The Night of The Tiger: A Short Poem

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Note from author: This is a poem that I wrote quite sometime ago...during my poetic phase. I had it published through what was known at the time as and it was even published in one of there marketing scam poetry books and read a loud CDs. For those of you who have come across and have read this poem somewhere else, please know that I am indeed the original author and the true pen name with written with the poem at the time is me. Enjoy and take care!

-JA Red Wolf

The Night of The Tiger

The light of the moon shines

It's pale rays of gloom upon the land

The creatures of the day have given way

For the creatures of the night

Behold the tiger

The predator of the night

He steps out of the shadows

And into the rays of the moon

As he stands within the gaze of the moon,

Its seems as though he were invoking

A spell of doom

Upon the creatures of the land

_"Strength come to me!...Make me though and keen!"

"Speed embrace me!...Make my movements fast and hasty!"

"Stealth take me paw!...Make me invisible to them all!"

"Sound I beg thee!...Do not betray me!

Keep me silent and my Prey loud!"_

After his invocation has been said

He then heads back into the shadows of the night

God have mercy upon the creatures of the land

For the night of the tiger is at hand!