#1 of poem fate
a poem please comment
when light as died.when time as lied.were do are lifes take there stand. for the darkness i hear tells of death ideal.
Poem, fate
beast with a shatered soul.
shater thee shackles and reclaim thy soul.
Parrent, fate, freedom
The fate which here binds me,
the one i can't escape.
it pulls me down into that sea,
of blood that i've made.
how can i find the path,
of which i'm meant to take?
will the choices that i've made,
bring on unholy wrath?
why do i deserve this?
Anger, Blooshed, Depression, fate
Four stars collide
In this ancient ride
that we all call life.
As they strife
to be the brightest.
They beleive they are righteous.
As they grew brighter
and larger.
They became dimmer.
Lost in their selfrighteous path.
Beauty, Death, Poem, fate
One walks a path, barren and empty, sowing the seeds of life and hope...
The path flourishes, the wanderer travels, lost amongst the peace and prosperity...
One walks a road, jagged and shattered, raises staff and sword, to assemble the pieces......
Fates, Paths, Poem, Poetry, people
As darkness fell, there was complete silence. Not even the wind made a sound. The forest was lazy, for the Sun hadn't breathed life into it for at least ten minutes now. It was like a still picture, and yet appealed more to the eye than any possible...
Love, Mysterious, Wolf, bliss, fate, tragic
- split of fate -
part ii
the dragon's funeral
frightened, she had left her home and her partner. she has been flying for three days, passing burning villages here and there.
Christmas, Death, Dragon, Family, Funeral, Qahnareen, Split Of Fate, Story, Swamp, War, Western Dragon, burial, fate, mound, plot, split, storm
Author's Note:
Hi guys, Another Chapter I am on fire! And I got so many good reviews from you guys I just am so lucky I found so wonderful people on twitter!
But there is something everyone is saying: My grammar....
Coyote, Fox, Gay, History, Raccoon, Relationships, coffee, fate
You ever have one of those days where nothing goes your way? I mean seriously of all people to lose the chair to at the council, Hawthorn Ragefire. I should just bang my head against the wall and end it all right now. Then, get this, then my thesis on...
Cheetah, Dragon, Epor, Magic, Teenager, Warrior, barbarian, fate