Feeding Dinner

"feeding dinner" the chubby lion panted and flopped down on his belly, right in front of the ice-cream shop. as his pursuer , gently jogged up he grinned at the near perfect circumstances.

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To Feed a Wolf

Instead of feeding it to you himself he gave you the five gallon container of ice cream and told you to have fun while he prepared your final meal.

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The Nightly Feed

But i will return, as he did, once more to let them feed. so it has been, and so it must be. the nightly feed must happen, or all is lost. goddess help me.


Feeding the Queen

Kludd would feed her, a token amount at first but over time it evolved.

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"Now why leave so soon?" Your portly pachyderm host said as he closed the exit door in your face. "You haven't even gotten to try out the rest." The elephant grabbed you by the collar and shoved a cookie in your face. "It's called an 'all you can eat'...

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Growing Sun

And the feeding began. they shoved the treats in wholesale, barely giving sun time to swallow before the next was put in.

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A burning feeding ch1.

The summer of 1989 was like any other in the sense that nothing went on in our stupid teenage heads nothing mattered we did what, "we wanted when we wanted" at least,I did I can still remember those faithful days that followed but,one day will always...

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Feeding A Stuffed Lioness

The lion, Ashari, had wandered here slowly, uncertainly. Taking deep breaths and stilling his nerves just to walk the path to the old abandoned workshop. His thoughts tormented him with chilling theories on what dangers might be lurking in each corner....

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A Honyed Problem

Content warning: this story is intended for general readers and the following tags apply: female, pokemon, goodra, slime, honey, inflation, feeding, force feeding, belly inflation good day everyone, i hope yall are doing well and staying safe.

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