, stood up and shamelessly removed his pants and underwear, then stood before Ginger stark naked and then continued; "The ladies also love a good show they do!" He then gave Ginger a double wink and then said; "You best hurry up and strip!...The hunt is about to begin!" And then walked off to the door that lead to the countryside hunting grounds. "I SAY!" Ginger protested and was shocked to see his fellow blokes stripping down to nothing and started walking stark naked out the door. Ginger started to have second thoughts but then he decided to just get it over with. "Just remember the money!...Just remember the money!..." He kept saying over and over to himself as he reluctantly removed all his clothes and then walked outside, keeping his hand covered over his private area. All the other foxes were out in the open ground and to his horror he heard a cheering crowd of onlookers nearby. The other foxes were unashamed and welcomed the cheers and prideful displaying of their physics and or blowing off kisses into the crowd that was cheering them on. If Ginger's could have blushed any redder his whole fur coat would be glowing bright red right now. "Just remember the money!...Just remember the money!" He squeaked to himself, he then closed his eyes and made a hasty run into of the crowd of other foxes. The crowd cheered louder when they saw him run out and poor Ginger was so embarrassed and all wanted to do was start digging a hole, climb in and cover himself up. He accidentally crashed into one of the other foxes and fell to the ground; "Steady on!" Said the fox he crashed into and he reached down and help Ginger to his feet and joyfully continued; "Save it for when the horn sounds! Those she-foxes are going to have good run they are!" Five minutes passed and Ginger quickly started to feel more comfortable with his current nudity...of course he convinced himself that he would just blend in with the crowd and no one would recognize him. The cheering crowd was a mix of different breeds of furries and the majority was made up of female. "Lots of ladies out there!...I wonder why?" Ginger sarcastically said to himself and rolled his eyes. Just then a horn sounded and the cheering crowd went wild. "That's the signal! EVERY FOX FOR HIMSELF!" Cried the fox who help him up and the whole group of fellow naked foxes starting running off into the wild countryside. You didn't have to tell Ginger that twice, he shot ahead of the group with blinding speed, which astonished the others and he then disappeared off into the distance.

Ginger took special care to remembering the where to find the secret spot and was currently looking for the land markers. As he looked around three of the other foxes appeared out of no where. "There he is!" One of them said and they all approached Ginger. "I say!...Never had I seen such running in all my life!" One of the foxes joked to him and was followed by another; "Hope you know governor...you just made yourself the prime target!" Ginger didn't like the sound of that asked him to explain; "Those she-foxes like a good sporting chase you know! With you being the fastest...I bet that they are now training their hounds onto your sent as we speak!" And then they all laughed. Ginger trembled at that thought and decided to get a move on before it was way too late and then asked; "Well...won't it be best if we all spread out and make ourselves a harder target to follow?" The others all nodded in agreement and then one of them responded; "Good idea governor!" They huddled in a circle talked amongst themselves and quickly came up a plan, they broke the circle and one of them said; "Here's the plan; Gorgie you go left, I'll go right, Frankie you hide somewhere in those bushes and speedy here..." Ginger quickly interjected; "I already have a plan thank you!" The fox nodded and the other broke up and took off in the said locations. "Suckers!" Ginger whispered to himself in a cocky tone as he quickly noticed the first landmark and continued on his hunt for the secret location.

It has been almost three hours into the hunt and sure enough off in the not too far distance he heard the baying of the K9's and galloping of the horses. Uh-oh! Ginger thought to himself as he desperately sought out the last land mark. "Where is it?...Where is it?...Bloody hell!" Ginger said to himself in a panicked voice and just then he found it! He ran over to the land mark and looked around for the entrance to the hiding spot. Bilbo described the location as a clearing that was in the middle of bunch of bushes. Finally Ginger found the entrance and was right now walking through the said bushes and was making his way deeper towards the heart where the clearing was to be found. He walked quite a ways in and just then he finally made it! He walked right into the center of the clearing and looked around, it looked and felt like he was in the middle of a fortress of bushes! "Hee-hee! That prize money is as good as..." He started to say and was caught off in mid sentence when his foot triggered a snare and he was then instantly pulled out from under his feet and was dangling upside down just four feet off the ground. "WHAT THE?!" He cried out and tried desperately to reach up and free his feet that were both trapped in the snare. The snare held too tight a hold on him and it was pointless to even try to free himself.

Ginger was not happy at all and he just dangled there upside down with his arms crossed. "I've been double-crossed I have!" He angrily protested and just then he heard a familiar voice; "Here he is my lady! Your trap worked like a charm it did!" Ginger growled to himself and looked over to see his so called K9 chum looking down at him and all the while grinning like an idiot. "YOU JUDAS!" Ginger angrily braked at Bilbo and Bilbo laughed and replied; "I might be that! Just after Charles informed me you was entered into the hunt, Lady Fire-Coat paid me good she did to set up that snare and bait you with that tale of a secret hiding spot!...You should feel proud you should!...For she told me to bait only the best He-Fox there was!" And continued to laugh.

