Winter's Embrace

\*sighs\* I shouldn't be laying down like this. I say to myself as I lay down in my bed/couch. My ear twitches as I hear the sound of the wind coming from the window. It's a cold winter's night out and I'm here sleeping in the living room. There's not...

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darkness within

i feel like the world is shifting back and forth....its as if i have no control over my body mind has nothing but emptyness, sadness and hurt as well as my soul now lost in the abbys of darkness and feels like it will never be...

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Pika-Adventure chapter 3: the begining part 3

Author's note: part 3 :D well i think its going good so you think? i hope so :P. its still in free style format so i don't know where this story will go as of now (still) i might plan it out from now on but that is still buzzing around in my...

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First day of school Part 1

author's note: finnaly my first chaper is done...well its been done but didnt have the time to post it...well i have time now so enjoy :)..... Edit (10/27/10): oh and did i mention that my stories for this series is gunna be based on real life events,...

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Pika-adventure chapter 1: the begining

Author's note: i decided to do another story but im free styleing this one so yea i have no idea how all of this is going to turn out. if you like it then by all means faveorite this and vote. sorry if its short but i had to post it early due to my...

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Pika-adventure chapter 2: the begining part 2

Author's note: eh might as well do this again. i kinda like it so i might stick with it. :P so this is part 2 and yea my computer is still at works so cant really do much about it \>.\>. its still in free style format so i don't know where this story...

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First day of school part 2

Author's note: well i finally finished typing this. well i had no choice since i was forced to finish it by this weekend. but all in all its done and now working on the next one. feel free to criticize it if there is anything wrong with it. and...

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Winter's Wrath (Tobias' side)

With a snarl and given a dirty look I've never seen before, my brother ran out the house and onto on the street, slamming the door shut. My paw reached out to thin air before retracting, balling up to a fist as I let my arm drop. I speed walk to my...

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