Pika-adventure chapter 2: the begining part 2

Story by gabumonkid on SoFurry

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#2 of pika-adventures

Author's note: eh might as well do this again. i kinda like it so i might stick with it. :P so this is part 2 and yea my computer is still at works so cant really do much about it >.>. its still in free style format so i don't know where this story will go as of now XP.well comment, rate and fave cuz i would really appreciate it alot. ^=^.

'i know they will never catch up.' I thought to myself as i ran to the village center. I mean i am a really good runner and Jorge and Vanessa are so slow. As I'm running i look back to see where they are, I'm not watching where I'm going and bumped into a raichu.

"Owww" I said as i collided and flew back a bit. "I'm so sorry I'm in a bit of a-" but i was cut off.

"Hey watch the hell your going. you nearly knocked me over." said the raichu.

"Look I'm sorry-" i tried to explain but the raichu didn't let me put in a word other wise.

"I don't care if your sorry. what i want is an acceptable apology right this minute or its big trouble for you mister." the raichu said.

"But...*Sigh*.... I apologize for running into you and i seek your forgiveness." I told him in the nicest way possible.

"Much better. now run along before i change my mind." said the raichu giving me a stern look before i start to run off again to the village center.

'geeze what a a-hole.' i thought as i ran. 'wouldn't even let me explain. oh well might as well forget about him.'

After running for what seemed like half an hour i make it to the center where i see the whole village standing around the hole where the elder lives. and then i see Jorge and Vanessa already standing there waiting for me as usual.

"Alright Jake what excuse you got this time?" Vanessa said expecting some lame brain excuse that is a lie....well sometimes it is.

"naw you wont believe me anyway *pant*...at least I'm here now." i said not even trying this time.

"huh? that's new. is it the apple i gave you?" Jorge said giving me a puzzled look.

"ill explain later guys." i told them as everyone went silent.

the elder was standing before us waiting for us to be quiet so he can give us our jobs for the week. he just looks like any ordinary raichu except older and with a beard. nobody knows how long he has lived here and he has been providing homes for us ever since.

"well then, you raichu's know what to do. Guard the border of this village to keep it safe." he said with a stern but gentle voice."the pichu's will clean up the village. don't worry its not that bad. As for the pikachu's you will go berry hunting."

as everyone departed me, Jorge and Vanessa went to the edge of this area of the forest known as berry grove. it seems like there is alot of berries in this specific area and its a grove so its called berry grove.

"well are you going to pick berries this time or work on your 'special attack' you keep saying your working on?" Vanessa said

"Geeze why are you always on my case 24/7." i said trying to go to a meadow.

"because its for your own good you twit." Vanessa said sternly.

"ooooh nice" said Jorge barely starting to listen.

"Stay out of this!!!!" both of us yelled at Jorge who cringed at the sudden outburst.

"Sorry Jorge. Look Vanessa i just wanna learn Iron tail and maybe impress the elder to let me join the ranks of the raichu." i explained.

"you been practicing that move for a year and still haven't gotten it yet." Vanessa said "look all I'm saying is that you need to evolve before you learn that move and join the ranks."

"meh." was all i said before i darted to the meadow. all i could hear was Vanessa yelling my name in vain in the distance.

As i got closer to the meadow i felt some type of presence following me as i got closer to the meadow but i just brushed it aside....there's alot of pokemon in this forest so i doubt any are real danger.....to me that is. I reach the meadow and i see nothing but grass and some rocks popping out, trees in the distance and some bird pokemon flying in the clear sunny sky.

"*sigh* finally! some time to practice." i said to myself as i walked around breathing in the fresh spring time air. i walked up to a rock that was slightly dented and miss-shaped. i slowly lifted up to reveal a hole that holds my hidden stash of Oran berries. my favorite type of berries in the world. i ate two and saved the rest for later.

Working for this attack has taken alot out of my work time but hey who could blame me. i didn't have much of a work ethic you could say. anyway i start out with one of the rocks that was in the meadow. i focus my eyes on it and all my energy on my tail. then i rushed for the rock and with all my might i swing my tail....and yet all i get is pain.

"OWWWW!!!!" i yell out as i grab my tail and rubbed it while applying some saliva to it to reduce the swelling. "that is so not the smartest thing i ever done." And as i said that i heard laughter in the distance. it was sort of quite and sort of distant and unfamiliar.

"Huh?" that surprised me due to the fact that i was alone and no one followed me. "hello? is anyone there?" i yelled out towards the direction of where i heard the laughter but with no response. 'hmmm...i must be hearing things now.' Then as i was practicing my move again and also hurting my tail again the same laughter echoed again but louder and closer. Now for sure i knew i was being watched.

"hey who ever is there you better come out or your going to get it!" i said with a slight hint of fear but also some power. no response. now i stare at the place where i heard the laughter which was either near bush or a tree. so i stared there then right when i saw movement at the bush i striked. i ran up with quick speed and quick attacked the Small figure that was there.

"ha ha finally got you!" i said as i stood up on the figure and as my eyes focused i saw that it was a totodile. he seemed as tall as me. and for some reason looked really scrawny for some reason. "ugh....can you please get off of me. i was sleeping ya know." the totodile said grunting.

"not until you tell me what you were really doing here. i know you weren't sleeping" I said staring into his red eyes to see if he was going to tell the truth this time.

"ok ok if you really want to know. i was sleeping till i heard you putting down that rock and i just started watching you. you know there is a better way to do your attack than the way your doing it." he said.

"oh really?" i was really skeptical. i don't know if he was following me or just getting a kick out of my pain but either way i fell like i can trust him and heard him out. as i got off of him we walked towards the rock i was practicing on.

"yea. you just seem to just go all out for the rock but you really need to concentrate." the totodile told me as we stopped 2 feet away.

"i was concentrating. and i don't know what I'm doing wrong." i said.

"well maybe your not trying hard enough and also you just charge at it instead of keeping that energy stored." he said

"well if your such an expert at it you do something you cant do." i said with a raised eyebrow.

"i thought you would never ask." the totodile said as he motioned me to step away from the rock. then he just stood there. eyes closed, breathing slowly but steadily, and then without warning he opened his mouth and unleashed a huge Ice Beam attack and hit the rock with suck accuracy....and he wasn't even close to it. the beam hit the rock hard and froze into a glistening bright white-like blue but not before shattering and the beam going through.

"*GASP* um.....that was amazing!! how did you even do that?" i said almost letting my voice crack and getting pitchy.

"well as i said you got to concentrate and keep your energy stored till your all ready." the totodile said smiling having a small hint of blush on his cheeks.

"hey whats up with your cheeks. did that attack wore you out or something? " i asked looking at his face with a concerned look.

"um no no I'm just kinda tired or something. nothing to worry about." he said.

"well ok if you say so. so can i ask whats your name?...you seemed not to introduce yourself" i asked

"oh well my name is Jonathan. and your name is?" Jonathan said

"my name is Jake. nice to meet you....even though you were sort of spying in a way." i said

"hey at least i sleeping before so just leave it at that." jonathan said while sticking out his tongue at me.

"well are you going to help me or what?" i said ignoring the tongue sticking.

"ok ok ill help you.....so lets get started." Jonathan said as he walked with me to another rock.