Ghost and orchid's faceted eyes could see her joints fold and unfold like origami as she helped them navigate the elaborate paper wasp nest that served as the system's largest organic knowledge repository.
Alien, Alternate Society, Android, Anthro, Avian, Barter, Bird, Bird of Paradise, Bug, Character Development, Cockroach, Cyborg, Death, Doctor, Dodo, Electricity, Female, Friendship, Immortality, Insect, Jackal, Library, Lizard, Machine, Mammal, Mantis, MtF, Noir, Novel, Organ transplant, Panda, Paper wasp, Plant, Plot arc, Reptile, Roach, Robot, Scarf, Science-fiction, Space, Transformation, Transgender, Transhumanism, Tree, Wasp, antennae, bargaining, dismemberment, genetic engineering, healing, origami, paper, parent, pets, puffin, roommate, sibling, space opera, spaceship, toucan, trans, trees, writing