Double Birthday Surprises ch. 4
#19 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)
Ch. 4 (Silver's Family Reunion) In the den, five digimon were talking about their day. Three of them were Renamon, one was a Viximon, and the last was a Reremon. These were Silver's sisters. Two of the Renamon had sapphire fur and silver markings while the third had the inverse. The Viximon had silver fur, but unlike Silver and Imani, she had sky blue eyes. Lastly, the Reremon, which was in a bronze baby carriage, had cream-colored fur; its origin a mystery to the family. The Viximon's ears then perked up in curiosity. She leapt off one of the chairs in the den and started sniffing the air. The Renamon with silver fur and sapphire markings noticed this. "What is it, Lyoko? You sense something?" The Viximon, now known as Lyoko, nodded. "Yeah; there's 2 new scents here, Sasami...but one seems familiar to me..." Then, on all fours, she crouched down low and started sneaking through the room. The other two Renamon turned to the one now known as Sasami. "What's Lyoko doing?" "I think she senses something, Sarabi." She answered. "It looks like she's been practicing." "Really?" her sister known as Ayame, asked; watching her little sister's movements. Lyoko then hid under a table, and finally, after waiting for her moment, she leapt out. A yelp was suddenly heard, catching the attention of the others. "What was that?" Their question was soon answered when she and Silver came tumbling out onto the middle of the floor. Everyone gasped. "Is that..." Sarabi started "Silver!?" the other sisters finished for her. Silver and Lyoko were playfully rolling around, trying to get the advantage of the other. - Meanwhile, I was in the hallway, glad to have dodged that move. 'Boy...I wonder if Silver was like that when she was little...' I mused to myself as I crept to the doorway for a closer look at the family. Lyoko finally got the upper hand and pounced on Silver, playfully snarling all the while. "Lyoko; you've been taking pouncing lessons from Sasami, haven't you?" Silver smirked. "Silver! I thought I smelled you!" she giggled happily. Her sisters then helped Silver up off the carpet and embraced her. "Welcome home." They said warmly. "It's good to be back..." Silver replied with a smile, feeling the warmth of her sisters once again. After they broke the embrace, Ayame looked up. "Silver...who's that in the doorway?" she asked curiously. Silver then motioned me to come forward. "Hi." I said shyly. "This is my tamer, Lisa. Lisa, these are my sisters." She introduced them to me. "Ayame, Sasami, Sarabi, and Lyoko." "It's nice to meet you." They said together. My spirits were lifted slightly. "Same to you." I then looked to my right and noticed the baby carriage. "And who's this little one?" Silver smiled. "That's Diamond. She's the newest addition to the family." I peered into the carriage and the baby Reremon looked up at me, curiosity showing in her golden eyes. "Hello there." I smiled warmly at her. Diamond smiled at me, cooing happily all the while. She then lifted her little powder-puff tail and used it to caress the side of my face. I chuckled to myself. "Hey...that tickles..." I gently petted her between her ears, making her giggle softly. Ayame smiled at me. "I think she likes you, Lisa." "Yeah...I think you're right." - "I'm home!" a voice suddenly boomed. Just then, a male digimon entered the room. He was similar to the Renamon, except he was taller; his fur was sapphire, and he had silver markings, similar to Sarabi and Ayame. But the only exception was he was wearing black jeans. And on his dark blue armguards he had the Alpha-Omega symbol on them. The symbol was also embroidered in gold on his jeans. I looked up and saw him. 'Woah...that must be Silver's dad...' Lyoko then ran over to him and happily leapt into his arms. "Daddy, guess what? Silver's come home, and she's got a Tamer!" she said excitedly. He smiled at her. "Really?" Silver then went over to him. "Hello, father." Lyoko then leapt out of his arms as Silver embraced him. "Welcome home, Silver. I've missed you." He said lovingly, purring softly in her ear. "And I missed you too." I walked over to them to get a closer look at Silver's father. She then turned to me. "This is my Tamer, Lisa." He looked at me, the smile still on his face. "Hello and welcome to our home, my name is Mohatu." He replied, bowing respectively. "It's nice to meet you." I bowed back; knowing in my mind that I had now gained the entire family's trust. I took out my D-Power. "Is that a digivice?" Mohatu asked. I nodded. " don't mind if I-." he chuckled to himself. "Go right ahead." He replied, already knowing what I had in mind. His info appeared on screen. "It says you're a Rageromon and you're an Ultimate. Your special attack is Gem Stone Tornado." "That's right. And now that we've got the introductions out of the way, I say we go out to celebrate this occasion by going out to dinner." Imani then walked into the room, holding her purse. "And what occasion might that be, dear?" she asked, an all-knowing smile now upon her face. He laughed gently. "Why, welcoming Lisa to the family of course!" My smile grew wide as they all cheered their approval. Even little Diamond, who bounced up and down in her carriage. "Wow...thanks everyone!" 'You see, Lisa? I told you they were friendly.' Silver mentally said. I grinned back at her as I followed the family out the door.
Meanwhile in the Real World... ooo Anna's POV ooo All of Lisa and Silver's friends had gathered at my house and we were almost finished with our meeting. "All right, everyone. I'd like to thank you for helping me out with this. Especially since it's at the last minute..." "It's okay." Taka grinned. "Yeah; we're more than happy to help." Luna replied. "Okay, now here are your jobs: Taka and Luna, you help Edwardia and Mike with the decorations." "Check!" they smiled. "Maliha and Tayla, you can deliver the invitations to the rest of the family, seeing as you're the fastest." I handed them two sets of invitations. They nodded. "Got it!" "I've already got a few of Lisa's aunts helping me out with the food, seeing as we're going to need a lot of it...and Morris (Lisa's father) is already trying to book the entertainment; so I guess that's everything! This meeting is adjourned!" Everyone then left the house, full of excitement for the next four days ahead of them.
Back in Foxwood Village (Two hours later) ooo Change in POV ooo We were all gathered at the Golden Palace Chinese restaurant. The interior of the restaurant was just as beautiful as the outside with its decorative paintings depicting ancient digimon such as AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon. The dining chairs and tables were made with polished silver, and the chandeliers produced a rainbow of colors that reflected off the faces of all the diners in the restaurant. We had just finished eating from the vast buffet menu, including: Shrimp Fried Rice, Vegetable Stir-fry, Chicken Chow-Mein, Sesame Chicken, and Egg rolls; among many others. "Wow...that was great." I said, patting my fattened stomach in content. "We're glad you liked it, Lisa." Imani smiled. "Yeah; after all, this is one of the best restaurants in Foxwood." Ayame replied, feeding Diamond the rest of her baby formula. Mohatu stood up and stretched. "Well, we'd better get back home; it's getting late." We all got up; and after Mohatu paid for the meal, we headed back to Silver's house. - That night, while getting ready for bed, Silver told me about the other places we would visit over the next few days, along with Maliha and Tayla. Tomorrow, we'd visit the Kitsu Samurai Dojo where I would meet their former teacher, Sensei MageRonomon... 'And hopefully not make a complete fool of myself...' I thought as we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.
Maliha: Well, it looks like Silver's family accepts Lisa, but will Sensei? To find out, read Chapter 5 of Double Birthday Surprises! End of Chapter 4