The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Three
#5 of The Dimensional Traveler
I do not own Xenoblade Chronicles or the Monado, Nintendo does. The dashes before and after some of the words represents my input as the author.
---The Might of the Mind and Body Combine--- Alright. This is getting scary! I can do things with my mind that I should not be able to do! Okay, let me start from the beginning of this week. It has been about a month since I have entered this universe, where every game, book, movie, etc. has ITS OWN DIMENSION, realms as they are called here! Even our universe is just a realm here! That is the first thing that I learned about the Underworld. The second thing that I did here, was get tested on by the "best" doctors the Underworld had to offer. The tests were to see if the sensors had glitched out when I had entered the city. Turns out that they both did and didn't. I do have the same DNA as the royal family did, the royal family has been gone for about three decades, but I wasn't "royal family material" yet. It seems that the teleportation that I had unknowingly induced when I first entered the city was one of the skills that the royal family had. Another was transformation, which I had unknowingly used when I killed the Dark Force creature (that is what they are called because no one really knows what they are yet). The DFC's are getting bolder each day, and they are getting harder to press back from the city walls. When I head out to help drive the DFC's back, I see the faces of the citizens and they are CONFUSED almost as if these attacks only started AFTER I CAME TO THE CAPITAL! At first, I paid it no mind, but with the increasing rate that the city is being attacked, I'm starting to feel like the attack are actually MY fault! On Monday (I asked Margret what day on Earth it was that this occurred, she keeps track of this stuff), another power had awakened inside of me! I was in an intense struggle with what seemed to be the leader of this WAVE of DFC's. My sword had just broken, snapped in half by the giant cleaver that it wielded. Unless something big occurred, I was dead! 'Hold on! Help is on the way!' The voice came from out of nowhere! It startled me enough to cause me to KICKFLIP OFF OF MY OPPONENT'S FACE! 'What the heck? Margret, was that you?' 'Wait, you heard that?' 'How could I not?' 'I was THINKING that!' 'Alright, if we can have someone get this thing's attention so that I can go to the Legend of Zelda realm, I should be able to get a sword that won't break!' 'We already have that sword, but you weren't ready for it yet.' 'But I need it right now!' 'I said weren't, as in were not, and yet. You are now. Run to the castle in the center of the city.' 'The castle that I have been told to never enter?' 'Yes.' 'Makes perfect sense now.' 'Really?' 'No.' 'Are you on your way?' 'I'm already there!' 'The door should unlock when you touch it.' *CRASHUNCH* 'Or I could let the DFC that was chasing me break the door down for me.' 'That works too. I guess.' 'Okay. Where is the sword?' 'It is in the basement.' 'How do I get to said basement?' 'You go down the stairs. Duh!' 'What stairs?' 'The stairs that are to your right.' 'Ah. Those stairs.' 'Yes, those stairs.' However, as I walked toward the stairs, the ground shook, causing the already decrepit castle to start to crumble even further. Not surprisingly, a column that was still attached to the ceiling, but not the floor, crashed down right in front of the doorway to the stairs blocking it completely! In response I yell, "OH COME ON!" Out of nowhere Margret comes up behind me and says, "Oh dear. That's not good." "Understatement of the millennia much?" "We can't use explosives to get pass it." "Why not?" "The whole castle could come down on top of us." "Oh." Margret was right, if an intense force occurred in the area in or around the castle, the whole place would indeed come down on top of us. So now I have a really big issue, I could sense that the Dark Forces had breached our defenses, and were heading this way. 'How are we going to get through this? Ugh! If only I could move the pillar!' Suddenly, Margret shouted, "CHESS! LOOK!" The shout wrenched me out of my thoughts! I looked up at the entrance to the basement stairs, and what I saw there should not have been. THE PILLAR WAS FLOATING IN MIDAIR TO THE RIGHT OF THE DOORWAY! *Groarrrr* A growl sounded right behind us. The Dark Force creature that had broken down the door had woken up! Startled, I turned around quickly, giving myself whiplash, and, much to my surprise, THE PILLAR SWUNG AROUND AS WELL HITTING THE CREATURE IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD! "The creature is not dead! It is only unconscious," Margret let me know. Hurrying down the stairs, to