Pleasant suprises: Ch 4 - Just an average day at work

Story by LuCkY25 on SoFurry

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Fourth chapter.

If you haven't read the first 3 chapters, make sure you read them first as the story probably makes more sense that way.


Lucky woke up to find that he was on the floor next to his bed.

"Whoah. Some dream last night."

He had gotten up at the painfully early time of 7:00 AM.

He hadn't done that for ages. But today, it was important that he did. He had a job to go to.

He needed money. He didn't even have a car.

Yawning as he slowly made his way downstairs, he wondered to himself.

What did Desmond have in mind for him today?

Toast with bacon and eggs. Pretty normal breakfast he would usually have before a normal day. He didn't really have time to make french toast today, like he had almost every other morning.

He got dressed for the day, casually as always. But today he wore his nice red shirt with some long black pants. It was a pretty cold morning for Australia. He didn't really mind the high temperature. He'd lived there his entire life. Never even gone over seas. He was very used to the temperature and weather, not like it was ever at an extreme.

After combing his long-ish gold fur for 10 minutes, a very tedious, but necessary task; he was ready to go. Not much time to spare, but still a good effort. He was happy with the way he looked, which was suprising, considering how badly he had messed up his fur during his sleep.

A car had arrived outside his house and he looked through the window to see the familiar black sports car and Desmond, that handsome black and white husky, coming to the door to take him to work.

He didn't want to seem overly eager to see him again, so he waited a few seconds after Desmond had knocked before opening the door.

"Hey!" He said. "Ready to go to work?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Lucky replied.

They walked along the path down through the garden, which seemed to be taking good care of itself considering that Lucky had never even watered the plants.

Desmond looked back at Lucky's house.

Pretty big, family sized house. Small front yard with a short path and a strip of garden each side. Pretty normal for a family, but not for someone who was living alone. There was definitely something going on. something Lucky hadn't told him. But he didn't want to ask just yet.

They got into the shiny black convertible and began to drive off to Channel 19 Studios.

"So, what have am I going to be doing today?" Lucky asked, still completely unaware of what Desmond had planned for him.

"I would like you to meet someone. A good friend of mine. He has been having a bit of trouble lately."

"What kind of trouble?" He asked.

"He has this great idea for a TV show, but he needs inspiration and other ideas for characters. But he also needs a star."

Lucky stared at Desmond, trying to figure out if he was implying what he thought he was.

Desmond noticed this and confirmed it.

"Yes Lucky, that means you. I told him about you that night before I came over to your house. He got so excited and said he just had to meet you. And when he found out that you were an actor..." He said, not even needing to finish.

Lucky couldn't believe it.

His best friend had just asked him to star in a TV show.

This was a dream come true.

Lucky always wanted to be a famous actor.

They had only known each other for 3 days, and yet Desmond had already given him one of his life-long dreams.

Surely this was too good to be true.

"Are you serious?!" Lucky asked, clearly excited by the idea.

"Yup. I'll take you to him as soon as we get there. he will be so happy to meet you in person."

"Wow! You have no idea how happy you just made me!"

"Awww, it was nothin buddy." He replied.

"Besides, do you know how much money I'm going to make from producing such a good show?"

Lucky stared at him. He was going to be the producer?

He would be working with his best friend on the job of his dreams!

This was incredible.

"Lucky... You may not know it yet. but you ARE lucky. Look at all the good things you have. This was really the least I could give you, and yet you are so greatful for it." Desmond said.

This was true.

Lucky really was lucky. It only took a good friend for him to realise it.

"And besides, we might both become rich!" He pointed out humorously.

"Maybe." Lucky asked, knowing how much money these shows tended to make.

They made a LOT.


Channel 19 studios.

A true sight.

They entered through the gate and Lucky stared in amazement at the beautiful administration buildings.

They drove past a reception office that had a massive, beautiful fountain in front of it.

This place was epic.

They moved on through to the building where Desmond worked. A regular office building with large windows, gleaming in the morning sun.

Desmond parked and they got out.

Lucky stared up at the tall building as they walked towards the steps leading up to the front door.

