ROTNFS: Chapter 8, The Raccoon In The Shadows

Story by Liengod on SoFurry

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#1 of Revenge of The Nerds - Furry Style

Well hello hello people! You didn't think I forgot to update on this story did you? Well, I just wanted to add some finishing touches before I upload it. So now that all is said and good, enjoy this next chapter my fuzzy, scaly, and in some cases, slimy pals :3


ROTN Chapter 8: The Raccoon In The Shadows



I cannot tell you who I am, just know that I am on an important mission at the moment. Guy is still sleeping like a pup, and Reid....that idiot had to get captured. I knew he was an amateur to begin with....he's a thousand years too early to claim that he's sneaky enough to raid the alpha dogs. Well, with my proper gear and skills, it's time I went in there to save his ass. As much as I want to assassinate those brainless fools...I could easily do it. But that would mean jail time. They are spared for the moment.

0‾End Narration‾0

It was 12:30 AM at the fraternity home of the Alphadogs. The party had to end early due to a spy that we all know and love. The girls were sent home for the rest of the night, while the jocks prepare for what they have in store for their captured spy.

"So what do we do with him, Rude? He's not going anywhere." A red falcon spoke while he and a good number of jocks sat around in the living room of their fraternity home. Reid was currently laying on the floor with his wrists tied behind him, and his ankles tied together. He also had a good strip of duct tape on his mouth, so he was not able to scream for help. Rude sat in a chair that was designed like a throne, and only grinned at his newest victim.

"Man...I had something planned for you and your friend already. I was actually going to be nice and just trap you both, then bleach your fur color to something fruity. But now you've really gone off the deep end." That grin still remained on Rude's face while he spoke. "I would have never thought that you of all people would try to break in our home. That takes a lot of balls, dude...however..." Rude's grin became more sinister as he finished. "That also took a lot of stupidity. Because now we are going to make you wish you was never born."

"Mmmm! MMMM!!!" Reid tried to talk, but all he could make was loud humming sounds. Rude just snapped his fingers and that red falcon kicked Reid in the stomach to shut him up. Reid's eyes opened widely upon impact, and his body curled up into a ball while he laid on the floor in pain.

"So everyone! What are your ideas for this sad attempt of a ninja?" Rude laughed while he walked over to Reid's motionless form. "Any ideas people?"

"I say we strip him naked and tie him to the flag pole. We can leave him there until someone else gets him down." One rough looking bear spoke. "Which will most likely happen after the whole school sees him." A few of the other jocks nodded. Each of them having a wicked smile.

"I like the way you think, Bark." Rude knelt down in front of Reid before he finished speaking. "But first, I say we all get ten seconds to kick his ass. This is just a little extra to make sure he does not pull this stunt again. Crazylegs!" Rude called out to one of his best members.

A hyena came running out of the basement with foam all over his mouth. He was making a lot of weird sounds until Rude slapped him. It was enough to put Crazylegs back in shape. "Alright, Crazy. Go out to the shack and grab the chair of pain. It's a special throne we allow our victims to sit on while we do our thing." Rude ordered, and Crazylegs ran out of the room in a heart beat. "If there is anyone who can get the job done fast, it's him." Rude shook his head.

Outside of the Alphadogs' fraternity home, Crazylegs was already at their shack. The shack was connected to the basement, though everyone except Rude hardly uses that passage for some reason. Once Crazylegs opened the shack, he felt something tap his shoulder. He turned around to see what it was, but no one was there. Scratching his head, he turned back around only to have a foot collide with his face. Crazylegs was now out cold, and the one who was responsible for this action has already vanished. The keys that Crazylegs had on him were gone as well.

It has been three minutes since Rude sent Crazylegs out, and the jocks were growing a bit impatient. "Yo Rude. What's taking Crazylegs so long?" Bark asked. "Usually he would be back in less than thirty seconds."

"Bah. The only way he would ever take this long, is if he's found something that distracted that idiot. Then again, he wouldn't dare to test my patience....Craptain Falcon! Go out there and see what he's up to." Rude called out to the red falcon.

"I thought we agreed that my name is Blaze!" Blaze sighed while he left the room, a few snickers escaping from the jocks.

"Damn asshole making fun of my name again. I don't even know where he got that mess from." Blaze mumbled to himself while he went to fetch Crazylegs. "Now where the hell is that dumbass...whoa!" Blaze tripped over something on the ground, but quickly regained his balance before he fell. "The hell was that..." He felt along the ground until he grabbed a hold of Crazylegs' arm. When he realized who he was grabbing on to, he lifted him up on his back, and carried him inside. "Crap..and he's drooling on me."

Back inside of the living room, everyone was watching a movie and having a "kick Reid around" game going on. Every time one of the characters said something lame, they would give Reid a good kick. Of course, they picked the movie with lamest lines of them all. Everyone except Reid was having a good time for about three minutes, until Blaze walked in with Crazylegs on his back. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and watched as Blaze lays him down. Two other jocks joined him, wondering what the heck happened to their insane friend.

"Alright, what the hell is going on? I know Crazylegs is known for pulling random shit, but he wouldn't dare to go to sleep when I tell him to do something." Rude walked over to the unconscious hyena, and checked him out for a bit. "...His keys are missing."

"And?" Blaze asked. "They are just keys to the shack. There is nothing but an uncomfortable chair in there anyway."

