#3 of Lunar
© All characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, Eben Black..
The bathroom fogged from the hot water as I showered and stood, back pressed to the tile wall, allowing the hot water to blast away the mess that Snow had made. I slid down the wall and listened to the water encircle the drain. I reached for one of the lowest shelves inside the shower cubicle where the shower was sat. I pulled down the usual one I used, a lavender scented one. Snow smelled of cocout and I smelled of lavender. I smoothed the head fur down as the hot water poured. I had been in here a good ten minutes now it seemed. I poured the shampoo and massaged the ooze into my head fur and down my chest. I lathered up and then sat underneath the water, letting the water wash away the ooze. I sat there for a moment, lost in the warmth and sweet scent of lavender. I soon leaned back against the wall, huddled there, knees drawn up to my naked chest as I gazed across the cubicle at the fogged glass door. I reached a hand out and draw one single heart in the fog surface. I trailed the initials "E & S" and smiled. Love was a funny thing sometimes. It would make you stop and do pointless but adorable things like this. I took a deep breath and looked up, letting the water smooth down the rest of my muzzle as I let the warmth push back those doubts that seemed to be bothering me again now that I wasn't cuddled up with Snow.
The man in question had washed first and had offered to change the bedding while I showered for work. I was to meet Kane downtown. Kane was a nice enough guy, he was one year younger than me though, taller but younger and it seemed that simple gap between the ages allowed him to be damn immature some times. Kane was a natural joker and always smiled and looked on the brighter side of life. It was odd that we were friends. I'm not moody, but I'm not beaming like a madman, not like Kane did. He always looked like a puppy excited. He was a leopard. I could see him now, pale green eyes, grin fastened in place. He may have been immature, but he was a worker. He worked damn hard because his age tended to make others look down on him, his mischievious side did not help stop people's assumptions of him, but he churned out amazing photographs that sometimes awed me.
I had had enough time in the shower.
I stood up and turned the water off with a turn of the wall-mounted taps. I padded naked and wet from the cubicle and took a thick black towel from the suspended rack on the wall beside the door. I threw the towel overhead. I rubbed quick and hard, working the towel into the soaked head fur. I pulled the towel down when I was done and breathed out. I could smell the lavender as I began drying the rest of myself. I wrapped the towel around me, then reached for the toothbrush and ran the cold tap. I brushed, washed and soon leaned back against the sink, fastening the two silver loops that I wore in one ear. I had fastened one in place and was reaching for the second, when a loud knock made me jump and stop dead. I waited and then heard Snow's deep voice ask, "Do you mind if I come in?"
"No. You don't need to ask that, Snow. You know that," I replied.
He pushed open the bathroom door and opened his mouth to speak. He stopped dead and gazed at me from a foot away. "Beautiful as always," he grinned.
I smiled back and nodded. "Something up?"
"I wondered if you wanted some breakfast?"
"What did you have in mind?" I asked, fighting back a grimace. Snow had found out a few months back that I hated breakfast and had gotten into the habit of ignoring that meal altogether. He'd put a stop to it. Each morning he'd ask me what I wanted, knowing I'd never make the decision because I hated breakfast so much.
He watched me and smirked before saying, "Pancakes?" I looked at him and then considered it.
He had to have a hold over me or something, because at that moment I felt like pancakes. "Please?" I murmured.
"You actually want something this morning?" he asked looking astounded.
I nodded again, "Yeah, it sounds delicious."
He grinned and looked at me for a moment, a look full of compassion and love and adoration. All for me. He'd donned a basic white dress shirt that he'd left unbuttoned and opened and a pair of white-washed jeans. He padded barefoot and his tail swished behind him. He had even slipped on a slender, black tie that was loosened and draped around the bulk of his neck. "I'll have them done in twenty minutes then." He turned and left. I watched him close the door and exhaled. Had I been holding my breath while he was around? I shook my head and proceeded to fasten the second piercing in place. I peeled the towel from me and tossed it in the basket beside the bathroom door. I padded out of the bathroom nude and walked to the wardrobe. I decided that today would be an ideal day for black clothing. I donned a black t-shirt, black jeans and black boots. I slipped on a long-sleeved black and blue striped shirt that was unbuttoned half way down. I glanced at the bedroom window and saw that the snow was still thick on the ground.
