
Everyday I smile at my friends Show I'm a bright and happy kid I get home and laught at today Like I have no care ... But then my dark side takes over I sit on my bed and tuck into isolation Cry because no one is there I go downstairs and find...

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Chapter 1

I feel a rush of relief as the silver blade cuts through the skin on my wrist, my blood forms in little beads on my arm and drips down my fur. i feel a little better when i do this.

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Cruelest Cut

Bending to stroke her calico cat which wound around her ankles as she frowned at the mirror, sylvia felt almost naked because of the severe cut.

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Cut Short

"now you're without your weapon, and wounded." i stagger to the side a bit as the pain from my wounds has robbed me of my balance for a second, but with a wince i regain my footing and see that he is still in utter disbelief.

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By A Thousand Cuts

Food had given me this buffer against how much everything hurt that i'd taken for granted by then. i'd forgotten how to live without it, and i was too scared to go back. i couldn't believe i'd been able to get away with it so long.

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Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 6

I began to speak formally to my teammates to distance myself from them in order not to get hurt yet again and i began to act on my own in the game, in the end not having the ultimate influence of the outcome as the others had.

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Slice Of Life

"luckily we were fine and we weren't allergic to bee stings, but it still hurt. the point is: we know what we're doing." the twins and frat bros work side by side.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 6: Word Spreads

Commotion had risen in the OmeletWing village as news spread of Embryo's leaving. It began when Vitellus came to visit his betrothed. That's when Yoke and Albumen had to deliver the news. "Three Egg Yokes! WHAT?" Vitellus cried, "That doesn't make...

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For Once Chapter One

I feel the warm, crimson blood seep from my self inflicted wound. with one quick motion, i move the blade from left to right. i open my eyes, released a sigh of relief. it was a nice clean cut.

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Donald Trump was in my dream

I wound up in some pretty deep water (in real life, about 500 feet or so) so i tied my feet to the anchor and jumping over the boat.

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Chapter 1- Cutting Deep

That last part hurt me really bad, but i didn't let him see it. he stormed out of the room. and if you were wondering, yes, i get my temper from him. my mom came up and looked like she had been crying or was about to.

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Do Not Cut Corners in Bulking

Blaze smiled as he pulled out a large bag of blue candies from the pouch around his torso. The charizard smiled smugly as he shook the bag in front of his workout buddies, a typhlosion and a machoke. They stood in the locker room at their local gym. A...

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