The lobby was a nice, proffesional looking room, with modern styled furniture and beautiful artworks.

Desmond spoke briefly with the receptionist, sitting at an interestingly shaped desk, then they moved into the elevator.

"Hit the R button for me, would ya?" He asked in a friendly tone as the doors shut.

Lucky hit the button. But why were they going up to the roof? He shrugged off the thought as he admired the smooth, shiny walls of the elevator.

They reached the top floor with no stops and stepped out onto the peaceful roof top.

They were alone.

Lucky looked around. A nicely paved rooftop with a garden or two and most of all...

A wonderful view of the cityscape.

They went to the edge and leant on the handrail, admiring the magnifiscent sight before them.

Desmond was first to talk.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Lucky didn't respond. He was too busy staring in wonder out along the buildings, across the river and at all the little cars, the size of ants, driving along in neat rows.

"I come up here every morning. Helps me get a clear head for the days work." He said.

Lucky tried to say something, but was too mesmerised by the beauty of the city, shining in the morning sun.

They stood there in silence for about 5 minutes, peace ever present on the beautiful rooftop.

It was a place Lucky had only ever dreamed about. But now he was here. In a slice of heaven.

"Well, we should probably get going. Don't want to keep my friend waiting now do we?" He pointed out, and Lucky slowly dragged himself away from the incredibly view, back towards the elevator.

"I knew you would like it." He said. As they went down to the floor below the roof.

There was the regular office area, little neat areas marked out for each worker, who had placed thier own furniture in what ever way they wanted, giving each area a unique look, helping the workers feel more at home.

Computers and papers and other things all lying in neat positions on desks while the busy furs were typing away, creating whatever they were creating.

They walked through the room, recieving an occasional polite 'Hello.' from someone.

This place was so cool.

They had come to a room with the name 'Desmond' engraved in a shiny golden plate on the front door.

"This is my office." He said as he swung the door open, politely gesturing for Lucky to enter.

He looked at his surroundings. A large room, with a nice sofa along one side, and a large row of windows along the other, presenting Lucky with the similar, breath taking view he had seen from the rooftop.

Bookcases filled some more of the space, and at the end, there was a large, wooden desk.

"Please, sit down." He said as any good host would, gesturing towards one of the comfy looking chairs in front of the desk as he sat himself down on his chair behind it.

He booted up the computer and told Lucky about the regular routines and things, passing the time as they waited for his other friend to arrive.

"This is so much like how I had imagined. So modern. So beautiful." Lucky said, still looking around in wonder.

"I was quite suprised too when I first got a job here. They let you have your own area set up how you want it. That itself was pretty amazing at the time. But when you get promoted and get your own office like this...

...I could hardly believe it myself."

Lucky was so amazed, he even pinched himself to check that this wasn't a dream.

Desmond laughed. "Yes Lucky, you silly little cavoodle. You aren't dreaming."

Lucky was speechless.

This place was just so incredible, he couldn't imagine himself working here. He had only ever dreamed of a place this beautiful. He never thought he would actually see one, let alone work in one.

There was a knock on the door behind him. He turned around as Desmond called out "Come in!"

The door opened to reveal a orange furred fox. He was pretty tall, Lucky guessed they were a bit taller than him or Desmond.

"Heya Des! And hey there uhhh... ...Lucky was it?" He said, as though it was just another regular day at work.

Lucky nodded and he came in and sat down in the chair next to Lucky, clearly examining him.

"So. What do you think Harrison?" Desmond asked.

"Firstly, for the last time, call me Harry." He said, slightly annoyed at being called that name.

"I was only teasing, Harry. But continue."

"He's perfect!" He cried; absolutely ecstatic about Lucky being better than he had hoped.

Lucky smiled. This was the happiest he had ever felt before in his life. He was truly accepted.

"So Desmond here tells me that you need help with your new show?" He asked.

"Well Lucky, Des here may or may not have told you yet, but I want you to be my next star!"

"I'd be more than happy to." He said, wagging his tail excitedly; beating it lightly against the cushion of the chair.

