First day of school part 2

Story by gabumonkid on SoFurry

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Author's note: well i finally finished typing this. well i had no choice since i was forced to finish it by this weekend. but all in all its done and now working on the next one. feel free to criticize it if there is anything wrong with it. and this is all based on true events, fantasy and wat ever happened in my life and school experience. so enjoy :D

Jonathan and Tony almost crashed into each other as they threw themselves to the door. Sorry they both said before walking into the classroom; which was almost filled with students. Two seats were empty, one in front of the classroom and one in the back corner near a window.

"Um...I'll take the one near the window" whispered Jonathan

"Geeze thanks alot." Tony whispered back sarcastically

As they took their seats class resumed (since freshman don't get in trouble for the first week of school). As the day went by Jonathan saw that Tony had biology with him. Jonathan thought that the class went by too fast. Either because he kept zoning out or that the fact that he kept starring at Tony from across the room.

Then came 4th period Gym which he been dreading for a while. Since his brother told him about the showers the school had and that the class had to shower made Jonathan feel uncertain. He hurried along to the second floor gym. He was surprised by the size and how it looked so much different from his grammar school gym. he saw bleacher's that surrounded the outer area of the gym with students and teachers in different parts of gym. At the bleacher's at the north west side of the gym he say Casey waving at him to come join him and the class.

"Hey Jonathan. Whats up?... How goes your day so far?" Casey asked.

"Well let's just say i didn't spaz out yet." Jonathan joked.

Casey just chuckled then turning around to the sound of wheels on the gym's sleek floor. Everyone on the bleacher's turned to someone on a chair with wheels. It was a median sized Growlmon with a binder and a pencil on hand. he looked a bit chunky but not unfit or fat. He had dark brown fur on his head, seemed to have mussels coming out of his Grey T-shirt that had the school's logo on it, and had black joggers and shoes on.

"Alright then. This class seems a bit too big for me so, when i call out your name just say here and your here to stay. Those that i don't call can go to a different teacher in this gym." Said the teacher.

Jonathan seemed to tense up a bit. If he or Casey were to get separated it would make 4th period the worse class he had to take.

As the teacher read through the binder Jonathan relaxed when his name got called out but got worried for Casey. When his name got called they both gave each other a high 5 and gave a sigh of relief.

"Well that's about everyone" The teacher said and the ones that weren't called (like about 5 or 6) got up and went to the other teachers as well as some from them came to Jonathan's class. Then he saw Tony coming up to his teacher. "And how can i help you my fine sir?"

" name is Anthony Semmer. I think i might be in your class." Tony said.

"Semmer....oh here you are and i thought you were a no show. So just take a seat around there somewhere." the teacher said, pointing lazily to the bleachers.

As Tony took a seat near Jonathan and Casey, the teacher started to introduce himself.

"As you all know I'm your gym teacher for the year and i swear to you all it will be hell for you for the next 10 months. My name is...well you don't care about my first name so just call me Sarancic or Mr.Sarancic or whatever."

Sarancic briefed the class about everything there is to do for the next 10 months. First there is swimming, next health class, conditioning, then swimming again, a basketball tourney, and then sex ed. Everyone giggled or snickered at the last one.

"Well since you find that so funny, looks like were NOT sitting here for the whole period." Sarancic said. Everyone groaned as Sarancic continued. "Instead we are going to the locker room where i will give everyone swimming caps and trunks, the cost will go to your student fee of course."

Everyone seemed shocked that they had to pay and they dragged their feet to the locker room where Sarancic was leading the way. Jonathan started to worry a bit and looked scared at the same time. As he tried to calm down Tony saw what was going on and tried to see what was going on.

"Hey. you OK?"

"Um...well to be honest..." Jonathan began but was cut off by Sarancic.

"Hey you two. Don't you even think your getting out of this. Get going!!"

Both digimon ran towards the locker room door and went downstairs. All the teens saw it was a room with lockers smaller than the ones in the hallways, they were colored red but had no locks to them. There was a weight room at a corner and the showers were next to it, there was a small office there, 2 doors leading somewhere and a bathroom.

"OK. now wait here while i get the things ready. Let's see...there are 35 of you right?" Sarancic said as he went to the small office.

"Uh Mr. Sarancic?" a terriormon asked.

"yea what is it?" he replied.

"Where are we going to change?" the terriormon asked shyly.

"Really? Are you going to ask me something that obvious? Well your changing out here in the open along with a sophomore class." Sarancic said.

'Oh man.' Jonathan thought. 'i hope i don't get aroused by this.'

"Hello?!? Earth to Jonathan. Hello." Said Casey trying to snap Jonathan out of thought by tapping him on the head.

"Hey!" Jonathan said going back to reality. "What was that for?"

"Its time for a swim." Tony said.

Before Jonathan could answer back, Sarancic came back out with the swimming gear and passed it out. He told the class how to put on a swimming cap, that to get nice and wet in the shower room, and to meet him by the door in the bathroom.

As some student took their time, others like Jonathan, rushed through changing and showering. Everyone waited by the door that was near the bathroom but Sarancic was taking so long that the kids started using their swimming caps as buckets filled with water to throw at unsuspecting kids. When Sarancic opened the door from the other side, his face looked like it was going to burst with anger. But he kept his cool and let them in.

"There just freshman. Its their first day. Keep it together." Sarancic whispered to himself as the kids went inside.

Everyone went in and saw the pool. To them it seemed small to their expectation's.

"I thought it be bigger." Said the terriormon.

"Well what did you expect? The ocean or something?" Someone said.

" is deep over here." Casey said standing over the edge of the deep end.

"HEY!!! Sit your butts down, I don't get paid by the hour." Sarancic yelled getting more frustrated.

When everyone sat down he continued in lecture mode (With a hint of anger).

"Ill let you in on something. I don't like working and me making you do stuff in the water is alot of work so...(Lecture mode gone, anger still there.) I'm going to let you have a free swim. No work. No fuss. So just get in the water whenever your ready."

Some of the kids mumbled to themselves and each other until Sarancic sat down in the little office at the corner and stared to scribble in a notebook. Then Some kids stared to get near the pool but not go in and some stayed seated.

'OK. this is taking too long.' Jonathan thought to himself as he was siting down. 'hmm...I have an idea.'

With that in mind Jonathan got up from where he was sitting, took half a step back then ran forward and jumped screaming "Cannon ball!!!" before hitting the cold water and wetting half the class with a big splash.

"HEY!" Sarancic yelled as Jonathan Surfaced. "No canon balls. Only belly flops but still a good splash." Jonathan smiled as he went to the pools edge to hang on to as he pulled himself to the shallow end of the pool. Then everyone else got at their own pace. After everyone got in, Sarancic threw in some volleyball's and a big exercise ball in and everyone was hitting the balls around and having a good time till the end of the period.