First day of school Part 1

"yea same here" replied jonathan. as casey left the room, jonathan grabbed his book bag and started leaving. 'well that went well.' jonathan thought to himself as he was walking in the hallway. 'how stupid of me to be nervous like that.

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A Vampire's Kiss

"jonathan sir, jonathan melgrave." "well jonathan, have you made your decision? a life beyond wonder or your own dark demise?" "i wish for a new life" jonathan said quickly after virtually no hesitation.

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Chapter 13 Something Called Love

jonathan sat beside him. "now . . . about the prince and all that jewelry you stole . . ." the duke sighed heavily, and jonathan thought he suddenly looked very tired.

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First day of school part 2

jonathan thought. 'i hope i don't get aroused by this.' "hello?!? earth to jonathan. hello." said casey trying to snap jonathan out of thought by tapping him on the head. "hey!" jonathan said going back to reality.

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Deserted Pt. 5

The man wasn't expecting the speed that jonathan had and could do nothing to stop him. the gun clattered to the floor. the man started to struggle but jonathan just started to extend his claws and the man immediately stopped moving at all.

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Deserted Part 3

He points it at jonathan but he is too nervous to aim straight and fires. jonathan hears a loud bang and feels warmth run down his right ear.

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College Days- Chapter One

We would join a party of one of ours most of the time it was jonathan, mostly because he was always first to start up.

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Chapter 28 Imperfect Love

I heard she and jonathan . . .?" he trailed off as he thought of it. richard had blurted something about jonathan sleeping with elsie. "she has found a love _worthy_of her," hadly said almost angrily.

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Pika-Adventure chapter 3: the begining part 3

jonathan asked worried and giving a concerned look. "just fine. feeling a tad dizzy but other than that i'm good." i told him trying to keep my balance.

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