Berserker Part 5: Final Battle

The final part of the berserker's tale.

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Berserker Part 4: Death and Darkness

"not only the youngest berserker, but now they youngest general as well. you really are an interesting one verloth." i bowed, "thank you, sire."

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Berserker Part 3: War

I had seen one of them take on a berserker head on, it was a disturbingly close fight but the berserker eventually won.

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Berserker Part 1: Joining The Pack

A short while later one of the wolf-kin had worked up the courage to approach the battle-scarred berserker. "i apologize if i am being to bold, but what brings a berserker this far from the king's keep?"

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Five Gulps and it's Game Over

berserker attempted to pull his hand out, but the goomba gave a sudden gulp, and instead the hyon's arm went lurching in. surprised, to say the least, berserker growled and shifted his weight back.

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Can I be Your New Rival?

berserker nodded wildly. samantha took pen to paper and scribbled down her name. "alright, there!" she thrust the signed paper forward. "here's my stupid... autograph..." berserker was already running. "dammit!"

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Berserker (Hueroc/Ellora)

"berserkers are dangerous!" sharra's tail lashed. "only those who are untrained," rhean gave her a stern look.

Crunch The berserk: prolouge

Thid is the strange story of a creature from the swamp. He is a alligator furry, and looks like any other of his kind. Large, reptilian, and built for huntung in the swamps he calls home. Around the time of his birth, a very strange thimg happened in...

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My Story - Chapter 2

"zebra alpha come in, this is berserker. please respond." a hiss of static. "berserker this is zebra alpha what's the problem out there tonight?" "intel was wrong again, very very wrong.

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The Search for Sethis: Part 7

I knew the berserkers, as the name suggested, would be berserk and attacked each other, but that would not help us either.

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ROTNFS: Chapter 8, The Raccoon In The Shadows

berserker added. "aw jesus christ berserker! what the hell did you eat?!" several jocks were now gagging over the powerful air biscuit berserker has just presented. "it smells so bad i can taste that shit!"

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Alcatraz Ch. XVI-Crucible

Versus berserker." "approximately. james needs to be shown the ineffectiveness of the janus afflicts compared to my own experimental soldiers."

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