"Excellent! Lets get down to business then!" Desmond said, clearly just as excited as both Harry and Lucky.


After two and a half hours of discussing Harry's big idea and suggesting more and more ideas of their own, the three decided to head off for lunch.

"You coming with us Harry? Or did you bring something along with you that you'd rather eat here?" Lucky asked, getting into Desmond's shiny black car.

"I always come with Des to lunch. Good to get to know the guys you are working with." He replied.

Lucky sat in the back while the other two sat up front. They whispered something just softly enough that Lucky couldn't hear. Probably something personal, so he decided not to interrupt.

He did make out the end though...

"I think we should tell him."

"Not yet, but soon."

They nodded to each other and Desmond drove out to a nice cafe.

Grilled sandwiches were always a nice lunch. Lucky loved the melted cheese and the bits of ham and chicken. They all went so well together. A creamy chocolate milkshake to go with it made it the perfect lunch.

They didn't talk about the show. They talked about more personal things, more friendly things. Random topics like events around the world and a bit about themselves.

by the end of their lunch break, they both knew he was bisexual, though not really interested at the moment. He knew where they both lived and they had decided that they should go to Desmond's house after work so they could keep talking.

Lucky wandered back to the car while the other two stayed behind, insisting that they pay for lunch.

He got in and looked out through the window just as he saw something interesting happen...

Harry and Desmond were engaged in a tight hug, kissing each other.

They had known each other for years, but he didn't suspect them of being gay. And the thought never came that they loved each other. But now he knew. And he would tell them that he saw them and that he doesn't mind. They needed to know that he knew. Yes. He would tell them.

They came back to the car and got in, pretending nothing had happened, as was probably thier usual routine.

"Hey guys..." Lucky said from the back seat.

"Yeah?" They replied, a slight nervousness in their voices.

"I saw what you did back there, and I want you to know that I'm okay with that. you don't have to worry about hiding it any longer." He said. It was probably the best thing he could do.

They didn't know what to say. but they were smiling to know that Lucky understood.

"Yeah, uhhhhh. We've been together for a few months now..." Desmond started.

"And I thought you wouldn't see..." Harry continued.

"Guys, it's okay. I already told you at lunch that I'm bisexual. You know that I will be supportive of you guys."

"Well, in that case..." Desmond said, a bit of tension in his voice.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Des. You know that. I will always be here for you. You too Lucky. I mean uhhhhh..."

"Its okay Harry, I know what you meant." Lucky said, knowingly.

"Man, you are so perfect. You are almost as good as Des here. Uhhh, no offense, Lucky." Harry said, a little bit confused by the way he had been talking.

"Harry, you know I would go to the ends of this earth for you. I won't ever leave you. And Lucky, I want you to know that you have been a great friend in this small amount of time, and that I would die for you."

Desmond looked like he was about to cry.

Harry did too.

In fact, Lucky felt the same way.

The three had grown so close to each other in such a short amount of time. They loved each other greatly. It was confusing, but it felt right.

They stayed silent for most of the rest of the short trip back to the studios and the tall office with the spectacular roof.

They would sacrifice everything for each other. They had no other friends but themselves, and meeting each other made them so much happier, and so much less lonely.

They were the perfect group of friends.


Another four hours of developing the idea for the show, which seemed like it was coming along better than Harry had hoped for, it was time to go home.

Lucky took one last look out the window, not noticing the other two had joined him as they stared out at the beautiful city.

He sighed, sad to be leaving the beautiful place he was in, having to go back to his own, boring house. The day was coming to an end.

"What's the matter Lucky? Don't you want to come see my place?" Desmond asked.

Lucky had completely forgotten about that!

"Why are we still here?! Lets go see your place!" Lucky asked, excitedly wagging his tail and bouncing on the spot.

Desmond and Harry gave him a confused look at his sudden change of mood.

"You didn't forget did you...?" Harry asked, trying to find an explanation.

Lucky tried to hide his blush as he started walking over to the door.

"Lucky, look at me a second would ya?" Desmond said as though there was something stuck in Lucky's teeth and he was going to point it out.

Lucky turned around.

