
Beast with a shatered soul. Chains of Opression bind thee. Unbreackable. Unexcapable Beast with a shatered soul. Shackles of Fear bind thee. Restricting. Curseing. Entity of Madness. Evokes the Darkness within...

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The adoption process (4)

It's not right to be given up by your parrents just because they think you are a mistake, or they don't love you anymore. i talked with crispin and he said that he woulden't mind if i did it either.

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Puppy Play Ch.1 - 4

They lounged in the sofa until reece's parrents got home. «hey, boys» his dad yelled into the house. «a little help, please?» reece and spence got up, and outside, where they saw what reece's father needed help with.

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Helastar's Biography (Spoilers)

Helastar's parrents are feliday martron jared and sarris heranos velvik. she was laid on arranos (the former home of the arianok dragons), but had to be transferred to tush7 (turner shuttle 7) after the war started.

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