Coon happily instructed apples, the two where teaching each other a few songs over the guitar and bass. apples was aiming to play better, while coon just wanted something to take up his time.
Elf, Naro hawkamo, Neko, Raccoon, apples
#1 of a red apple
now, i know that the prologue is mostly in swedish but trust me, the rest will be mostly in english just, bare with me...
det var en gång en liten pojke.
han var inte som alla andra.
A Red Apple, Demon, Male, scary, swedish
Angie has an apple but jennifer is struggling to get one. hans comes back up with an apple and gets back on the roof. "c'mon, claudia! both of us have to get an apple before we can check in!"
"there's nothing on earth that'll make me jump."
Gambling, Relationships, Vegas, apples, race, reality
Before I met a He-Fox,
Who said his name was "Ki-Fox",
Or something resembling of that,
Sadly, he did wear no hat.
Because if he had worn a hat,
Or anything else on his head,
I would still remember his name,
Hatless folks all look the same!
Fox, Magical Apple Pie, Poem, Poetry, Seuss, medli
There was an edge to apple blooms tone that was reflected in her eyes, and applejack couldn't help but wince, squeezing her eyes shut.
"y'all know that's not true, apple bloom. i ain't no runner.
Adventure, Apple Bloom, Applejack, MLP, No-Yiff, Pony, Sci-Fi
_I've been in a dream,_
_In a land of floating islands._
_The air was filled with dust and colour._
_Fire was burning in some of the clouds._
_On each of the islands there stood a structure,_
_No stone left untouched_
_And half of the buildings...
Dream, Fantasy, Magical Apple Pie, Mystic, Poem, Poetry, non-furry
Here's the List of Games by Pixiv and Learndistrict Inc.
Chobi! Chobi! Run!
The Other Realm
Route to Sucess
Which Witch
all-inclusive Beatdown
The Labyrinth...
Apple Arcade, April Fools Day, Pixiv Arcade, gaming, pixiv, service
...And amidst the desert, there was a pyramid.
It was of truly great proportions,
Nothing was I but a bit of dust in its shadow.
It was a pyramid worthy of gods.
And it was beautiful,
Each brick was made of a gem
Only the top was made of gold....
Dream, Fantasy, Magical Apple Pie, Poem, Poetry, eye, non-furry, visions
I'm glad y'all came to lighten the load apple bloom."
apple bloom smiled at her sister and opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted suddenly by a familiar voice shouting towards them, "applejack, apple bloom, good morning!"
Apple Bloom, Applejack, Clean, Cute, Happy, My Little Pony, Rarity, Romance