"Awwwwww..." Harry giggled. "Isn't that cute Des? He tried to hide it." They both laughed a bit.

This made Lucky blush even more.

"You guys make such a cute couple." He commented, as he opened the door gesturing for the others to go out first, just as Desmond had done that morning.

"Thank you Lucky. C'mon Harry, we're going to miss our favourite show!" Desmond exclaimed, as they entered the empty room of unique offices.

Harry reaccted to this by racing Lucky and Desmond to the elevator.

To his suprise, Lucky was very fast and got down the long room quite easily before the others.

"Wow!" Desmond panted. "You sure can run!"

Lucky simply smiled and gracefully pressed the down button.

"Geez, Lucky, do you go for a run every day or something?" Harry asked, wanting to know his secret as to how he ran so fast.

"Actually no. In fact, I haven't run in ages?" Lucky himslef was suprised at how well he had run.

In fact, the last time he had run was atleast 2 months ago. And even then, he hadn't ever run that fast.

The elevator arrived and they got in, ignoring this odd occurence.

They went down to the lobby, empty except for the dalmation, sitting at the front desk. Lucky hadn't noticed this before, but she looked familiar. He couldn't remember where he had seen her before. But he was too excited from the day he had just had to care at the moment.

Harry and Desmond signed out for the day and headed headed for their cars, Lucky following.

"Hey Lucky?" desmond asked.


"Why don't you have a look at Harry's ride. We're all going to the same place, so why don't you let him take you?"

Harry smiled at this idea and looked at Lucky expecting an answer.

"Sure." Lucky replied, having not seen Harry's car yet.

"Alright then! See you two there!" Desmond called as he walked off to the left, towards his shiny black car.

Damn, that car was shiny! Lucky loved shiny cars.

They stopped and waited as Desmond drove off, waving goodbye, even though they would see him again in only a few minutes.

"Hey uhhh lucky?"


"Are you scared of heights?"

"Don't tell me you have a helicopter..." He said, remembering his dream.

"No. But I caught a bus here this morning, because I wanted to show you something."

He gave a sly look. Typical of a fox.

He opened a door to a rather thin building. There was a staircase, which they took right to the top.

They were very high up. Lucky could see the building where they were in, that had the fantastic view, atleast 5 storeys below.

Lucky didn't like heights, but as long as he was safe, he didn't mind them.

And the view of the sunset...

"Wow..." Lucky said, admiring the view, even more beautiful than the one he had witnessed that morning.

"I know, right? Harry said, walking over to something on the edge of the roof.

Lucky looked over to see what it was and was shocked as Harry pulled off the cover.

"A h-h-hang glider?!" Lucky exclaimed, slightly panicked by the thought of jumping off the building with nothing but a glider to take him to a safe landing.

"I thought you weren't scared of heights? What's the matter? Are you too chicken to give it a go?" He playfully acted like a chicken, making Lucky want more and more to try it.

Lucky stared for a few seconds, not talking until Harry let out a large squark.

"Okay! okay! I get the p-p-point. And n-no, I'm n-not going to back away."

He was so scared at what he had just gotten himself into.

"Its okay buddy, look here. This is a safety harness. You can't possibly let go unless you unclip yourself in case of emergency."

Lucky nodded.

"I have had years of expierience with this thing, and I haven't once, out of all 371 times I have used it, crashed."

Lucky looked over at the piece of paper that had several hundreds of marks, each obviously resembling a flight.

"Whadda ya reckon? Join me on my 372nd? Or are you gonna take a bus home?"

After some hesitation, Lucky moved over to it, mustering up as much bravery as he possibly could, and strapped on the harness.

It strapped tightly around him, giving him a definite sense of security which was aided further by the strength and thickness of the strap that held the harness to the glider.

Harry harnessed himself up with expert speed and gave Lucky another one of his sly, playful looks.

"Ready?" He asked, as he grabbed the bar hanging from underneath the large wings.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god!" Lucky whimpered as he too grabbed the bar, ready to go.

"You might want to wear these." Harry handed him a pair of goggles. That made sense considering they were probably be about to fly at an incredible speed through the city at sunset. There was going to be a lot of wind.