"An uncomfortable chair, and a passage that leads to the basement of this house." Rude corrected. "Whoever stole the keys has the intent on breaking in here...and I have a hunch on who that someone is." Rude looked over at Reid who is still curled up from all the kicking. "Looks like we get to beat up on his best friend after all. Once we catch him that is." Rude smirked, until the power to the house suddenly went off. Some of the members could see in the dark very clearly, while others had a bit of trouble.

"That is just what we need....alright. Those with night vision in their eyes, start searching the house for the bastard that dares to make a mockery of us. The rest of you....just make sure Reid does not get away." Rude told them before he and the rest of the jocks went looking for the intruder. The jocks that stayed behind went searching for Reid, but they couldn't find him anywhere. Reid on the other hand could feel his body being dragged along the ground. He couldn't see who it was, because of his position on the floor. All he could see was the jocks running around and looking for his body.

"God dammit he was right here!" One jock said.

"Man, Rude is not going to like this..." Another mumbled while they were still looking for him.

"Air biscuits! Get em while they are hot!" Berserker added.

"Aw Jesus Christ Berserker! What the hell did you eat?!" Several jocks were now gagging over the powerful air biscuit Berserker has just presented. "It smells so bad I can taste that shit!" Another jock shouted while Berserker was just laughing the entire time.

Reid was holding his breath until he felt himself being dragged into the kitchen, and the door being locked behind them. Whoever was dragging him had finally stopped. Then he felt the bindings on his wrists weakening. Before he knew it, his wrists were free and he could finally move them around. He heard a familiar voice spoke behind him, and a knife was placed next to him.

"Alright, maggot. I did most of the work. The least you can do is get yourself out of here...there's some tigress at our gym waiting for you. If you get caught again, don't expect me to help...amateur." That last word gave Reid a full idea on who saved his ass. He got a good glance at him to see a blue raccoon in a ninja suit. The raccoon was non other than Rass. He opened the window, and was about to climb out. "Oh...and if you figure out who I am, do not tell anyone. I will wait until the time is right, to reveal my abilities." With that, the raccoon jumped out of the window, and darted off.

Reid pulled off the duct tape that covered his mouth, and undid the ropes on his legs. "I better get out of here too. It would suck if I got caught I'm going to be feeling these bruses tomarrow." Reid mumbled before he got up, and limped over to the window as fast as he can. He had to grab a chair in order to help himself climb out, due to the pain on his body.

"Ok, so how do we put the power back on, Rude?" Asked a black panther who went to help out Rude with the power issue.

"How the hell should I know? Do I look like some electrician?" Rude opens the power box, and noticed that some of the wires were severed from each other. "Yo Panzer, run to the shack and get the electric tape, plus a pair of rubber gloves. I think I got an idea on how to fix our problem. At least until we get these wires replaced."

While the black panther known as Panzer took off, Rude stood there in thought on who could have done all of this. Three minutes later, one of the jocks who wasn't Panzer, came to Rude with even more bad news. "Rude, I hate to tell you this, but I think Reid got away."

"You gotta be kidding me....That dumb cat is tied up, and he is in pain! There is no way he couldn't get away from you guys! Unless you all are really retarded!" Rude barked while placing his hand on his face.

"That is the thing Rude. We don't think he was able to escape on his own." He handed Rude the ropes that once bind Reid's wrists and ankles. "I found these on the kitchen floor. They look like they were cut off of him."

"....Go search around the house. Find any other clue you may have on who did this." Rude grinds his teeth together while he pondered over who the culprit could be.

"It can't be that gay ass fox friend of his...I know nerds are smart, but this is too well planned for him to pull this he did get trashed by Berserker. He wouldn't dare to come in after such a beat down." With all of these facts surrounding the situation, Rude has concluded that Guy is not the one responsible for this. "If those two have more friends like these, the nerds could be a threat later on.....wait a minute...Rude, get a hold of yourself..they are NERDS!" Rude shook his head while he spoke with himself. "They are nothing but weak, no life nerds! A threat? What the hell was I thinking?" Rude laughed to himself. "So they pulled a fast one on me. Bah, it won't make a difference. I'll just have to be careful next time...." That thought made Rude gain a sense of anger. "I will make sure there won't BE a next time..."

"Gah...I finally made it." Reid panted while he opened the doors to the gym. While he walked through the hallways that leads to the gym floors, he stopped when he noticed Vanessa sitting on the bench with her arms folded. She was tapping her foot and it looked like she was waiting on someone. Mainly because she had the look of worry on her face. He did recall Rass telling him about a tigress who was at the gym. This was probably the tigress he was referring to. "Vanessa?"

Vanessa didn't notice Reid approaching her, because she was exploring her mind right now. "That idiot...what was he thinking? If Rude captures him, there is no telling what they will do to that cheetah...I know he wants to get evidence from his friend, but what he is doing is not smart at all." Vanessa's ears perked when he heard someone calling her name, and brought her back to reality. She looked over at Reid who was leaning against the wall and instantly jumped to her feet to go help him. "Reid!"

"She was worried about me?" Reid thought to himself, while Vanessa was checking his body for any bruses that might be there. She found several cuts on his arms and legs, but would have to remove his clothes to find any bruses on him. Before Reid could say anything, Vanessa was taking him to the infirmary. There was one inside of the gym building thankfully. "Why...would she worry about me of all people?" Reid pondered with himself as Vanessa dragged him along.


Well that concludes this chapter! I actually finished this one a lot faster than I thought I would. But anyway, keep on reading people. The plot becomes more developed with every chapter!