The Wolf & The Lunar Path

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Note from author: WONDER OF WONDERS! I was able to get back my old poems I wrote way back when I was in high school! My entire works of poetry was destroyed when my house burnt down back in 2005, TO...THE...DAY Hurricane Katrina hit the lower 48! (I remember the date because I remember turning on the motel TV and watching it live on the news) happens that a friend of mine who I gave copies of my works to way back then, so happened to have KEPT them! I could hardly believe it!!! So thanks to my wonderful friend who typed down and emailed me my works, I now have my old poems back! I decided to celebrate by adding this particular poem onto sofurry. You don't like it don't read it!

-:The Wolf & The Lunar Path:-

The moon shines high within the star filled sky

Shinning down a silver path of light

For the lone wanderer of the night

It is a lone male wolf that travels this road of light

Fragile hopes and joys are his only companions

That ventured with him down the lunar path

As he traveled down the moonlit path

He noticed a flowing stream

He stops for a rest at the edge of the river stream

And falls asleep into a restful dream

Within his dreams he remembers his joyful past

He was born into a world of innocents back then

The world was his play thing and he was happy

But then he starts remembering that dark day

When his world of innocents was invaded by danger

The day when everything he loved was taken away

They came out of nowhere and no one was spared

A rival pack of desperate wolves

Attacked and killed everyone...except for him

Being forced to relive his fight for life

His heart rate quickens and his breath becomes tight

Run...Hide...So many...TOO MANY!

A splash from the stream interrupts his nightmarish dream

And he awakens to see something wonderful

It was a female wolf and he knew her

For it was a fellow survivor of that dark day

At first sight of her

A flood of warmth overwhelmed his heart

And his dying hopes miraculously recovered at an instant

Like young pups they played and shrugged off

Their sadness and forgotten their loneliness

The lunar path had brought them together

And every night since then

They both praised the moon with a joyful howl