I f O n l y.. ~

As darkness fell, there was complete silence. Not even the wind made a sound. The forest was lazy, for the Sun hadn't breathed life into it for at least ten minutes now. It was like a still picture, and yet appealed more to the eye than any possible...

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So now i walk trough life, my head held up high, looking at the poor ones, who can't think clear, for now i really know, ignorance is a bliss.

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Darkness hides him, my eyes closed bumbum his hand bumbum his lips bumbumbumbum in his kiss is chaos and peace, lightning flashes and thunderous roars, for in that moment, the deafening beat of two hearts merge in harmony, leaving only blissful silence

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Sunset On The Shore

There we sat, paw in paw, the mmost blissful night of my life.

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A lover's Bliss

A lovers bliss by: rayn kusa this is to my beloved mate rex softpaw a heart once broken and shattered left to face the harshness of his journey alone.

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a day of bliss

authors note: this is another story involving those cute furs zac and james form mid nite romance. all of the porplr are of my creation there fore you must ask before you use them. As Zac opened his eyes to the soft...

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Bliss is she

Damn this world Damn this life Damn this time will this world ever accept me. am i a outcast doomed by time to wander. A drifter with no life. A voice with no one to hear. A soul alone in the darkness. Am i doomed to fail. Can i rise from this grave...

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Luke (chap. 3)- bliss

It was about 11:00 when I woke up the next morning. I yawned then stood up and glanced down at Luke who was still asleep. I decided to let him sleep and went upstairs to shower and get some of that sticky stuff off my face. I closed the door,...

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Ignorance Was Bliss (The Kirren Experiment)

These quotes will sum it up and may be altered slightly to fit the section the first is dubbed "ignorance was bliss" from the quote; "where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." ~ thomas gray. i think this sums up the story nicely.

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Fracture - Chapter 3 - Bliss and Doubt

He groaned as they pulled into the driveway. They lived beside a hill and their driveway was sloped downward even further. Good thing the garage was completely sealed from the outside, or the boxes and important papers they put there for storage would...

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Born Again Angel : Chapter 1 - Ignorance is bliss

Ignorance is bliss... chapter1: ignorance is bliss nate "dude, i swear i saw it around here somewhere!" "yea right darren, like you saw that ufo last week or that werewolf in the park the week before?"

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Comfort Creature

The boy had never heard anything like this, the sound was soothing, pleasant, and blissful. no one had ever sung a song for him, not since his mother passed away. he began to feel very relaxed, captivated by the soft, heavenly purring sound.

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