Lessons In Happiness - Chapter 5
I'm really sorry that this took soo long to get out. It took me a while before writing it, then another bit of time before it was edited. I'll try to be more on top of the next chapter, but I hope you still enjoy this one! Lessons In Happiness -...
A Treat Sweeter Than Candy
I figured for this contest, there would be a ton of monster rape/sex/otheryummyyiffstuff/ect, so I was like, hey, lets do a short, quick, cute little melt-your-heart halloween story. I hope you all enjoy it, and give a great, big thanks to TakenByMe,...
Rage Over Matter
Just something real quick to add, to avoid confusion. Main character is Jeremy, an anthro wolf. Sasha is his daughter. Now it should be easier to understand. Rage Over Matter "... Where two more murders took place. The recent spree...
Lessons In Happiness - Part Four
Lessons In Happiness - Part Four My dreams were peaceful, for once, but still not very comforting. My mind was running through the past day and while I was glad to have so many ponies care for me out of their kindness I was still...
Solace in Misery - Part Two
Solace in Misery - Part Two The next part, which I accidently didn't upload for a week or so after if was finished. I hope you enjoy it, though it may not be what you expect, and if you're disgusted by it, I am sorry. I woke with a...
Lessons In Happiness - Part Three
Lessons In Happiness - Part Three This chapter was going to be a bit longer, but I decided to just upload what I had now and get the rest later. Don't worry; we get to Fluttershy in the next chapter. However, I may not be writin as much on this...
Five seconds till peace
Five seconds till peace Wind rushes around me, the sounds of population are below me, and only the sky is above. For a griffon this would normally be an everyday thing. Flight was no extravagant feat, but today I was not flying. My...
Lessons In Happiness - Part Two
This definitely isn't one of my favorite chapters. To start, there is a substantial time gap of a few hours between the first and second chapter, so I'm sorry about that. That and a few other things kind of drag this chapter down. So, if you...
Lessons In Happiness - Chapter One
Next part of this; I won't really be having organized parts, they'll just start and stop when I feel that it helps the overall flow of the story. I hope you enjoy it and that I didn't get the characters personalities too wrong. Lessons...
Lessons In Happiness - Prelude
A new story idea I came up with. This is the prelude, and in case you haven't guessed it involves parts of the awesome show My Little Pony; Friendship Is Magic. If you like this show or are intrigued by the prelude I urge you to read the next part...
Solace In Misery - Part One
Solace In Misery - Part One I walked into the bar and grill, wearing collared shirt and khaki pants. I was nervous, but excited as hell. "Welcome sir, would you like a table or would you like to be seated at the bar?" ...
Cast Away - Poem
This initially was going to be lyrics for a song, but I don't really have any musical talent so I decided to make it a poem. It's probably not all too good of a poem, but now at least it's getting some use. Cast Away I lay in the...