Private Show

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Master Kalais eases his young slaves mind, and through magicks, gives the frightened young Vulpine the self-confidance and assurance he needs to fulfil one of Master Kalais fervent wishes.

-Authors Note: Whilst this features Master Kalais and his slave Raefox, it is in no way implied or reffered to be canon to the Beggars Can't Be Choosers Story Arc, it was written purely as an exerise in a writing group on Telegram, I hope you enjoy this short snippet :) -

Private Show

(C) Cederwyn Whitefurr

31st July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Katelyn lead the nervous vulpine into the large chamber that was lit by a huge roaring fireplace at the far end that crackled and filled the air with the scent of cedar wood. Torches flickered and sputtered in their sconces, filling the room with warmth and life.

Beautiful sculptures and artwork adorned the walls, along with tapestries and other art, much of it Raefox's eyes absorbed with a thought of how much this opulence must cost. His mind was overwhelmed by the beauty around him, before Katelyn pinched his shoulder gently with her hooflets and made him continue walking.

Sitting on a austere throne, one paw cupping his chin, the stag sat quietly, eyes half lidded as he seemed lost in his own thoughts. He was dressed in ornate robes that covered him from neck to ankle, no visible jewellery or other adornments were seen as the two slaves quietly and respectfully made their way towards their Cervid master.

"Master Kalais," Katelyn spoke quietly, stopping herself and Raefox a dozen paces away on an ornate, and no doubt expensive hand woven rug. "I have come as you summoned me my lord."

With a soft snort, Lord Kalais blinked and returned to the hear and now.

"Ah, dear Katelyn and Raefox - thank you for answering my summons." Come the quiet voice of Lord Kalais, as he uncrossed his legs and rested his paws on his knees. "That will be all dear Katelyn, thank you."

"As you wish, Master." Katelyn released Raefox and stepped back, giving a deep curtsy before turning and leaving the chamber.

"Raefox - " Master Kalais spoke, leaning back and resting his head on his paw again. "I have - as you know - different tastes to previous masters you may have had in the past."

Raefox remained silent, head bowed and paws clasped before him.

"I will never force my will upon you - nor any other thing- I wish this perfectly clear!" Master Kalais spoke quietly. "You need not fear being my servant, nor my bedchamber partner. Pleasure of my companion, is important to me, as I myself, derive pleasure from this, do you understand?"

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Raefox nodded twice but remained quiet.

"I have - a desire my young Vulpine. If you would permit, I would be most pleased to witness it."

"How may I serve, Mi'lord?" Raefox stammered, unable to prevent the quiver that rippled down his spine.

"You are young, quiet handsome in your own way, gentle and compassionate."

"If you say so mi'lord."

"I do, you are to me, as an open book. Now, enough small talk young one - I would wish to witness, if you may, how you - forgive my indelicacy - would please yourself."

"Mi'lord?" Raefox's voice squeaked.

"Indulge me, please?"

Raefox was afraid and intimidated - he was compelled to obey. Timidly, he crossed his paws below the hem of the simple green tunic he wore and lifted it up, pulling it off slowly and carefully.

Master Kalais watched with interest and a raised eyebrow, his ears flicking forwards in attentiveness. Raefox dropped his tunic to the floor, his black gloved paws trying to cover himself.

"There is no need to be shy..." Master Kalais spoke soothingly, waving a single finger subtly, as he used some of his magicks to calm and soothe the frightened Vulpine before him.

Raefox shuddered, not understanding the feeling that come over him, but it was cool and soothing. Raefox's paws fell away as he squirmed, then one paw began to sensually caress his white furred sheath. Black fingers circled around it, one, then another, then another and another, as he tenderly gripped the length that hid away shyly behind the sheath.

Watching with interest, Master Kalais continued to seemingly watch without emotion, but internally his mind began to heat along with his blood.

Good, that's it little one...nice and slow, take your time and enjoy it...

Raefox grunted and the tiniest pink of the fox-hood peered from the slit in the sheath. Almost like a terrified rabbit looking out its burrow, a little more crept out - as if sensing no threat, the rest followed as Raefox gasped as he slid his furred fingers from the slightly pointed tip back towards the half-retracted sheath.

Impressive, usually Vulpine's are not so endowed, I knew I bought him for a reason, fate it seems, is not without a sense of irony...

Twitching, Raefox gave himself to the pleasure of his masturbation. His sheath slid fully back his knot began to form, as Raefox's fingers slid down the length and back to the tip, each time Raefox would shudder and begin panting.

As Master Kalais watched raising both eyebrows, as his rump twinged slightly in remembrance of how it felt when Raefox had tied with him that night. His own arousal wasn't intentional - as he felt the stirrings and the urges within him. He turned some of his impressive intellect towards suppressing his urges - but he may as well have tried to stop the tide from coming in, so strong were they.

Raefox gasped and twitched, lost in the imaginings that Master Kalais had granted to his mind, as his hips began to buck and Raefox grunted. A few dribbles of pre slid down his length and soaked into the black fur as his fingers tightened their grip and increased the sensual caressing.

Master Kalais squirmed on his throne, his own full arousal hidden by his robes, but he felt his wedge-like tail flagging behind him as his heart-rate increased exponentially in his chest. He quivered and crossed one leg over the other, continuing to watch.

"Nnnngh - " Raefox gurgled, as he felt his body overcome by the mental pictures he was subjected too.

No yet! Master Kalais sighed mentally, as he watched Raefox who trembled helplessly.

Just as he lifted his paw, Raefox bucked his hips and his explosive orgasm flew like mid-summer fireworks. Thick, powerful spurts spattered the white chest fur, some even shooting as far as Master Kalais's throne, splattering over one cloven hoof. Raefox grunted and writhed, as the ejaculation pleasure consumed him, his teeth gritted and dewlaps curled back, tail violently swishing from side to side.

Kalais grunted and felt his own orgasm, his paws gripping the edges of his throne tightly, hooflets scratching against the stone as he fought to control himself, his tail frizzled and hooves clattering on the stone on which his throne sat. Strong were the contractions that drove his urge, the sticky, salty fluid soaking quickly into the light robe and almost as fast into his own white belly fur. A strong scent of musk come from his scent glands, almost overwhelming him as he gasped and titled his head back, spine curving inwards at the height of orgasmic relief.

Raefox collapsed to his knees, then dropped to his paws, a few dribbles from his penis dribbling onto the ornate rug as his tongue lolled from his muzzle and he panted heavily, his body shaking.

Feeling his own pleasure, Master Kalais shuddered and looked down, peeling his wet, sticky robe away from his fur.

"That was...quite the entertainment - my young Vulpine...thank you..."

Raefox just knelt on knees and paws where he was, his mind awash with the relief and post-orgasmic pleasure, he had no words, none could be found - as he continued gasping helplessly.