A Jump To The Left

There would, eventually be the training with weapons, then the standard parachute jumps, from practice-rigs, before graduating to jumping out of aerodynes, to...the eventual, sub-orbital jump. the true test.

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Lost Orbit: Plot Idea

There was alot of hysteria when we realized that we had been thrown out of the sun's orbit. things began changing.

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Orbital dive

"never been orbital diving before?" the static on the radio crackled through the suit's speakers. betinda jumped a tiny bit, looking over to the larger geroo, also clad in a thick, heavy suit. "no.

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Donald Trump was in my dream

(irl, it is) i chewed through the rope tying my feet to the anchor and apparently i'm made out of styrofoam, because i was just flying to the surface, and i also apparently had enough momentum to go into orbit!

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SENTIENCE - Chapter One - Orbit

At the height in our current path, a set of thrusters would put us in a much more reasonable, circular orbit.

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Maybe we can get better at orbital transfers and that will impress answer. for now i am a singular entity again and i?m going to calculate a few orbits to train. the good news is that i?

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Patience and Chill (Otherwise Untitled)

#94 of short stories a hyena relies heavily on hope while in orbit. ~ the crisp dunes of the sand moon shimmered softly as mac's orbit brought her into another sunrise.

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The Curtain of Stars (a Tale of Furry Spaceflight)

"...laucom, am i go for orbit ops?" there was a brief pause, and then a reply. _"roger that, commander. you are go for orbit ops. be careful up there."_ "you be careful down there, too..." _"sorry? didn't copy, commander."_ flint shook his head.


Coming Home

Combine this with the relative scale of the earth, and voila, an approximate orbit calculation. of course, no programmer had thought to have added orbital mechanics to the list of performable calculations.

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Walls: Reboot 1 - The Ring

[image depicting the planet and orbital ring. there are four stations on the orbital ring, as well as two unknown structures in space labeled the array and stellar forge.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter One

"i'm moving project fire to a ship in orbit. it's been repaired enough to sufficiently continue my research there and the first defense satellite will be in orbit next week." "you're going up?" questioned jun.

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Ioborne: Chapter Six

Third squad reported that they had put together two satellites and were ready to put them into orbit as soon as their vis had finished calculating trajectory, orbit information. it would make it easier to track the prefabs from orbit.

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