Tammy the Telekinesis Cat (unfinished)

I won it at a competition which you throw a aura ball with your telekinesis to see how far it goes." "say, i might- i mean toni might want to borrow it some time." "well, toni needs to let his telekinesis out and he can have his own aura card."

Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters

And he can't use telekinesis." "dad's strong," mieko answered. "remember the times mum told us about how he beat sisyro on the circuit when he had pershan syndrome? mum said he was only skin and bone and fur, and his telekinesis had gone then, too.

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The Search for Sethis: Part 5

It was easy to grab their baton with telekinesis and hit their heads. i thought that i cracked the felinians' skulls doing so.

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Three

---The Might of the Mind and Body Combine--- Alright. This is getting scary! I can do things with my mind that I should not be able to do! Okay, let me start from the beginning of this week. It has been about a month since I have entered this universe,...

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Action Scene

While they tried to recover their wits i used my telekinesis to pick up an eight inch splinter of two-by-four and projected it at a guard, skewering his left eye and brain. when he fell face first onto the end of the wood i almost cringed.

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To Know When to Fold 'em

The goat paused and wondered if he really heard him right just now - he wanted to see him do origami but only with telekinesis? "go on, try it." warren instructs him as he places another sheet of paper in front of him.

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The Cronicles of Polyx: Part I

Polyx uses a telekinesis spell to lift up the frozen army and the ceiling, and he injures frozcrab. frozcrab that is enough! frozcrab blows frozen stenegolem at polyx, which he dodges. polyx uses telekinesis again to shoot the rock back!

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zokerus day-01 kicking heads at a soccer game

Using his telekinesis he launched the owner of the footsteps forward into a pile of sports equipment with a crash. launching himself into a defensive position eric waited to see who it was.

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RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!

Chrono-telekinesis...move others through time 36. cosmokinesis...manipulate cosmic energy 37. colubrumkinesis...manipulate snakes 38. clauditiskinesis manipulate locks 39. cryokinesis...freeze stuff and manipulate ice and snow 40.

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The Search for Sethis: Part 7

He then turned towards the syndicate member and, making use of his telekinesis, took a gun from one of the syndicate member's holster and mimicked pulling a trigger.

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Mating Season Training Session: Departure

I turned to marge paying her slightly more than what i owed her for the night and the meal, despite her adamant protests, and rushed upstairs and threw open the door with my telekinesis, not wanting to waste any time; i packed my bag as fast as i

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Fursona Description - Clean

Medium telekinesis and mind control.

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