Cyanide of Riddance chapter 16.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#17 of Cyanide of riddance.

...R.I.P. red.

While red had been crying over his disembodied arms, bluro was busy being with her dead boyfriend. "No, milo, you're the cutest!" She said. "No! You are! Hmmhmm!!"

"Watching bluro and her masculine know-it-all boyfriend make me sick!" Lavender snarled. "I had to get bluro to break up with milo so I could get my best friend back!" Then lavender whispered into purplo's ear and they both agree. "Got it?" She asked purplo. "Good. Follow my lead, and don't frack it up!"

Then she hears purplo whimper and whine to her if she could find a friend in her. "Wait, wait. Best friend in purp..." Then she breaks out laughing. "Oh, God! Asians are hilarious!" Purplo felt sadness inside and a chorus had played inside her.

Purplo into depression go

She blew her chance with lavender

Lavender only have eyes for bluro

_Purplo die alone _

"What what that, milo?" Lavender faked. "You have the perfect escape plan? We'll be out of here in no time?"

_When milo just lies there and does nothing, we'll all be executed in the morning, and bluro will finally realize how boring her dead boyfriend is! Ha, I'm so clever! I can't stand it! _

_"_Well, the guards are coming, milo!" Lavender faked. "We can't wait to see your plan in action, right, guys?" The dead body of the collie dog with flies buzzing around him. "Come on, milo!" Bluro urged. "Do something! You're embarrassing me in front of my female friends!"

Flies still buzz and bluro sighs. "Oh, maybe they were right about you. Maybe we should just break-"

But then the guards noticed the body. "Woah! That prisoner doesn't look so hot!" A female cat guard said. "He's pale and that mouse is eating his eyeball." They then spot a mouse eating milo's eyeball and then it burps.

"We better do something!" Another guard says and then they find a key. After unlocking the rpsioners out of the cell, bluro chuckles silently. "Ohh, clever, clever!" She said. Then bluro slithers behind the guards, rises up and the guards try to look behind them until bluro says an insult. "Psst," she said. "That guard outfit makes you look fat."

"It does?" Then the guard starts wailing and runs away. "Oh, great!" The jaguar guard snarled. "Now I have to deal with that all night! Millie, wait up!"

"Milo, your plan worked like a charm! Oh, I'm so happy! Later on, I'm gonna let you frack me in the mouth."

"God darn it!"

"Now let's get out of here!"

"Hey! The prisoners have escaped!" Then after getting out of the cell, lavender looks behind her after she hears a groan. "Come on, red!" She said.

"No," red replied. "I have nothing to live for anymore. I'm not a prince. Now, go. I'll slow them down for you. It's the only way."

"Thanks, red. You'll always be a prince to me. Here."

"No. You keep them."

"They're of no use to me now."

"I'll treasure them always!"

"Wait, lavender. Do me one favor. Live your life as a lesbian to the fullest."

"Will do."

"Everyday's a gift."


"And find that one special person."

"Sure thing. Bye!"

"And hold her close and tell her with all your heart that you can't marry her. The bible forbids it."

"I really gotta go!"

"Ok. Bye! Don't adopt!" Then red sees the guards and gets into action. He then replaces his arms with torches and tries to fight the guards, but then he gets sliced and blood had splattered all over the wall, leaving a screaming red dead.

Then as bluro, milo, bluro and purplo run away from the guards, they find that the door was locked and they noticed they have red's arms. "Give me those!" Bluro said. She then opens the door using red's arms by putting them in milo's hand and the door opens.

They get outside as the guards turn back (the guards a aren't allowed to leave castles) and celebrated. "Milo has saved the day!" Bluro cheers until they find all their friends screaming and they find Azazel. "Holy frack, it's Azazel!" Lavender shouted.

"Uh, hey, guys," lioness said. "How are you?"

