Identity: Chapter Forty-Seven

CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN MIKEY At that moment the crocodile was feeling very smart indeed. Mikey's hotel room had evidentially previously sheltered a female guest, because the room smelled strongly of perfumes, so much that his nose twitched and he...


Identity: Chapter Twenty-Six

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX MIKEY Mikey awoke with a shriek, panting madly, fur on end, eyes bulging. Gasping for breath, he gripped the sheets so tightly he thought he'd rip holes in them, sitting up straight in bed so he could stare into the darkness,...

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Hunter of Mad Kings: From Beyond the Grave

Shaking hands - their skin long since wrinkled, having carried the burdens of age so long that youth has become a distant memory - hold on to a thick bundle of notepaper, the linen-white sheets covered with immaculate lines of handwriting. The cover...

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Eight

CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT MIKEY The white Prius was a gift from Joey's grandmother. She'd died two years earlier, and the car had been sitting unused in a car lot since then, as Joey felt it was a yuppie car more suited for suburban families than for a...

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The White Robe: Epilogue

Caitlin sat on the couch in the warm beam of sunlight that filtered through the living room window. The bandages were finally off, and the stitches had come out. She was healing nicely, at least on the physical side. The nightmares still came, and she...

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Behind the Blue Line - Episode 1

"Sir." The chief was handed a phone by his Lieutenant. "It's for you Sir, we're recieving numerous reports of a disturbance in Midtown." The old blood hound didn't even need to answer the phone. He turned in his chair, looked out the window and growled...

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[Detective Thursdays] For Sale

I was packing for the trip, wandering around my apartment picking things up, putting them down. As my paws rested on a picture of my academy class I turned and sat down with it. My mind going back to my first night as a real police...

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[Detective Thursdays] Silver Knife

Six hours from leaving for the trip I pull a file out of my cabinet. Folding the manilla back my eyes glance over the front page of a newspaper from a few months after I started on the force. The dat was May 21, the headline read "Bay City Detectives,...

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[Detective Thursdays] Day Off

Uki had the day off. But as she sat in her apartment watching the news report on the nights events she felt ill. Tanu had been so insistent that she go do what she wanted for the day, that they weren't going to work on cases. It struck her as odd then...

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[Detective Thursdays] Egg on Your Face

Nine A.M. that morning found me, still a bit damp around the edges thanks to the rain, at Camela's on Fifth and Bay. I gave Uki the day off. I sat at the dinner's counter, a cup of deep red tea steaming in front of me. The dinner still looks like the...

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[Detective Thursdays] A Skeptic's Chance

It was the dark time of just after midnight on the morning of April Ninth and I was on my way to a sting. I'd been tipped off that the Russian mob was bringing in something big by ship down on the east side. There was a nagging in the back of my mind...

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Blood Debts and Jelly Beans

_While the story is not furry per se, it does involve a vampiress crime lord, her garou protector, and her kitsune personal aide. I love these characters, and I'm trying to come up with more ideas for them, more stories to involve them with. Hopefully...

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