Double Birthday Surprises ch. 5
#20 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)
Ch. 5 (The Samurai Dojo and the Break-in?) The next morning, after Silver and I were ready for the day, we headed out the door. The rest of the family said they had important business to take care of, so it was just us, Maliha and Tayla. - I looked on wide-eyed. "Oh, wow; is this it?" I asked. Tayla grinned. "Yes; this is the Kitsu Samurai Dojo." The exterior of the building looked like a Japanese palace. As we walked down the jaded path, there were golden statues of Renamon and Ronomon locked in fierce combat with each other on each side. When the doors to the dojo opened, a familiar sapphire blue fox was there to greet us. It was Sensei MageRonomon. "Ah, well isn't this a surprise. Three of my best students have come back for a visit." He said brightly. He was wearing a dark blue samurai robe, and he had a katana sword at his waist. "Good morning, Sensei." They said, kneeling. Noticing this, I quickly followed suit. (Not wanting to show disrespect). "And it looks like you've brought a Tamer with you." He walked over towards me. "And which of my students do you belong to?" I looked up, not moving from my spot. "I am Silver's Tamer, Sensei." He smiled warmly at me. "Well, I suppose congratulations are in order, then. You certainly have come a long way since I first met you, Silver." "Thank you." She smiled. "Now if you will all follow me, we can join the others." He started to walk inside. Maliha, Tayla and Silver all rose from their positions, but for some reason...I could not... Silver turned back at me. "What's wrong, Lisa? Aren't you coming?" she asked, concerned. "I can't..." Maliha and Tayla smiled. "Why not? Are you nervous about joining the class?" I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Well...there's that...but more importantly: I'm stuck!!" I struggled to break free from my uncomfortable position. Silver then grabbed my hand as the other two vixens pulled behind her. After about ten seconds of pulling, I was finally free; however I fell on top of them in the process.
- * * When we went inside the dojo, there was a large room where all the students were talking amongst one another. I was relieved to see that I wasn't the only human there. As a matter of fact, just about all of the Renamon and Ronomon there had a human partner. The tamers were all wearing white robes with white belts tied around them and their shoes were off. Suddenly, a similar robe was conjured onto me. I blinked in surprise. "'d that happen?" Maliha grinned. "It was all Sensei's doing. Now you'd better take your shoes off so we can join the others before class starts." I nodded and quickly did as I was told. - The sound of a large gong was heard as everyone quickly got into three straight lines. I managed to find a place at the end of the second line just as MageRonomon appeared amidst a cloud of white smoke. He slowly walked in front of us. "Discipline. Control. Respect. Three things that are the most important to remember in this dojo, as well as in life. While training in this class, you will learn all of these rules, as well as learn appreciation towards yourself and others." "Most of you will be here for only one day, and because of this, I will not expect you to learn all of the things so quickly. However, I hope that you will take the lessons you do learn and apply them in the future." He finished, facing forward. 'Wow...that's deep...' I mentally told Silver. She only nodded in response. "Now let us begin!" he bellowed. "Yes, Sensei!" everyone bowed. And with that, the class commenced. - "Ichi! Ni! San! Shi!" Sensei counted as he walked, keeping a close watch on our movements. To start off, we practiced the O-zuki, or lunge punch. Sensei explained it was the most fundamental move in Karate. As expected, I was having quite a problem learning this move. The rest of the class made it look so easy, and I was a bit discouraged. Tayla noticed this. 'Lisa, try to keep your arms and shoulders relaxed before you throw your next punch.' She mentally told me before continuing. I did, and I started to feel more confident in my punches. After we did ten of these, we performed the different Katas, or forms, which proved to be even more difficult than the punches. But I didn't give up; and with Silver, Maliha and Tayla's help, I got the hang of it. I was actually starting to like it. - Finally, after thirty minutes, Sensei let us take a break. I was now with two of the other tamers and we were getting to know each other. "So, is it true Silver was one of Sensei's best students years ago?" A boy named Tachi asked. He had blue eyes and auburn hair. I nodded. "Yeah; but my friend Tayla told me she was the best in the class." I said motioning towards Tayla. She was talking a Ronomon that had blue fur and sapphire markings. "You mean the Renamon with the metal arm?" His sister Kiki replied. She had brown eyes and black hair. "How interesting." She smiled. "So, which digimon is yours, Kiki?" I asked curiously. "Do you see the Renamon with red fur and blue markings?" I looked over to my