A swedish row of Haiku (w/ Translation)

Skrev i skolan. När jag är uttråkad eller är före alla andra, så gör jag saker för att få tiden att gå. Den här gången, så var det Haiku. (Translation: Wrote it in school. When I'm bored or ahead of everyone else, I do things to make the time...

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A Red Apple - Prologue

#1 of a red apple now, i know that the prologue is mostly in swedish but trust me, the rest will be mostly in english just, bare with me... det var en gång en liten pojke. han var inte som alla andra.

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Now Where Were We...

For this one-way, teams must listen to an entire saying in perfect swedish.

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Sacking Paris - Chapter 1

**_word dictionary:_ finnvid** - swedish wolf, viking, retired raider. **gauti** - swedish lynx, viking, finnvid's lover and companion. **freyr** - norse god of the harvest, weather and fertility. **dagr** - norse god of daylight.

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Chapter 7- Crumble

The doctor was a red swedish horse that spoke perfect english, with a british accent, which made the feline relax a bit. "i've been having bad headaches and back problems," she answered softly.

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I Woke Up Near the Sea

"do you like, speak any swedish?" "i get that all the time, but not really. more than the average person, i suppose."

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The japanese and swedish research companies also sent many of their creations to live in western australia, simply because the space was available. smaller towns popped up between the larger cities and some were swallowed up as the cities expanded.

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Thane of Hearts -a viking age mystery, Part I

_the battle of svoldr (or svolder)_- a navy battle between norwegian king láfr and an alliance of swedish and danish forces (autumn, 999ad). _hrimrfrostir -_ the rainbow that serves as entrance to valhalla.

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Teaser: Gerbil 07

"i need you to plant a listening device in the gents' toilets at the swedish embassy." "oh." i tried to keep the disappointment out of my voice. "wily old swedes up to their tricks again, eh? i always say you can never trust a swede.

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Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 4) The Wolf who Cried Boy.

It contained a wide selection of banknotes; english pound sterling, us dollars, euros, israeli shekels, swedish kroner, gold krugerrand... scanlon was loaded.

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Dion's D-Day

"and finally, we will cross the volga river and capture stalingrad, take leningrad with the swedish, run the caspian oilfields dry, and burn down the kremlin of moscow!

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Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)

The sword brothers in christiania had raised a different sort of tactic, using swedish horses, and their own light crossbows, had managed to make an incredibly mobile army, speeding smaller forces of a few hundred to raid villages, and had ox pulled wagons