Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #4

#5 of renaki and silver's oneshot collection silver: in this one-shot, mike, edwardia, taka and luna are celebrating the anniversary of their friendships together. what surprises will be in store for them?

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Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection! #1

#1 of renaki and silver's oneshot collection disclaimer: i don't own digimon (that goes for all stories!) silver: hey guys; we're **finally** back!

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Merry Christmas, Silver! Ch. 1 & Ch. 2

For those of you that don't know, my name's lisa (aka renaki) and this is my digimon partner, silver. silver: hello.

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Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #2

#2 of renaki and silver's oneshot collection okay guys; i know the 1st one-shot wasn't quite what you expected, but i'm sure this next one will do better.

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Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #5

(this story's dedicated to maliha, whose birthday is august 12th, and renaki does not own natsuke1985's fursona, natsuke) 5. (maliha's birthday surprise) ooo maliha's pov ooo it was the morning of august 11th.

Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #3

#3 of renaki and silver's oneshot collection silver: in this one-shot, when tayla starts acting weird, the gang tries to figure out what's wrong. will we be able to solve the mystery? let's get started!

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Double Birthday Surprises ch. 7

(A/N: I put a lot of thought into this chapter...and I hope you like it!) Now onto... Ch. 7 -The final chapter! - (Happy Birthdays) "Lisa! Silver! WAKE UP!!" Lyoko pounced on us early the next morning. She then took a deep breath and started...


Double Birthday Surprises ch. 6

Ch. 6 (Silver's Finest Hour) "ALL RIGHT! If even one of you tellers calls the cops, we'll blow this place in half!" The leader yelled as the other two thugs broke the glass counters and stole anything they could. 'Damn, this isn't good...' I...

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Double Birthday Surprises ch. 5

Ch. 5 (The Samurai Dojo and the Break-in?) The next morning, after Silver and I were ready for the day, we headed out the door. The rest of the family said they had important business to take care of, so it was just us, Maliha and Tayla. - ...

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Double Birthday Surprises ch. 4

Ch. 4 (Silver's Family Reunion) In the den, five digimon were talking about their day. Three of them were Renamon, one was a Viximon, and the last was a Reremon. These were Silver's sisters. Two of the Renamon had sapphire fur and silver...

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Double Birthday Surprises ch. 3

Ch. 3 (The Journey to Foxwood) (BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!) Silver and I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock at 7:00 the next morning. Fifteen minutes later, we said our goodbyes and were now in the outskirts of town heading towards the portal that...

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Double Birthday Surprises ch. 2

Ch. 2 (Preparations) ooo Silver's POV ooo When we arrived home, we told Anna everything. She gaped at us in shock. "W-What? Are you two serious?" she stuttered, trying not to faint. We both laughed at her expression, and then joined her on...

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