side and saw her talking to Silver. "That is mine; and her name is Ruby." "How long have you two known each other?" "For about two years." She smiled. "And Tachi's known his Ronomon, Sapphire, for the same time." I nodded. "So you guys must have a pretty deep connection, then." Kiki grinned. "How long have you known Silver?" I blushed. "I've only known her for six and a half months, but we've gotten pretty close since then." They both smiled at each other, knowing what that meant. "Lisa?" Silver called out. "Oh, hold on a sec, guys." I left Tachi and Kiki and headed over to her. "What's up, Silver?" "I told Sensei that we've been training together for a while now, and he wanted to know if we could give a demonstration before class is over for the day." My face paled. "W-what-?" I stuttered, not believing what she just said. (You guys might not know this, but I have a huge fear of having to perform in front of if you didn't figure it out already). She giggled, sensing my nervousness. "Lisa; all we have to do is pretend we're training like always, and you'll be fine. Besides, it's not like this'll be recorded or anything. It's just to show the class what I've taught you." She reassured me, flashing her emerald eyes. I heaved a heavy sigh, knowing I was defeated mentally. - Ten minutes before class was over, the rest of the class was waiting for us to give our training demonstration. 'All right, Lisa; just pretend we're in the backyard at your house.' Silver reminded me. I nodded. We then got in the center of the room and bowed to each other respectively. Then, without warning, Silver attacked by using a roundhouse kick; fortunately I was able to dodge it and used a counterattack against her. The 'fight' between us raged on for five minutes as we blocked each other's moves. Silver then flipped out of the way of another of my kicks. (Unfortunately for me, they still need work...) She then used a karate chop on my back; the hit wasn't that hard, but I still felt it and landed flat on my stomach. After I leapt back on my feet and used a straight-hand punch on her, which connected, then she used a Scissor kick on me; but I was able to dodge it by using the Aerial handstand she recently showed me. Then, using the technique Tayla taught me, I threw a right uppercut and made a direct hit. Silver fell to the floor. She then shook it off, and finally, catching me off guard, she used a side kick in the back of my legs to knock me down for the count. She then extended her hand and helped me back up. Everyone applauded as we bowed to each other once more. Especially Sensei.
Finally, class was over for the morning. But before Silver and I left, Sensei instructed us to come to his office. "That was a fine demonstration you displayed out there." He said. "Especially since you are a beginner at Karate, Lisa." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, Silver is a great teacher, Sensei." She blushed. "Lisa..." He chuckled to himself. "Not only do you two show balance, you also show respect for each other as well. And because of that, I have something to give you, Lisa." "Huh? To me?" I asked. Sensei went over to his desk and reached inside one of the drawers. He then came over to me and placed a necklace around my neck. The pendant resembled the yin-yang symbol on Silver's armguards. "This is the symbol of yin and yang. It represents good and evil. And it also resembles the balance between all living things. I want you to have this to remind you of the balance that you have with Silver." he smiled. I lifted the pendant close to my heart. "Thank you, Sensei. I will always treasure this. And I promise to never become evil." I said bowing to him. Silver and I then left the dojo, our minds reflecting on the important lessons he taught us.
Since it was still early, we all decided to check out the different shops in the village. Many of them housed different knick-knacks of all interests and there were even toy stores for the younger set. Along the way, we talked about the things we liked and joked about the things we didn't like. I even picked up a few Renamon and Ronomon dolls for my younger cousins...when I realized I still had to find Silver a birthday present! Maliha and Tayla suggested I go to the Dreamboat Jewelry store. While they distracted Silver, I went there. The rooftop was ruby like the other stores, except it had a picture of a large diamond nailed to the front. I was only in there for an hour, and I almost found something, when suddenly... CRASH! The glass in the door was suddenly broken to pieces, sending shards of glass everywhere. Then three mysterious digimon in masks appeared in the door, carrying guns in their hands. "ALL RIGHT, EVERYBODY THIS IS A STICK UP!" their leader announced gruffly, waving his gun at the now panicking customers. "GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR AND NO ONE GETS HURT!!" Everyone complied, fear now in their hearts. The day had just gone from good to far, far worse...
Edwardia: Uh-oh...This doesn't look good. Will Lisa be saved in time? To find out read Chapter 6 of Double Birthday Surprises End of Chapter 5