_FEEL PROUD?!...Oh if only I could get my hands around that mongrels neck I make him sorry so I will! _ Ginger mentally ranted to himself and played out a series of gruesome mental scenarios of himself making short work of Bilbo with a rusty spoon. "Here she comes now!...I best cover up if I were you!" Bilbo joked and rushed off to greet his huntress. Just then Ginger heard the sound of hoof steps and shortly there after Charles appeared, dressed up in a black and blue jockey outfit and with a lady's saddle on his back, with someone in it. "Fell for it like a tone of bricks you did!" Charles joked and Ginger's face gloomed after he said that, he then let out a depressed sigh and sadly asked; "Ech-tu my once and no longer best mate?" Charles looked hurt by that question and replied; "Here now...no need to be like that!...I admit I was lying about the big cash prize...I knew it was the only way I could get you into this hunt!...There was five pound note to anyone who sponsors a fox chap for the hunt...um...anyway...well...if I had told you that the grand prize was only an honorary title and free drinks at the Three-Fingers pub...you wouldn't be here now would ya?" Ginger looked very upset at Charles and said; "Twenty-five pounds?...TWENTY-FIVE STINKING POUNDS?!...IS THAT ALL OUR FRIENDSHIP WAS EVER WORTH TO YOU?!" Ginger angrily pointed out and asked in the tone of someone who had just been betrayed. "OH OF ALL THE..." Just then he was suddenly cut off by the sound of one of the most sexiest voices in the world; "My, my...Looks light I caught a fiery one!" Then all of a sudden the most gorgeous of all she-foxes dismounted from the back of Charles and stood before him. Ginger was awestruck as he looked up at her. She was dressed in the standard hunting dress for fox hunting, black riding boats, red pants with a white vest shirt and red riding jacket. She had the face of a goddess with bright and beautiful amber eyes and she looked down at him and give him a warm affectionate smile. "Bless...my...soul! You are so beautiful! I ha..." Ginger said in a awestruck voice and was rudely interrupted by Charles; "I SAY GINGER! For the love of God wait until after the wedding will you!...And in front of a lady too!...Shame on you!" Ginger didn't know what Charles was talking about and just then the she-fox looked up, her eye lit up and she then said in an amazed and or surprised voice; "Oh...my...WORD!" And started giggling. "What's..." He was about to asked and just then he released what all the commotion was about and look down and or up to his towards his privet area and noticed what the ruckus was about and instantly started blushing with embarrassment. "Keep your sword in it sheath old boy!...There will be plenty of time for that come the honeymoon!" Bilbo joked as he was currently undoing the rope that supported the snare. Just after Bilbo loosen the rope, he eased Ginger onto the group. Ginger then removed the snare from his feet and then quickly stood up and instantly covered his privet area and sheepishly said; "Um...Please I beg your pardon for my current indecency!...I didn't...um..." The she-fox could tell he was very embarrassed and walked up to him and placed her hand on his face to comfort him...She also wanted to get a good look at her future husband's face. As her hand touch his face he closed his eyes and took in her sent. It was the most wonderful smell in the world to him and he was intoxicated. "What's your name handsome?" She asked and he and then lovingly replied to her; "Ginger...Ginger Andrew Bush-Tale!" She giggled and then said; "I'm Lucile Amelia Fire-Coat...but you may call me Lucy!" Ginger could not help but let out a pleased moan, her voice sounded like it was hand made by angles and made his heart glow with love. "Are you still mad about there not being any prize money?" Charles sheepishly asked. Ginger's eyes were locked on Lucy and he then replied in a loving tone; "Money?...What would I need with money when I got a golden goddess for a prize?" Lucy was very flattered by that and just then Ginger moved closer to her and almost as if giving into instincts locked muzzles with her, wrapped his arms around her and gave her a rich loving kiss. She was a little surprised but she then returned his affections, wrapped her arms around him and returned his kiss with equal and or greater force. "I SAY..." Charles was about to point out how inappropriate Ginger's action were with himself being in the nude, but he was caught off by Bilbo who, took hold of Charles arm and only spoke by shaking his head; "No." at him and then quietly said; "Let's leave them alone for right now ah?...We'll tie him up and bring him in later...Right now I think the lady wants to..." Bilbo then looked over to the happy couple who where getting more and more affectionate by the second with each other and continued; "Get to know him a little bit better...if you know what I mean?" And gave Charles a wink. Charles instantly understood what Bilbo meant and quickly agreed they should leave. They both walked off and left Ginger and Lucy alone to their growing show of affection. Ginger and Lucy continued to kiss each other and then some for god knows how long ...

Seven years latter...

"So what happened next papa?" The youngest of his daughters asked Ginger. "Well your uncle Bilbo and godfather Charles tied me up as was accordance to the rules of tradition and I was brought to Fox-Hold on Charles's back as your momma's prized trophy. I got myself all dressed up in the wedding clothes they issued me and when the Hunt was officially over you mother and I were married and still remain happily married together this day! The End!" His pups happily cheered and asked for another story but Ginger told them that one story is enough for today, they all protested with disappointed; Aw's! And just then Lucy walked into the living room and happily said; "You bothered your father enough for today my lovelies! Now run along outside and play! Go on now! Shoo, Shoo!" All the pups got up and eagerly went outside to play. Lucy walked over to Ginger and sat down on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck and looked lovingly into his eyes and said; "That's quite a memory you got dear...but I remember our time alone together in the clearing to be a little bit more..." She then rub her hand up and down his chest and continued; "Friendlier then that." Ginger chuckled and happily pointed out; "They're only pups love...their ears are not yet old enough to hear such things!" Lucy nodded in agreement and then kissed him warmly on the lips. They locked muzzles for about five minutes, and just then she remembered something and pulled back for a second and curiously asked; "You never quite fully answered Charles question all those years ago..." Ginger then asked; "What you mean love?" Lucy then replied; "About you being mad about there not being any prize money and such?" Ginger chuckled and then pointed towards the window with his extended index finger, Lucy looked out in the direction he was pointing and right outside the window she saw her pups outside happily playing in the meadow nearby and then Ginger replied; "Right outside Lucy my love...is all the prize money I will ever want!" She chuckled at that, for she couldn't disagree with that...no...she couldn't disagree with him at all!