Hollow bodies - surface tension
by dexdor
chapter 1
the cave was cool and damp, which was expected, as the cloaked gnoll cautiously made his way in.
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Gnoll, Hollow Bodies, Kassel, Mystery, Surface Tension, Tobyas, dragonite, fourth wall
One believably falsified recommendation later, and boko had taken his tools and picked up the car parts from where they'd been hanging to go put them back together at the surface in record time.
Chameleon, Gay, Skunk, basilisk, hydra
After having walked ceaselessly for most of the day, klein had picked up logs, sticks and stones, boko had put stones in a circle and rubbed sticks together to start a campfire, klein had gathered dry leaves and moss to serve as a relatively soft surface for
Chameleon, Escher, Gay, Sahuagin, Skunk
"All of us are looking for ourselves somewhere out there inside everyone we come across." - Carl Gustav Jung
"When you pour tea into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Answer like an echo." - Bruce Lee
Klein hadn't gone into the forest with any...
Chameleon, Gay, Skunk
Klein had been a weird kid.
In class, most teachers had resented him for scribbling, fidgeting, daydreaming and reading books they hadn't even mentioned instead of sitting still and paying attention all the time like he'd been supposed to, and most...
Archaeopteryx, Gay, Griffin, Kirin, Lioness, Panther, Raven, Skunk
The cephalopod had forgotten just how difficult it could be to find a quiet spot to try to read or search for a semblance of inner peace in on the surface world.
Chimera, Cockatrice, Demon, Gay, Griffin, Lesbian, Manticore, Octopus, Raccoon, Skunk, Weasel, martial arts, moth, scorpion, siren
As much as she'd learned from discovering the merits of solitude, a year of isolation hadn't done much to improve her social networking capabilities by that point. She hadn't known anyone she could use as a focus group to get a second opinion from (or...
Doberman, Dolphin, Elephant, Golden Retriever, Greyhound, Insect, Octopus, Peacock, Rabbit, Salmon, Skunk, Snake, Turtle
Mano hadn't noticed at which time she'd begun to talk to herself and hear voices in her head talking back to her all the time, but it must have been sometime around the middle of the fall. It had happened so seamlessly and she'd had enough time to get...
Lesbian, Octopus, Shark, Skunk, Turtle
TRIGGER WARNING for character suicide
Mano had found her lying on her back in a perfect corpse asana, perfect right down to every last detail.
Her own body's reaction had been in stark contrast with that kind of stillness until she'd worn...
Lesbian, Octopus, Suicide, Turtle
TRIGGER WARNING for character suicide
Elizabeth had envied Mano her capacity to feel at home anywhere but hadn't regretted it when it'd meant she could get out of where she'd badly needed to get out of. It was in Brazil that Mano had first met...
Lesbian, Octopus, Skunk, Suicide, Turtle
If one black liquid had been part of the problem, then let another be part of its solution.
- You know, thinking about how what a large part of the problem clashes between Muslims, Jews and Christians are makes me sick to my stomach, Eli. I can't...
Lesbian, Octopus, Skunk, Turtle
Brazil hadn't always been an easy place to live in. The country's history of slavery had left marks which hadn't proven to be easy to erase. Sand children and street urchins roamed the favelasdesperately struggling to keep themselves alive by any means...
Hybrid, Lesbian, Octopus, Skunk, Turtle, hermit crab, urchin