Double Birthday Surprises ch. 3
#18 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)
Ch. 3 (The Journey to Foxwood) (BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!) Silver and I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock at 7:00 the next morning. Fifteen minutes later, we said our goodbyes and were now in the outskirts of town heading towards the portal that would lead us to the digital world.
- * * I turned to her. "Hey Silver?" "Yes?" she answered. "Don't you think it would've been faster if we went through the portal behind my house?" Silver then stopped and gently pulled me close with her tail. " don't want our secret place to be found out, do you?" she said lovingly, looking deep into my eyes. A light blush spread across my face as I looked back into hers. "Heh, heh; I, uh, see your point..." was my only reply. She then looked up. "And besides, Maliha and Tayla said they'd meet us here and take us to Foxwood Village personally." I smirked. "Oh really...then where are they?" - "Up here!" said two familiar voices. We whirled around and saw Maliha and Tayla standing on the rooftop of an abandoned warehouse, smiling down at us. 'Ah...right on time.' Silver thought to herself. The twosome then gracefully flipped off the rooftop and gently landed in front of us. "Hey you guys; did you miss us?" Silver and I grinned at them. "What do you mean 'did we miss you?' You've only been gone for two weeks, Maliha." I laughed as we hugged them. "Well, for us, it felt like an eternity..." Tayla joked. "Where are your friends? Aren't they coming with us?" "We asked when we ran into 'em earlier, but they all said they had something important to do for the next few days..." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah; that was weird..." Silver thought aloud. "Oh, well; at least you're coming with us, Lisa." said Tayla. "Yeah; you're going to love Foxwood Village." Maliha beamed. "Hey, I'm ready to go when you are...but where's the portal?" I asked, looking around. Maliha and Tayla smiled warmly at Silver, who then walked over to them. The three vixens then looked from side to side, their ears twitching from every direction. When there were no signs of other humans, they held each other's paws as a familiar aura surrounded them. The light then shot out, revealing a portal that was much larger than the one behind my house. It still had the same color, with the exception of the silver lights now glowing inside. I walked over to Silver, who then held out her paw; I looked up at her, confused. She smiled. "Trust may want to hold onto something." Upon hearing this, I slowly extended my arm and she gently took my hand. "All right, is everybody ready?" Tayla asked smiling. Everyone nodded. I nodded hesitantly, not knowing what I was in for. "JUMP!" she then lunged at the portal. "Huh-? Woah!" the force of her jump pulled everyone in at the same time; the portal immediately closed as soon as we all were inside. - ooo Silver's POV ooo There were quite a few bumps on the way through, and even though we were still holding hands, we still felt the impact of every one. After a while, we all passed through the portal safely...although Lisa had yet to open her eyes... "Is-is it safe...? Did we make it?" she asked her voice a little shaky from the event. "Yes, Lisa; you can open your eyes now..." I replied, shaking my head. She finally opened her eyes and looked around. We were in the middle of a forest. "Boy...I thought dad's driving was bad; that portal was even worse!" Maliha and Tayla looked at me, confused. I chuckled softly. Don't ask. Anyway, we'd better get going..." Lisa blinked at us. "What? I thought the portal would take us straight to the village." "Sorry; we should've told you. The portal only gets you to the digital world. You have to take this forest path to get to the village." Lisa stood there, sweatdropping. 'You've gotta be kidding me...' I smirked back at her. "No...we're not kidding you." I replied, answering Lisa's thoughts. She looked at me, completely flabbergasted. "Wha-? Did you just-." She started, but Maliha cut her off. "C'mon you guys...let's go." Maliha said walking ahead of us. Tayla and I quickly followed suit. It took Lisa two minutes before she finally snapped out of her trance. "Hey...wait up!!" she cried, carrying her suitcase behind her.
