Double Birthday Surprises ch. 6

Story by Renaki on SoFurry

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#21 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)

Ch. 6 (Silver's Finest Hour) "ALL RIGHT! If even one of you tellers calls the cops, we'll blow this place in half!" The leader yelled as the other two thugs broke the glass counters and stole anything they could. 'Damn, this isn't good...' I thought frantically as one of the thugs passed me. 'I've gotta warn the others somehow!' I then crawled on the floor, trying to head back outside, but the leader spotted me. "Well, what do we have here?" he said, grabbing me in a choke-hold. "It looks like we've got ourselves a hostage, boys." He grinned evilly as he held me up in the air. 'Shit!' I cursed myself for not remembering that I had a mental connection to Silver, even after I had used it earlier that day. I struggled to break free of his grasp, but he was too strong. I then cleared my mind and mentally screamed at the top of my lungs. 'SILVER!!! HELP!!!!!!!' - ooo Silver's POV ooo "LISA!!" I gasped. Maliha and Tayla turned to me with concern in their eyes. "What is it, Silver?" "It's Lisa!" I replied snarling. "She's in trouble!" "Huh? How can you tell?" Maliha asked, cocking her head. Suddenly a large crowd started to gather in front of the store. A few of the digimon rushed passed us. "C'mon guys! Something's happenin' at the jewelry store!" said one. Her friends quickly followed to get a closer look. Tayla glared at Maliha. "That answers your question, Maliha?" She asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Let's go!" I shouted. We ran past the crowd and headed towards the jewelry store. We then took a huge leap in the air as Maliha and Tayla were engulfed in two cocoons of data. "Tayla digivolve to..." "Maliha digivolve to..." Their cocoons broke away. "KYUBIMON!!!" we phased out of the area. - ooo Change in POV ooo The thugs had stolen everything in the store. "We got it all, boss!" they said evilly. Their leader turned to me. "Well then, I guess there's only one thing left to do..." he sneered, pointing his weapon at me, but before he could do anything else... "DRAGON WHEEL!!!" Two familiar flames suddenly burst through the back door and hit all three thugs square in the chest. The final hit made the leader loosen his grip on me, as it sent him flying right into the side wall with his cohorts. I looked up, gasping for breath all the while; the dust cleared as Silver, Maliha and Tayla appeared (Maliha and Tayla in their champion forms). I rushed over to their side. "Lisa! Are you alright?" a worried Silver asked. "Yeah; now that you're here." I replied with relief. Tayla looked at everyone with seriousness in her voice. "The rest of you get out of here! NOW!!" As all of the other digimon and humans ran out screaming, the bad guys came to. "What the hell-why you!?" the leader growled angrily. 'It's about time we found out who these guys are...' I pulled out my digivice as the three vixens started fighting them. "They're all DarkWizardmon and... (gasps) oh, no...they're Ultimates! Their special attacks are Dark Magic and Lightning Ball!" 'This is bad...they can only digivolve to Champions...there's no way we can-.' Silver then used her sword to slice their hands, the guns being knocked out of the DarkWizardmons' reach. She was then engulfed in a cocoon of data. "Silver digivolve to...KYUBIMON!!!" "Rrr...that's it!" They all whipped out their staffs from under their cloaks. "DARK MAGIC!!!" Three blasts of dark energy came rushing out and made their marks. "AARRGHH!!" The three vixens were sent back. Fortunately, they were able to get back up. "Guys!" I shouted, concerned. "We're alright." Maliha answered. "But not for long! LIGHTNING BALL!!!" the DarkWizardmon then hurled three balls of pure lightning at them, but they were able to dodge. "FOX-TAIL INFERNO!!!" All of the flames were headed in the right direction, but... "Oh no, you don't!" They all raised their staffs high in the air and started chanting in a different language. Their staffs then started glowing. 