the basement, I saw what I had thought that I came to get, but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. "Isn't that the Monado (Xenoblade Chronicles (hey, all game worlds are real))?" "Yes." "I was expecting the Master Sword!" "Oh, we have that as well, but it's in the royal armory. You really should have specified that you wanted the Master Sword." I had no response to that, and I didn't have the chance to because the creature was right behind me. Feeling its breath on the back of my neck, I ran towards the Monado, snatched it off of its podium, and whirled around to face the Dark Force creature. ----If this were a video game, this would be the first boss fight so I will go into more detail than I will for most fights. ----
BOSS ONE The first "Boss" Chess has to face. The Dark Force Creature here is known as a Fantome Orck. (Before anyone says anything about incorrect spelling, remember, this is my story, I can come up with as many words as I want and they can be spelled any way I want them to be spelled.) He has a giant cleaver. They are generally used to lead battalions into battle. One swing of their cleaver is enough to turn a normal sword to powder. In fact, normal weapons won't harm these creatures at all. Chess's sword was special enough to last a few hits from the cleaver, but it was human enough to not damage the Fantome Orck. The Monado in its base state, was able to harm "Mechon" in Xenoblade Chronicles. Since the wielder controls the Monado, Chess is able to will it to be able to harm the Dark Forces, but he doesn't know that yet. Now, ON WITH THE STORY!
The creature was advancing on me slowly. 'I need to take this fight outside so that we don't bring the entire castle down on top of us.' Using the creature as a spring board, I leaped up the stairs, and ran out the front door of the castle. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," laughter rang throughout the land, "Do you really think that you can take out the Fantome Orck with THAT?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" That laugh got on my nerves...NOT! Instead of responding in a way that this mysterious voice would expect, it is very similar to school bullies, I laughed in response. "Hahaha. This is no ordinary weapon." "What do you mean?" "What I mean is that this is the Monado." "The Monado?" "Xenoblade Chronicles." "Never heard of it." "... No matter, the point is that if I will this sword to be able to hurt your pet, it will." "Oh." "Yeah." "I'll leave you two to fight now." "Thank you. Not much of an important battle if there is dialogue is it?" "What do you mean?" "It's SUPPOSED to be a MONOlogue, meaning only one person is talking, not multiple people." "..." "Now on with the battle!" True to my word, I willed the Monado to bend to his will, allowing it to be able to hurt the "Fantome Orck". This enemy is harder than any of the creatures that the soldiers are fighting on the outskirts of the city. I knew this, the creature was leading the wave is the reason why he knew. However, once I set my mind on something, I WILL succeed. The Monado glowed bright blue and I knew, this battle was as good as won! However, I needed to be cautious. One wrong move and it could be over for me. As the Fantome Orck charged towards me, I prepared to dodge out of the way. Thankfully, the Monado helped me plan out how to dodge this attack, the Monado can show its wielder the future. The Orck was going to swing its cleaver from my left to my right, so I would have to jump up to avoid the cleaver. So that the Orck didn't have a chance to change to direction, I jumped once the Orck's swing got close to my legs. When the cleaver was passing under me, I swung the Monado at it so that I could slice it in two and I would not have to worry about dodging the cleaver anymore. The Monado cut right through the cleaver, but the cleaver did not break in half! Confused, I landed awkwardly, and ended up falling down! The Orck took advantage of the situation that I had ended up in because I was confused. Raising his cleaver, the Orck advanced on me, getting ready to strike me down (kill me)! However, when the Orck swung, THE CLEAVER DID NOT SWING WITH HIM, at least not completely! Instead, the cleaver's blade STAYED IN THE AIR while the hilt was swung by the Orck. The Orck looked at his hand, and then looked up! "YOU FOOL," the mysterious voice screamed. "THE TOP OF YOUR SKULL IS STRONGER THAN YOUR FACE!" As soon as the voice shrieked that last part, the blade of the Orck's cleaver fell. Right into the Orck's EYES! The battle was over at that point. 'Once the dust settles, get the hilt of the cleaver. We will get the blade," Margret said to me through telepathy. I will explain her reasoning in my next entry, because I don't know right now.