The Life and Times of Soma Hikari: Chapter 1 *Edited*

Story by tigera117 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Life and Times of Soma Hikari

The Life and Times of Soma Hikari

Chapter 1: The Scent of Lavender

She came to me in my dreams again, the beautiful wolf, her fur blacker than the darkest night, her yellow eyes gleaming with beauty and intelligence, the smile of an angel, and the overwhelming scent of lavender as she walked up to me. Her soft tail wrapped around my leg as she opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was a loud annoying buzz. I sat up in my bed, the alarm buzzing and sweat on my brow, disappointed that the dream had come to an end again, right before I could hear the girl's voice.

First of all let me introduce myself, my name is Soma, Soma Hikari. I'm a 17 year old tiger, 6"2, 225 pounds, and I have brilliant green eyes. I live with my mom and dad, in a normal house, in a small seaside town; my hobbies include gaming and watching movies. So yeah, I'm pretty much a nerd and somewhat of an outcast. I had been having the same dream for the last month, that beautiful wolf, and the smell of lavenders. I had no clue what it meant or why I kept having it, but I always woke up in the morning with a warm feeling in my heart. I rubbed my eyes and yawned before hitting the alarm and getting out of bed.

I was tired having stayed up all night the night before on my laptop chatting with friends and listening to music and it showed, so I grabbed my glasses and lazily put on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and my lucky black hoodie then walked downstairs to the kitchen where my mother and father were having breakfast. My mom, now in her 50's, looked at me with disbelief as I walked into the room

"Soma, what are you still doing here? you have school today don't you" she said as I walked to the fridge.

"I know mom, I'm not going to be late again" I said somewhat annoyed, as I grabbed a water bottle, "besides you know I get the best grades in the school anyways".

My dad, a gruff looking old tiger around the same age as my mother looked up from his coffee "Soma, you listen to your mom, and honey he is right, he's had the best grades in school for 3 years."

I grabbed my backpack and started heading for the door as I smirked while my mother sighed "Well I guess you are right dear, have a nice day at school soma!"

I walked out the door and waved as I headed for the bus stop. It was a nice sunny day, and the birds were singing as I waited on the corner for the bus, the bus ride was uneventful as usual, leading me to fall asleep in the back like always. I woke up when we got to school and sat on the wall watching everyone else talk and mingle while searching for my best friend Shade. Shade and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember. He was a wolf with grey fur and red markings on his face; he was funny, kind of dumb, and a total stoner, along with being a weapon enthusiast. I finally saw him in a beat-up Metallica shirt as he hopped up next to me on the wall

"hey dude, how's it hanging?" he said as sat down.

"Ok I guess" I replied "I had the dream again",

He looked at me funny "Again? Dude that has to mean something",

Just then as he was speaking a girl walked by and I caught the scent of lavender. I looked up and was amazed, it was her! The wolf from the dream!

"Oh my god shade! that's her!" I pointed as he looked behind him.

"Damn, you weren't lying Soma, she is hot" I paid no attention to his reply as I watched her, she was real! I had to know who she was, and how I could make her mine


Just as I thought that the bell rang and I trudged to my homeroom and sat down. Then she came in not too long afterwards looking confused with a small map in her hand and sat down in front of me, not paying any attention to me at all. Then our teacher walked in, a younger fox, named Mr. Margrave.

He stood in front of his desk and smiled "Well class it seems like we have a new student joining us today, would you please stand up and introduce yourself?" She stood and walked to the front of the class, her bangs covering one half of her face.

She smiled shyly and began to speak with the voice of an angel "Hello everyone, my name is Haru, I just transferred here, my dad got a new job around here and had to move" I watched in awe, the way she stood there with that beautiful figure and brilliant eyes, and that amazing voice. Finally she sat back down and the day progressed normally, I spent most of my time watching her when I could, my mind too distracted to do anything else.

Finally I got home and after dinner and my shower I laid there in bed, thinking about the day and how the girl from my dreams was real. I just couldn't believe this, I wanted to make her mine, but I didn't really know how. I had a horrible track record with girls, I'd never been on a date, never kissed a girl, and hell girls didn't even look at me! Guess I just had a problem with being nervous, and being a nerd didn't really help my situation. Shade always told me to go for the desperate ones, but I wanted something real, something that could last forever. Not something that would work out for awhile then die. I wanted true love! So as I laid there in the dark I promised myself one thing, tomorrow I would talk to her.........

To be continued