Luke (chap. 3)- bliss

Story by tripleg on SoFurry

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#3 of Luke

It was about 11:00 when I woke up the next morning. I yawned then stood up and glanced down at Luke who was still asleep. I decided to let him sleep and went upstairs to shower and get some of that sticky stuff off my face. I closed the door, undressed, adjusted the temperature so it was just right, then climbed in.

After I got out of the shower and woke Luke up I threw on a UC bearcats t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans then ran downstairs where Luke was waiting. We had decided to catch a bus and spend the day downtown. Since it was a Sunday morning the bus was relatively empty, there were only three people on it besides us so I felt comfortable holding Luke's paw during the ride.

When we finally got downtown we decided to grab some ice cream at graeters and sit down and eat it in fountain square since it was right across the street. We sat down on the edge of the fountain and began talking. We talked for about fifteen minutes then we went to a movie. I don't really remember the name of the movie but I remember it was a horror film, I picked it since I knew Luke was easily frightened, He spent most of the movie with his paw clamped to mine.

By the time we got out of the movie the sun was beginning to set. Luke turned to me and said he had something to show me. Quickly, he dragged me into Carew tower and straight to the elevators. we got off at the open air observation deck, quickly paid for tickets and walked outside onto the observation deck. I took one look around and all that came out of my mouth was " oh my god...". It was beautiful. from forty nine stories up you could see the brilliant sunset over the tops of the miniature looking houses. There were miles upon miles of trees and houses illuminated by an orange sky. It was amazing. I leaned back against Luke's chest as he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my cheek. It was amazing.

after it got dark we walked to the bus station and caught a bus home. The bus was fairly crowded this time so I felt too nervous to hold Luke's paw this time. when we got home my parents drove Luke home. When we reached Luke's driveway he got out of the car, turned to me and said "would you care to walk me to the door?". Completely forgetting that my parents were watching I clasped his paw and began walking him up his lawn. Just as we reached his porch his front door swung open violently revealing his enraged looking father standing in the doorway. "We need to talk" he snarled at Luke just before dragging him into the house roughly by the arm. "as for you, you filthy faggot" he snarled turning to glare at me, "get off my property this fucking instant", then he slammed the door in my face, leaving me standing there in shock and on the verge of tears. Quickly I ran back to my parents car where mom and dad were waiting, still staring at me. "son..." my mom began, cautiously, "is there something you've been meaning to tell us?". "like whether the fact that you just walked Luke home paw in paw means what I think it means?", my father added. "mom... Dad..." I began, starting to cry, "I'm... gay, and Luke is my boyfriend..." I said, staring at my lap. "well it looks like we need to have a talk when we get home... I wish you'd told us earlier, you know we'd love you no matter what. We'll have a talk with Luke's dad about this whole thing but until he calms down I think you should stay away from his dad, he didn't seem to take to as well as us.". When we got home I went straight to my room and lay down to think. Thankfully my parents were understanding and gave me my space. As I feel asleep that night I couldn't help but wonder what our first day of school as a couple had in store for us...

sorry it took me a while, ive been trying to squeeze in as much writing time as possible. anyway, im starting work on chapter 4 now.

also, I would still love to hear any feedback so I can make the next story better

(I've posted a preview of chapter four in my journals if anyone wants a quick preview)

Luke (chap. 4)- ignorance

As I prepared for school that morning, a feeling of uneasiness settled in the pit of my stomach. I was afraid of what people in our school would do when they found out that me and Luke were dating, which I was sure they already knew seeing as the...

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Luke (chap. 2)- longing

Warning contains sex between two gay men, If you dont like this stuff dont read it. Also if youre under eighteen do not read this, not that this is going to stop anyone but if you are under eighteen... at least make sure no one catches you, trust me...

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Luke (chap. 1)- courage

I knew I was gay from around 8th grade when I caught myself staring at the other guys as they changed. I was never open about it since I lived in a somewhat homophobic part of the city and if I came out I would be ridiculed at school so I just lay low,...

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