Double Birthday Surprises ch. 7
#22 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)
(A/N: I put a lot of thought into this chapter...and I hope you like it!) Now onto... Ch. 7 -The final chapter! - (Happy Birthdays) "Lisa! Silver! WAKE UP!!" Lyoko pounced on us early the next morning. She then took a deep breath and started singing "Happy Birthday" at the top of her lungs...and very badly, I might add... Silver and I slowly stirred under the covers. We then poked our heads out and looked at each other sleepily. 'Does she always do that?' I asked sweatdropping. 'Every year...' she replied, narrowing her eyes at her sister, a smirk now on her poker face. "Okay, Lyoko; you can stop now!" I laughed. "Yeah; we're awake!" Lyoko then stopped singing and leapt off the bed as we got out. - It took us fifteen minutes to get ready, and then we followed her outside. "Lyoko, why are we going outside?" "Yeah, what's going on?" She giggled. "You'll see..." she winked at us. She began to walk a little faster. Before we got to the door, the sound of drums could be heard. Silver stopped short as her ears twitched. "Taiko drums..." I paused. "What did you just say?" "Taiko drums; special drums that are played during celebrations...and it sounds like they're right outside!" she finished. "Lyoko-." but before she could get out another word, Lyoko had disappeared. "Huh? Where'd she go?" I asked looking around. "I think I know..." she replied, motioning towards the door. - No sooner did we walk outside, a colorful sea of confetti rained down on us. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Shouted a chorus of voices. We looked up to see Silver's family, Maliha, Tayla, and practically the entire village of Foxwood in the backyard. Mohatu was leading a Ronomon Taiko drum line. He and the drummers were wearing black Japanese robes along with white headbands around their foreheads. They were all dancing as they beat the drums, while everyone else clapped along. ' you believe this!' I mentally asked, both astonished and happy at the same time. 'I wouldn't have if I didn't see it myself.' She grinned. Diamond then leapt onto her shoulder and happily licked her cheek, quickly following another lick on mine. "Diamond...!" I laughed. As the rest of Silver's family, Maliha and Tayla gave us their birthday wishes, Mohatu and his drummers finished their lively rhythm and everyone applauded wildly for their performance. - Then Mohatu came over to us, and then he started to speak in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. "We all know why we are here today: to celebrate the birthday of my eldest daughter Silver and her Tamer Lisa." He then placed a paw on our shoulders. " have fought your way through trials and tribulations ever since you first digivolved years ago, and you have triumphed through all of them flawlessly. You have made this family and this village very proud." 'Thank you, father...' she mused blushing. "Lisa...I sense that you have also had your own struggles in life, and you have conquered them as well. Even though I have not known you for that long, it feels like you are one of my own daughters; and I would personally like to thank you for bringing love and wisdom into Silver's life." 'Thank you, Mohatu...' I blushed as well. -- "I couldn't have said it better myself, Mohatu." A female voice suddenly said. Everyone turned around and to our amazement a Sakuyamon was making her way through the crowd. All of the kitsunes and humans kneeled in respect. "Who's that?" I whispered to Silver, who was staring at her in shock. "That's the empress of Foxwood, Lady Sakuyamon!" she replied in surprise. She and I quickly followed suit of the others. Lady Sakuyamon then stopped in front of us and turned to the rest of the crowd. "You're probably all wondering why I am here. To answer that question, I am here to acknowledge these two for their courageous efforts in defending the village." Everyone arose as soon as that was said. Silver took my hand and helped me up as she then turned to us. "Silver, because of your bravery in defeating the DarkWizardmon and protecting the village and its citizens, I would like to bestow upon you the Foxwood Metal of Honor." Everyone cheered loudly as Lady Sakuyamon placed the metal around her neck. The metal itself was gold with silver insignias and right in the middle, was the Japanese kanji symbol "Gi," meaning 'justice, or honor' in bronze. She bowed in gratitude. "Thank you, thy Empress." She said softly. Her family all smiled warmly at her. "Lisa; because of your efforts in helping Silver defeat the DarkWizardmon, and seeing that this is your first visit, I would like to bestow this Metal of Merit upon you, making you an honorary citizen of Foxwood Village." Everyone cheered equally as loudly as she placed a different metal around my neck. This metal was silver with gold insignias around it, and the colorful crest of Foxwood Village was in the middle. "Wow...thank you, your highness." I said. Maliha and Tayla grinned at me in approval; Maliha even gave me a thumbs-up. I chuckled in spite of myself. She lifted her staff. "Lastly, I declare a parade in their honor, and declaring this day a holiday to help us remember what they have done for us and perhaps the entire digital world!" she lowered her staff to the ground, sealing the decree. And everyone cheered the loudest of all. Silver and I looked at each other, two proud grins now upon our faces. --- ooo Maliha's POV ooo There was music and dancing in the streets as the parade lasted for the entire day. All of the important citizens of Foxwood, Tayla and I (and of course Silver and Lisa) were riding on the colorful floats as they made their way down the jaded path. "Isn't this parade awesome?" Tayla asked happily, while waving to the crowd. "Totally! Who knew Lisa and Silver's birthday would become a national holiday!" I replied with a grin. Looking at Lisa and Silver, who were riding in the front of the parade, along with Lady Sakuyamon, she smirked back. "I'm certain they're thinking the same thing." - ooo Normal POV ooo 'Thanks for bringing me here, Silver.' I told her. She kissed me gently on the forehead. 'You're welcome, Lisa; but somehow I have a feeling this day isn't over yet...' Silver had no idea how right she was...