They both put a pair on and Harry marked another mark on the piece of paper, but this one was in a thick blue marker. There were only 5 more of these on the paper.

Lucky figured that they meant that those were the only times he had taken someone else. He was so scared.

"3..." Harry started counting. Giving Lucky one last chance to back out.


Lucky whimpered even more loudly, tempted so badly to let go as a sign that he didn't want to do it.

But he still held on.


Harry looked forward, and the loss of eye contact made Lucky feel even less safe.

"Holy shi-" They launched forward, with a strong kick of Harry's legs, off the side of the building and down, torwards the buildings below.

They were going so fast, cutting through the air, picking up incredible speed.

Wind slapping against Lucky's face, making his ears flap wildy, he screamed a bit as they fell.

They weren't screams of pain or terror.

They were screams of excitement.

Like when he was little and he was on a big rollercoaster with his dad for the first time.

Harry pulled up, narrowly missing the top of a tall building and levelled it out curving it with expert precision to the right, towards the forest.

Lucky looked around. They were soaring through the evening light, just as the sun was calmly setting below the horizon. Lights started to come on below, on the streets.

It was amazing. Beautiful. Fantastic. Wonderful.


They came quite low then swooped upward a bit, losing speed.

When they were going quite slowly, Harry angled it downward towards the clearing in the middle of the forest. The one that Lucky did't even know exsisted.

Lucky had stopped screaming before they had pulled up from the first fall.

He was enjoying it too much to be screaming.

They were going at quite a low speed as they aproached the ground, but Lucky had no idea how they were going to slow down enough to touch down. They were going too fast.

They were going to crash.

This was confirmed by the worried look on Harry's face. Something was definitely wrong.

Lucky braced for impact and then...

It all went black.


Lucky woke up lying on a couch.

He desperately tried to grab onto something nearby.

He stopped himself.

Desmond and Harry were there.

They were looking down at him, giggling.

When they saw the confused look on his face, they broke into a full uncontrollable laugh.

Lucky looked at himself. Still golden. Still furry. Still no broken arms or legs.

In fact, he didn't even have a scratch or bruise.

He didn't have a headache.

But he was unconsious?

By the time he looked up again, Harry was rolling on the ground laughing and Desmond had fallen over and was leaning against a wall trying to stop himself from laughing.

"ummmm..." He started.

"What happened?" He asked, having no idea what was so funny.

The other two managed to control themselves after about a minute with great difficulty.

"Y- y- you got so scared..." Desmond began,

"You fiented!" They broke out into laughter again.

"Well that explains why I was unconsious. But how am I not dead from the crash?"

They laughed even more.

"Ohhhh Lucky! You silly little puppy!" Harry cried.

"We didn't crash! i pulled up, just as you fiented. And we landed so smoothly that it didn't even wake you up!"

Lucky had never fiented before in his life. But he was so glad he wasn't dead. Most of all, he had made his friends incredibly happy.

The perfect ending to a perfect day.

"So uhhhh, how long was I out?"

"About an hour. God, you're so cute when you're alseep." Desmond admired.

Lucky blushed a bit and this caused a simultaneous "awwwwwww." From both of them.

"You need a drink or something? Dinner's cooking. Do you like chicken?" Desmond asked.

"Uhhh yeah, chicken's fine. Ummm, a glass of water wouldn't be bad though.

Desmond went off into the kitchen.

Harry looked at Lucky sympathetically.

"Sorry we did that to you. You were very brave to have even tried it in the first place."

"Don't worry man, it was fun. I made you guys happy, and I got a little extra sleep." Lucky mused.

"So forgiving too...

Lucky, you are just perfect. You know that?"

"Stop that, you're making me blush again." Lucky said, as he tried to hide another blush.

"Not only perfect, but cute too." He teased.

Desmond came back into the room with a briefcase and a glass of water.

Handing the glass to Lucky, he placed the briefcase flat on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"What's that?" Lucky asked.

"You know how I said that this was a payed job? Well, after a good day's work and what we did to you..."

