Nerdy Gamer

The nerdy voice of the blubbery goat above you has seemed to draw on and on for hours. at one point you two were just playing a fun game together, but slowly as things got competitive he got... too close. he snorts.

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Filling the Role - Part 1

"C'mon, let's see how it looks!" Benjamin dabbed at his lips with a napkin, and stifled a small burp. "Already? I don't think we're going to see much of a difference from yesterday." Tim smirked. "It's important to keep close tabs on your progress,...

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Tales from a Nerdy Wolf

#1 of tales from a nerdy wolf this came out like a severely edited version of a friend's life story.

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Revenge of The Nerds - Furry Style

"nerds!....nerds!....nerds!..." "nerds? what nerds?" reid asked guy, looking around for the nerds, oblivious that they were talking about he, and guy. "um..reid. i think they mean us...we should probably get going."

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Life in Yiggow Chapter 10

He wasn't told much only that dean novack and his assistant gene nerdly wanted to see him. he got a phone call around three o clock from nerdly to come to the clubhouse to discuss something important. dr.

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Inferno High - Chapter 4

They're total nerds." [zane] "no, no. that's super cool. i used to play that when i was a kid. i still have all my old decks." "all?" [me] "hey, you can nerd out about science and i can nerd out about poke'mon cards."

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Jon and Rachel's Adventures in Unova, Part 1

Jonathan glared at the "NOW LOADING..." screen of his email account, trying to make it load faster by sheer force of will. He'd been at his computer for the last few hours, and he'd already done everything he wanted to do online today. There was a...

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Inferno High - Chapter 2

[me] "it's for nerds!" "cool nerds." [alex] "gay nerds." i saw alex clench his fist at that, and ted immediately apologized. "sorry, just slipped." "yeah, you better be sorry." [alex] "when are you guys taking english?" [me] "before lunch.

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Astral High - Chapter 11

[markus] "well i'm not some prep trying to come off as nerdy, i'm a nerd trying to come off as vaguely normal." [seth] "yeah, i was just stating my opinion on 'adorkable', which he reminded me of." [markus] "oh. i don't know that is."

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ROTNFS: Chapter 8, The Raccoon In The Shadows

"if those two have more friends like these, the nerds could be a threat later on.....wait a minute...rude, get a hold of yourself..they are nerds!" rude shook his head while he spoke with himself. "they are nothing but weak, no life nerds! a threat?

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 6)

'tell all, nerd, i'm dying to hear.' 'after i've paid. i'd rather not discuss it in public, i know you too well.'

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Revenge of The Nerds - Ch2: GET THE @#$% OUT!!

#3 of revenge of the nerds - furry style revenge of the nerds - furry style * * * o0narration0o so, things has gone pretty good so far, right?

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