Lessons In Happiness - Prelude

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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#1 of Lessons In Happiness

A new story idea I came up with. This is the prelude, and in case you haven't guessed it involves parts of the awesome show My Little Pony; Friendship Is Magic. If you like this show or are intrigued by the prelude I urge you to read the next part (whenever it comes out), because it may not be what you think it is. If I have any errors here, grammatically or spelling, or just got something wrong with one of the characters, please let me know so I can fix it and improve. As always, i hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think about it ^_^

Lessons In Happiness - Prelude

Some ponies might call me special, maybe unique. They may call it a gift, but the tribe of which I live in calls it a curse and me an abomination.

We, or should I say they, are the tribe of traditional earth ponies, where they wake before the sun rises and work until hours after dark. They are based upon the fundamental principal of you were born for work and that is all you will ever aspire to do. For that reason, ponies with wings or horns and shunned upon, and anypony born with either has them cut off within the week of being born.

Why does my tribe consider me an abomination? I was born with both wings and a horn, while my parents had neither. They were cut off soon after birth, but a week later they grew back. There is only one reason why I haven't been killed by my tribe yet, and that is because my father was the chieftain, and he wouldn't allow my death. So, each week I was forced to endure the same pain of the cutting of my wings and horn the day they regrow, then sent back into the fields to work. But now, the tribe has had enough of me.

My father was killed during a raid a few days ago, and because fillies cannot become the chief, I was next in line to the position. The tribe elders, however, discussed the situation and proclaimed that I was unfit to lead and having such an abomination in that position would be unjust. So, they elected a new leader, and he had no problem with killing me.

So, I stand here on the edge of the cliff, my hoofs tied together, as they cut my wings and horn for the last time. I wince at the pain, but do not cry out. I stare the new chief in the eyes; he looks at mine is disgust. He snorts before slamming into my side, sending me toppling over the edge.

I'm in free fall, imminent death just seconds away, and I couldn't care less. My life was hell, and death might be the first time I would feel anything but pain.

I crash into the water, the initial stinging soothed by the cold water. I started to sink, the surface fading away from sight. The last thing I hear is the water splashing again before darkness takes me...


"Do ya 'reckon he'll be alright?"


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