The day passed quickly with all the excitement; that evening, Maliha and Tayla offered to take us back home to the Real World. We were now standing in front of the portal and Silver's family was there to send us off. Diamond leapt into my arms and nuzzled me gently. I smiled. "Awh...I'm gonna miss you too, Diamond." I nuzzled her back. Lyoko leapt up and playfully pounced on Silver. "You guys are gonna come back, right?" she asked, flashing her sky blue eyes. Silver chuckled. "Of course; we wouldn't miss it." I shook my head at the scene. 'Oh, boy...that must run in the family...' I thought to myself. Sarabi, Sasami and Ayame helped Silver up as they hugged her warmly. Imani, Mohatu and I joined them. - Maliha and Tayla suddenly cleared their throats. We all turned around and saw them near the portal. "We hate to interrupt, but we have to get going now." Maliha smiled. Silver and I then walked over to them. We all said our goodbyes as we passed through the portal.
The stars were out when we reappeared in front of my house. Silver and I then decided it would be a good time for us to exchange our birthday gifts to each other. But first... "Maliha, Tayla; can you guys leave us for a few minutes?" "Sure. We'll wait inside." Tayla said as they phased out. Silver then turned to me. "Here, Lisa; Happy birthday." She said handing me a medium sized blue bag. I opened the bag and pulled out a stuffed Renamon doll. The Renamon looked a lot like Silver, from the white tail tip, right down to her emerald eyes. "Oh, Silver; it's so cute! Thank you!" I gushed, hugging her warmly. She chuckled to herself. Then, I handed her a medium sized box. "Here's yours; Happy birthday." She gently unwrapped it, revealing a music box. She lifted the lid and almost cried when a small statue of a Renamon started dancing beautifully to the song Flaming Ice. "Oh my...this is beautiful; when did you get this?" "I saw it in the jewelry know before the battle...the people were so grateful we stopped the DarkWizardmon, they gave it to me. I thought it would make a good gift for you." She gently closed the lid of the box and hugged me back. "Thank you, Lisa. I love it." She said lovingly. I blushed. "You're welcome." We stayed in our embrace for a few more minutes, when she finally spoke again. "C'mon. We'd better head inside. Your mother's probably wondering what's going on by now." We walked up to the house; I unlocked the door and opened it...however, we walked into darkness. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked. We walked deeper into the house. "Maliha? Tayla?" Silver called out. "Mom?" I asked; getting no response, we were starting to feel a little nervous. - Suddenly...the lights came on and the sound of party poppers could be heard. Silver and I whirled around and gasped. "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!" We couldn't believe it...all of our friends and families were there, all dressed in their best...and they had given us a surprise party! The entire den was decorated with colorful balloons and streamers as well as a giant banner that read 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SILVER AND LISA!' in red letters. And three buffet tables filled with all our favorite foods. There was even a DJ to play our favorite music! We immediately looked at mom, with stars in our eyes. "Mom...did you do all this!?" I asked happily as Maliha and Tayla came over and placed tiaras on our heads and cloaks on our backs. She beamed. "Well, I didn't do it alone. All of your friends and families pitched in, too. We just couldn't let your birthday go by without doing something like this. Right everyone?" Everyone in the room clapped and whistled their approval. Silver and I blushed, half for happiness and half for embarrassment. Silver finally spoke. "Wow...thank you, everyone!" "Yeah! Thanks a lot!" Silver looked at her parents, who were smiling at us. 'Is this why you've been busy lately?' she asked. They only winked at her. Everyone started singing "Happy Birthday" as Luna and Edwardia then wheeled out our birthday cake. It was a chocolate swirl cake with vanilla frosting (four layers) and there were 21 candles on top. 'Make a wish!' Maliha and Tayla happily said as everyone finished. We then closed our eyes, making a mental wish. Then, after thinking about what we really wanted, we leaned forward, taking a deep breath, and together we blew out all the candles. Everyone cheered as the party began. - Epilogue The party lasted pretty much all night, and into the wee hours of the morning. Everyone had a great time dancing to the awesome music the DJ was playing, and stuffing themselves with the delicious food my family prepared, and of course Silver and I got a butt load of presents from everyone on both sides of the family. The next morning we went to bed with the same thought on our minds: 'That was the best birthday I ever had...'