He opened the briefcase to reveal $10,000 cash and a contract.

"Guys! Whoah!!! For me?! I can't take all that!" Lucky cried.

"Look at us lucky. We both have plenty enough money. It's only fair." Harry pointed out.

Lucky looked around at the nice house with modern furniture. He remembered the shiny black sports car.

"What about Harry?"

Harry gestured to the window and Lucky looked outside, seeing a large SUV with shiny golden rims and spinners.


"See Lucky? I don't need any more. You should see my house. It's huge! "

"All we want is you. Not the money. You." Desmond said.

"Awww guys. Thanks so much!" He hugged the black and white husky, followed by the red fox.

They had a nice dinner together. Talked and afterwards, Lucky waited downstairs and used Desmond's laptop to check his messages and emails.

This took a while.

He finished and logged off his email account and heard a muffled yelp of delight coming from upstairs.

Lucky decided he wouldn't go upstairs for atleast 10 minutes, and wandered into the kitchen and saw the coolest thing ever.

It was one of those fridges with the little ice making thingy's on the front!

He loved those! They were so convienient. Whoever made them deserved a well earned high-five.

Lucky couldn't resist.

He pressed the water button and stuck his paw under the hole gently pushing the pad at the back.

He got a suprise when some ice cold water splashed against his paw and he pulled it away.

Those things are so awesome.

He decided to pour some drinks for the other two when they had come downstairs.

He opened to fridge and got out a bottle of lemonade that was already open, assuming that Desmond wouldn't mind.

Using the ice making machine thingy, he got some ice cubes in the glasses then poured the lemonade on the top, watching as the drink fizzed up, nearly overflowing with fizzy bubbles.

He began to drink his as he heard two sets of paws coming down the stairs.

"Are those for us?" Harry asked, pointing at the drinks as he came into the kitchen.

"Yup. Thought you might need them." He winked at Harry.

Harry swore under his breath and poked his head out of the kitchen.

"I think he heard us Des!" He called.

Lucky heard a loud swear come from the other end of the house, and smiled to see Harry was blushing.

"Well, ummmm, thanks for the consideration." Harry said, not really sure of what else to say.

Desmond walked in.

"You know, I was wondering if you wanted to join in." He mused as he took a long sip from the cool glass of lemonade.

They laughed.

"So uhhh, what are we doing tomorrow?" Lucky asked.

"Tomorrow?" Harry asked. "Why? did you have something planned?"

"Oh Harry, I've been meaning to tell you. I'm going to take Lucky to the special place tomorrow. Helicopters only have 2 seats and well, you've already been there like 3 times so..."

"Can I just hang from the leg thingy's of the helicopter instead?"

"I wouldn't let you get hurt you silly foxy. I'm sorry. I'll see if I can get a bigger helicopter next time, or if Lucky learned to fly one, then maybe you could sit on my lap?" Desmond teased.

They laughed but Lucky was a little bit worried about something.

"Wait... You are going to be flying it?" Lucky asked a little nervous.

"Of course I am. When we aren't playing computer games, we like to go flying ya know." Desmond replied.

"Lucky... Don't go fienting again." Harry mused seeing he was a bit uncomfortable with the idea.

"Just remember to bring clothes that can get a bit muddy. Don't wear your best suit or anything." Desmond said.

"Wait. We aren't going camping are we? Cuz I hate camping." Lucky asked.

"Don't you like the outdoors?" Asked Desmond, a little bit disappointed that his plans may have been ruined.

"No, Desmond, it's just that-"

"Call me Des. C'mon we're friends."

"Alright, Des, It's just that I am a really big wuss." Lucky admitted.

They stared at him, clearly needing a bit more information.

"I am terrified of bugs and spiders, being in a forest without a path, or anywhere in the wild, really scares me."

"It's okay Lucky. We aren't going camping. It's just that I have this really cool forest on this island I found nearby and... You can only get there by helicopter and it's really cool. And it will be a really cool adventure!"




"C'mon Lucky, pleeeeeeeeeease?"

"Oh.... Alright Des." Lucky admitted defeat.

