Glitch in the Neurotic Matrix

In the years I operated as a private eye in Crossroads City, crazy shit had become a normal sight in my line of work. Crazy cases, crazy events, and even crazy clients. On the plus side, it often led to steady revenue coming in whenever Mrs. Smith...

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An interesting package

The day was sunny, no clouds in sight. There was hardly even a breeze in the air. The heat feeling like it was in the 90's or something. Nonetheless, he had to do his Job. Ray was a white wolf, with two different colored eyes. One being green and the...

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Private Show

-Authors Note: Whilst this features Master Kalais and his slave Raefox, it is in no way implied or reffered to be canon to the Beggars Can't Be Choosers Story Arc, it was written purely as an exerise in a writing group on Telegram, I hope you enjoy...

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Waiting (part 1)

**This is a series of short stories I am working on with my character Aeron. This is part 1.** A bead of sweat ran down the edge of his face and joined a small pool at the edge of his mouth. He was hot. His body clenched and twisted with each swing...

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The Vanquisher Pt. 2

The surprise attack had been a spectacular show of firepower. A smoky haze drifted between both ships, the air thick with the smell of burning timber and gunpowder. The sound of the thunderous roar from the ship's cannons had left a dull ringing in...

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The Vanquisher

Holding the brass spyglass to his eye, Sig scanned the horizon. It was unusual for him to be up in the crow's nest, a duty he usually left to others, but he had awoken early and in a cold sweat - not a good sign if history were to be considered....

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The Gift of Prometheus

Standing on the platform of Slateston Cove station, Gideon Cross watched as the porter carefully arranged the number of suitcases on the rickety trolley. The train station was pretty deserted. There were only a handful amount of passengers that had...

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Blue Moon [Cover + First Chapter]

**"Cold Blooded"** ** ** **By Lauren Rivers** Thick clouds covered the sky with a dense layer of moisture that blocked out the majority of the late evening sun. The atmosphere...

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Frank Beary Alabaster, Private Investigator

A fun little story written by me and my friend, [Gofur.](%5C) Check out his page, he's working on a great series with the same subject matter. Anyways, enjoy! --- Frank Beary Albaster, Private Investigator P.I. Beary, makes his way...

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Murder & Gin

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon]( or...

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Wolfie Steel: Private Eye, Part 3

Wolfie Steel: Private Eye Written by Wolfie Steel Part 3. We make it back to the truck, before I start the engine I make the call to Alpine Electronics, I arrange a meeting involving me, Trip, Daniel and Spencer to be held at Doberman Manor, with...

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Wolfie Steel: Private Eye, Part 2

Wolfie Steel: Private Eye Written by Wolfie Steel Part 2. I park my truck outside the newspaper office and head inside. Sitting behind a desk is a very bored looking Dalmatian, as I make my way towards the desk the Dalmatian looks up to me and...

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