ooo Normal POV ooo "But, did you do that?" I asked for the umptillionth time; we were almost out of the forest, but Silver still hadn't explained how she read my mind. "Don't you know? All Renamon and Ronomon have a mental connection with their tamers, as well as their friends." Tayla explained. "Especially if we've known the person or digimon for so long." "Oh; so that's how...why didn't you tell me?" Silver smiled at me. "Hey; I've been busy!" she argued playfully. I narrowed my eyes at her. "You're just quoting me, I swear." Maliha then phased in front us. "We're almost out, guys!" she said ecstatically. After that was said, we all quickened our pace. - Flocks of Biyomon and Hawkmon flew up above us as we ran through the forest; although it was difficult for me to keep up with the three foxes. When I finally reached the end of the path, almost completely worn out, by the way; there was a gate in front of us. Silver, Maliha and Tayla looked at me. "Are you alright, Lisa?" Tayla asked, concerned " kidding?" I panted, holding my legs. "I've...never felt...better..." I then heard a slight snicker from Silver, but I decided to ignore it. "Well; you'll feel even better now..." Maliha said with a grin. "Because we're here." "Huh?" I looked up in shock as the shimmering silver gate opened wide. Silver then cleared her throat. "Lisa...welcome to our home." She said proudly. We then walked through the gate as my eyes met the beauty that is Foxwood Village. The village was larger than any city that I had ever seen, not to mention gorgeous. There were miles upon miles of cottages, all perfectly aligned with one another. Their sapphire rooftops glimmered in the sunlight as well as the ruby rooftops of the small shops that were in the village. The perfectly tiled streets were made from pure jade as the Renamon and Ronomon (of all different colors) as well as quite a few of their tamers, walked amongst them. Lastly, there were flower gardens on the left and right sides of the village, their fragrances blending beautifully with their surroundings. It was absolutely amazing. "Wow...Silver, you guys actually used to live here?" I said wondrously. She chuckled to herself. "Yes; our families also grew up here as well. And you'll get to meet mine today." "Really?" I asked. She nodded. "They're all waiting at our cottage that's not too far from here. We'll be staying there during our visit." "Hey...are you guys done chatting over there!?" Tayla called out. We looked to our left and saw her and Maliha, who were way ahead of us. "Yeah; we're growing old here!" Maliha joked, waving at us. Silver and I grinned. "Okay, okay...we're coming!" we yelled as we ran over to them. - Along the way, Silver, Maliha, and Tayla showed me their favorite places in the village to visit. It was late afternoon when we reached Silver's cottage. The cottage reminded me of one that came out of a storybook. It had a sapphire rooftop like many of the others, except the bricks of its walls were yellow-gold. We all went inside. The interior was decorated with beautiful paintings and statuettes, mostly of Renamon and Ronomon, but there were also some of other digimon as well. The plush carpet was emerald-colored and there was a fireplace in the center. Family photos were all along its mantel; including some of Silver as a baby Reremon. "Hello? Anyone home?" Silver called out, looking around. "Is that who I think it is?" A female voice called out. Then, a Taomon similar to Silver, appeared in front of us. She was wearing a beautiful sapphire kimono, unlike other Taomon who would wear their traditional robes. " that really you?" she said, tears of happiness welling in her eyes. Silver nodded. "Yes." She responded. Both foxes then embraced each other. "I've missed you...mother." Silver said, tears streaming down her face. "And I've missed you as well." The Taomon replied. I gasped. 'No way...that's Silver's mom?' I thought to myself. After they broke their embrace, the Taomon then looked at Maliha and Tayla. "Maliha, Tayla; it's good to see you again." She wiped the tears away. "And you as well, Imani." They bowed respectively. She then looked at me. "And who might this be?" Silver grinned, and then cleared her throat. "Mother...this is Lisa. She is my Tamer." I hesitated. "Hello..." I bowed to her nervously. She smiled warmly at me. "There's no need to be so nervous. I won't hurt you." A small smile graced my lips. "Thanks. Ms...." "And there's no need to be so formal either. You may call me Imani." She replied. "Alright...Imani." Silver, Maliha and Tayla laughed to themselves. - "Where are my sisters and Father?" Silver asked. My eyes bulged. "Did you say sisters?" I gasped. Imani chuckled to herself at my expression. "Yes, Silver has five sisters; she's the eldest of them. And as to where they are...they went out with your father for the day. They'll return tonight." "Oh." Silver said, slightly crest fallen. I noticed this, and gently placed my hand on her paw. "Hey; it's okay, Silv. At least this way, you can surprise them when they come home." Her depression was soon lifted. "You're right...thanks, Lisa." She replied, gently nuzzling me as I held her close. Imani turned to Maliha and Tayla. "Silv...?" she asked, both confused and curious. "It's a long story." Was their only reply.
After a few hours, Maliha and Tayla returned to their own home. That evening, Silver was helping me settle into her room when the sound of other voices could be heard in the den. "Oh; it sounds like the rest of the family's come home!" she said excitedly. She then noticed I seemed a little nervous. "Are you alright, Lisa?" "I don't know about this, Silver. What if the rest of your family doesn't like me?" "Don't worry about them." She replied, placing her paw on my shoulder. "They're a friendly bunch." she then left her room and into the hallway. 'I sure hope so...' I nervously followed suit...
Tayla: about Déjà vu. Will the rest of Silver's family be as accepting of Lisa as her mother? Find out by reading Chapter 4 of Double Birthday Surprises! End of Chapter 3