The boy had never heard anything like this, the sound was soothing, pleasant, and blissful. no one had ever sung a song for him, not since his mother passed away. he began to feel very relaxed, captivated by the soft, heavenly purring sound.
Adopted, Angel, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Baby, Beautiful, Cat, Cooing, Cute, Dragon, Feathers, Fluff, Fox, Girl, Hug, Kiss, Kissing, Lick, Licked, Licking, Love, Lullaby, Monster, Mother, Pleasant, Plush, Rock, Sad squeeze, Silky, Singing, Sister, Sleep, Sleeping, Smooch, Smooching, Snuggling, Soft, Tight, Trap, White black child, Wolf, adoption, blissful, creature, embrace, fluffy, friendly, fur, furry, gentle, glossy, hold, holding, nuzzle, nuzzling, older, parent, pillow, pillows, plushy, purring, rocking, sing, smooth, squeezing, squish, squishy, warm, woman