Desmond practically jumped in joyful happiness that Lucky was going to come, even though he really didn't want to.

"I guess it won't be too bad. I mean, I like to go on adventures and stuff..."

At this stage Desmond was dancing and Harry was laughing a bit.

"Look, you got him all excited. Isn't he cute when that happens?" Harry asked, clearly in love with his boyfriend.

After about 20 seconds of dancing, Desmond had pretty much exhausted himself. Harry looked pretty out of it too. Lucky guessed that they must have been going at it pretty hard.

He too was quite exhausted after a day like today.

"Well, thanks for everything guys. What time will you be around to pick me up tomorrow? And what should I bring?"


"I reckon I'll walk home Des, I'm just down the street after all. I mean, you look pretty tired." Lucky said.

Desmond was too tired to argue and simply shook Lucky's hand goodbye, then walked into the living room and collapsed onto the couch that Lucky had woken up on, a few hours ago.

"You may not want to hug me right now." Said a shirtless red fox.

"Well, uhhhhhh again, thanks for everything, I look forward to Sunday. I assume you're not busy?"

"No, not at all! I should show you my house. Bring your laptop. I'll ask Des if he can come-"

He turned around to see an exhausted husky snoring on the couch.

"Well, when he wakes up, that is."

Lucky started to walk down the path to the road.

"Oh, and one last thing Harry."

Harry turned back and looked at him, clearly exhausted.

"Nice car mate." He said in a stereotypical Australian accent.

Harry smiled, waved and closed the door and wandered into the living room and lay on the couch next to Desmond, cuddling him.

He began to walk down the street.

He had this urge in his legs to run.

He liked how it felt when he had done it inside, so why not run home?

The suitcase was full of paper and clearly wasn't heavy. Well, why not?

He began to sprint at an incredible speed. He had never run this fast before in his life.

But it felt good.

He made it home in a small amount of time.

Maybe he should go for a run everyday.

He liked that idea. but he should probably be packing for tomorrow. So tomorrow was probably not the best time to start.


Lucky lay in bed. He had a nice long shower and was ready to sleep.

He lay awake, thinking over everything he had done today.

How he had met Des's boyfriend.

How he had practically had his dreams come true.

How he was flying on a hangglider and fiented, giving his new friends a good laugh.

How happy he felt to see them as a cute couple.

How he felt when he saw the beautiful view from the rooftop, in the sky, in Des's office...

And tomorrow.

What adventure would tomorrow hold for him?

At this, he went to bed, dreaming that same dream he had been dreaming recently and each time he noticed that helicopter.

That black helicopter with the gold stipes going along a diagonal in the corner of the sides.

And each time, that falling sensation, that felt more like he was sinking.

Sinking slowly down to the bottom.

That dream.

He kept having it every night. But what did it mean?

Black and gold. The colour of his and Des's fur.

Desmond had said he would die for him.

Nothing could go wrong if Des was there.



End of chapter four.

Wow! that one took ages to write.

Hope you guys like it.

And anyone who may be confused, Desmond is pronounced Dez-mond.

Its a Z sound.

Also, if there's anything you think I should improve on, feel free to comment. That's one of the reasons why the comment box is there!

*Also, I do still have lots of kittens who may or may not be electocuted if you do not fav and vote 5 stars.*

*evil face*

(no kittens have been or ever will be harmed in the making of this story, but will you take my word for it?)

(Evil face)

Pleasant suprises: Ch 3 - Plans for the near future

Third chapter. Trying to make em a bit longer every time. Same as every story, this probably makes more sense if you read the first chapter first. By being here on this page, im going to assume you've read both of my other chapters. Anyways, hope...

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Pleasant suprises: Ch 2 - Soaring through a concrete jungle

Second Chapter. If you haven't already, I would reccomend reading chapter 1 first. A story is always best told in the order it was written. Enjoy! ...

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Pleasant suprises: Ch 1 - Why is Lucky, Lucky?

_This is my first ever piece of writing, so feel free to tell comment on anything you think i should improve on._ _More chapters soon if you guys like it._ _I would like to first mention that this series has been inspired by the writings of...

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