I took a deep breath and could smell the sweet smell of pancakes. I closed the wardrobe and walked out of the bedroom into the lounge and kitchenette combination. The lounge was open-planned in a modern style, a circular leather couch was sat in a sunken circle in the centre of the lounge. The leather couches surrounded a circular glass coffee table. Along one wall were floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked London below. At one end of the room near the master bedroom door was a fireplace, fire crackling happily while an enormous plasma television was suspended upon the wall above the fireplace. At the other end of the lounge was a small kitchenette, a marbled countertop, an American style refridgerator and a small breakfast bay with wooden stools. I saw Snow standing at the oven, finishing up. He turned and flipped the pancakes with a skillful hand. Snow worked as a PE teacher, but he was on a half term holiday period, so when he was home alone he tended to take to cooking or baking. Sounded clichéd for a gay fur to be such a good cook, but he was phenomenal. Much more domestic than I ever could be. It was a definite case of me being the work-a-holic and him being the domestic housewife.
He glanced over his shoulder and said, "Almost finished. Where do you want them? Breakfast bar or couch?"
"Breakfast bar, if you don't mind," I replied as I padded across the laminant flooring and took a seat at the bar, watching the man I loved work. I ended up sat there, resting my cheek on my knuckles, gazing at a nice, firm ass that belonged to my lover. He soon dished up the pancakes and turned, catching me looking. He blushed hard and smirked, a confident grin with an edge of embarressment. He was so cute sometimes. He handed me my plate and then stood there, hands on the countertops, watching me eat. "You didn't do yourself some?" I asked.
He shook his head. "I had breakfast earlier on when you were in the shower. You eat," he explained.
I nodded and took a mouthful. The pancakes were delicious, sweet and soft on the tongue. I wolfed down the lot, no pun intended.
"Better?" he asked.
"Yeah, thank you."
"No problem, babe," he replied. He leaned over and kissed me. He broke the gentle kiss and whispered, "Mmm, you smell like lavender pancakes now."
I blushed red and smiled, "Your fault."
"I didn't say it was a bad thing," he breathed. He leaned in and his lips touched mine, a chaste brush of flesh compared to what we'd done earlier. He broke the kiss and touched his nose to mine.
"I hate this," I breathed. I closed my eyes and cherished that moment, that secure moment of being with the man I loved.
"Hate what?"
I glanced at the clock on the wall and kissed him again. I turned on the stool and hopped down. "I need to finish getting ready for work," I explained, "I hate leaving you here alone all day."
"I know, but work calls," he replied with a sad smile.
I nodded and walked back to the bedroom. I donned a black, blue and white striped scarf that I'd bought for Snow's last birthday. It was long enough that even though I'd wrapped it around me three times, it hit me at around the waist on either side. It was warm and smelled of coconut and the warmth that was Snow. I slipped into a black leather jacket and zipped up. I picked up my mobile, motorbike keys and wallet from the bedside table. I'd never bought the motorbike. That had been a Christmas present from Snow. Strange. We always seemed to be surrounded by presents we'd bought for one another. Funny thing, that. I slipped into a pair of black hiking-boots and fastened them up. I pocketed everything and pulled out the leather gloves I wore for biking. I slipped them on and had reached the front door. I turned the handle and started to open it when a furred hand slammed it shut again. I was startled and looked around to see Snow looming over me.
I was wide-eyed and startled further when he wrapped a hand in the striped scarf and gently pulled me toward him. He kissed me again, a gentle press of lips and a flicker of that feline tongue. His muscular arms wrapped round me. He embraced me and broke the kiss, gazing at me from inches away. "I love you," he breathed against me. He touched a hand to my cheek and smiled down at me. His tail swished behind him in a cheerful manner.
"I love you too," I whispered back as I snuggled against the furred chest showing between the shirt.
"Come back soon, alright?" he asked.
"I'll be as quick as I can, but you know what Kane is like," I replied.
"Be good," he murmured, he touched a hand to my chin and made me look up at him as we kissed a second time. "Have a good time," he added with a broad smile.
"Thank you. You too," I replied. We kissed a third time and then I peeled myself from him. His fingers traced along the leather of the jacket's sleeves and we held hands for a moment. I opened the front door in the quiet that we'd opened up between us. I smiled at him and we shared a moment of not wanting to be seperated, but then our hands fell from one another and I closed the door behind me. I exhaled again like I'd held my breath. I leaned back against the front door and took a deep breath. How did he do that? He always made me want to stay here. I'd even phoned Danielle and claimed I was too sick before so I could spend the day in bed with his muscled sleeping form. Was it me being clingy and stupid? Or was this what real love did to a person? I sighed and closed my eyes.
He'll be here when you get home. Stop being so foolish. Get to work!