'What's with the spell?' Unfortunately, my thoughts were soon answered as the flames from the Fox-Tail Inferno attacks halted right in front of the DarkWizardmon. Our eyes bulged. "Oh..." "Hell..." "No!" We said slowly. Suddenly, the flames turned dark and the DarkWizardmon then shot the flames back at them; the attack being ten times as powerful. "LOOK OUT!!" I shouted, but to no avail. The attack struck. "YAAAAHHHH!!" They all landed in a heap on the floor. I ran over to their side as Maliha and Tayla instantly reverted to their rookie level. But somehow, Silver managed to stay as Kyubimon. "Silv! Are you okay?" I tried to help her back up. She only snarled at the DarkWizardmon in response. Their leader chuckled evilly. "'s three against one...just the way I like it!" Silver snarled again. "Lisa! You've got to get out of here!" "There's no way I'm leaving you!!" The DarkWizardmon charged their staffs for another attack. "Lisa, please; I promised your mother I would protect you with my life!!" "Yeah...well I promised to always fight by your side!!!" she gasped and looked up at me. I then sighed. "Okay, that promise was made secretly; but a promise is still a promise..." I glared angrily at the bad guys. "And I NEVER go back on my word!!" " very touching." We turned back to the DarkWizardmon, who had fully charged their staffs. "But it looks like we'll just have to destroy both of you! DARK MAGIC!!!" Their largest attack of all shot out at us; however, before they had a chance to hit, something amazing happened... The red crescent moon on Silver's forehead began to glow. The light then shot out, breaking through the attack, instantly destroying two of the DarkWizardmon. Silver immediately leapt into the air and took in their data before their former leader could make any sudden moves. Then my D-power shot out the familiar light of digivolution; it mixed with the crescent moon, and then flowed through Silver's body. The light also snapped Maliha and Tayla out of their trance, healing their wounds in the process. "Matrix digivolution..." a female computer voice said. A larger cocoon of data engulfed Silver as the process began. "Silver Matrix Digivolve to..." We all looked up in awe as the cocoon broke away revealing... "TAOMON!!!" The DarkWizardmon's eyes bulged in horror. "What-that's impossible!!!" She still had her silver fur and red markings like in all her other forms, but Silver now looked more human in her traditional robes, which came down to her legs. The crescent moon symbol was still there in all its glory; and finally, there was a talisman on the front of her robes. Maliha and Tayla ran over to me. "Lisa!" I turned my head. "Guys! You're okay!" They nodded before we turned back to the battle. - "LIGHTNING BALL!!" Silver closed her eyes and produced a talisman. "TALISMAN STAR!!" she skillfully hurled the talisman through the attack and hit the DarkWizardmon in the chest, however he seemed unfazed. "You'll have to do better than that!!" 'Damn, I'm getting fed up with him!' I thought angrily. "Silver! Finish him off!!!" She smirked. "With pleasure!!" "DARK MAGIC!!!" Before the attack reached her, she materialized a paintbrush from her sleeves. Then, using quick brush strokes, she drew a talisman in mid air. "TALISMAN OF LIGHT!!!" the talisman then shot down, breaking through the attack and causing a direct hit on DarkWizardmon. "AAAAAHHHH!" he yelled as he was finally destroyed. Meanwhile, outside the jewelry store... ooo Mohatu's POV ooo Three security Ronomon were guarding the doors. "This is a battle zone! No one gets past these doors!!" I came forward with the rest of the family. "But that's my daughter and her tamer in there!" I said sternly. Imani started to worry. "Oh Mohatu; what if something terrible happened to them!" I then caressed her gently. "Now, now, Imani; I'm sure they'll be just fine." Ayame gasped. "Look everybody!" We all turned around and Maliha, Tayla, Lisa and Silver all walked outside unharmed. Lyoko ran over to Silver and looked up. "Wow; Silver, you look just like mommy!" she said amazed. Silver smiled warmly at her. Sarabi and Sasami nodded. "Yeah, she's do." Sarabi replied. "Well, that's because she digivolved in order to fight the DarkWizardmon that were trying to rob the store." Lisa explained. One of the security Ronomon turned to her. "DarkWizardmon? Those were the digimon in masks?" She nodded. "But don't worry, though. We handled them, didn't we Silver?" Silver, Maliha, and Tayla grinned. "That's right; they'll never bring evil to this village any longer!" Everyone cheered as soon as that was said. - ooo Silver's POV ooo Over the next few days, the entire village was abuzz as news of our battle had spread. We passed by the jewelry store and it looked as if it never happened. (The construction crews at Foxwood use magic to rebuild any damaged building). Every shop we had gone into gave us gifts of appreciation. Of course, that prolonged the time, so we didn't get the chance to visit the school we went to when we were in-trainers, but we promised Lisa we would visit next time we came back. (Fortunately, she didn't mind...) That evening after we parted ways, she and I turned in early. Tomorrow being our birthday, and our last day in Foxwood, we intended to make it the best ever.

Maliha: Man, that was close! But what will happen on Lisa and Silver's birthday? To find out read chapter 7 of Double Birthday Surprises! End of Chapter 6