Chapter Four, Memories Fond and Fearful
A sticker on the side revealed that the substance was "lavender water". aimee's body went still as a flashback overcame her............................................
Lavender Scent (Poem)
lavender scent drifts palely into the room, as sun and moon trade places in the sky. sadness shall find nothing here but doom. for here it shall find my true love and i.
The Slide of Trust
The two inside toes were white and lavender respectively. her tail was medium length with a slight curve at the tip was lavender on top and white on the bottom with three turquoise spots on the left side.
Keijo!!! : Counter Attack! - Chapter 1
On lavender's platform, noire stood where lavender once was. enro looked into the water and saw lavender floating face down next to the platform. the referee blew the whistle and swam over to check on lavender. he was out cold. enro was frozen.
The Queiajirai Chronicles ~A Young Fur's Fantasy~ Part 1
#1 of pynk lavender's stories ~the queiajirai chronicles~ the queiajirai chronicles ~a young fur's fantasy~ _come on, alex, where coud you be?
Nightmare In the Lunar Republic Chapter 2
lavender sky was nightmare moon's top aid and the one least intimidated by the alicorn's appearance. "uuuhhhh!" nightmare stretches, "morning lavender, what's on today's schedule?"
Cyanide of Riddance chapter 16.
lavender snarled. "i had to get bluro to break up with milo so i could get my best friend back!" then lavender whispered into purplo's ear and they both agree. "got it?" she asked purplo. "good. follow my lead, and don't frack it up!"
Cyanide of Riddance Chapter 5.
But then a crash had been made and both pinks and lavender look in surprise. "never fear! bluro is here!" a blue female wolf named bluro said. "to play over with you guys." "oh!" lavender shockingly cooed. "you came!"
An Alien's Appetites
Justin was a tharx: a lavender avian alien whose species was known for it's massive size--easily taller than any skyscraper; justin stood tall.
The Life and Times of Soma Hikari: Chapter 1 *Edited*
, the smile of an angel, and the overwhelming scent of lavender as she walked up to me.
I pulled down the usual one i used, a lavender scented one. snow smelled of cocout and i smelled of lavender. i smoothed the head fur down as the hot water poured. i had been in here a good ten minutes now it seemed.
Character Sheet: Evei Petrov
He sports short black hair with lavender tips, styled in two short spikes and lavender eyes, he also has an arrow shaped tattoo pointing downwards on the back of his right leg.