Lessons In Happiness - Chapter 5

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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#6 of Lessons In Happiness

I'm really sorry that this took soo long to get out. It took me a while before writing it, then another bit of time before it was edited. I'll try to be more on top of the next chapter, but I hope you still enjoy this one!

Lessons In Happiness - Chapter 5

Over the next few days, I became better acquainted with most of the ponies of Ponyville, but there were a few who instantly became my close friends. I'd spend my nights at Sweet Apple Acres in the hospitality of Applejack and Big Mac, relax and enjoy nature for hours with Fluttershy, bake desserts with Pinkie Pie or just have a crazy fun time, help Rainbow Dash with some insane stunt or just have friendly competitions with her, hang out with Twilight for lunch or just go to the library. I was even starting to grow quite fond of my time at the spa with Rarity. Today, however, I was going to Sugar Cube Corner to help Pinkie Pie make some sort of bar-pastries.

I moseyed along, not really in much of a rush. The pegasi had just cleared the skies after the morning (storm?) so the soothing smell of rainfall lingered in the air as sunshine bathed the land in its warmth.

As I approached Sugar Cube Corner, I saw Pinkie Pie sitting outside the doors of one of her favorite places to be. Her head was hanging low and her mane wasn't poofed out like it normally was, it was perfectly straight. She looked... really sad.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, you ok?" I asked when I got closer. She looked at me, tears slowly working their way from her eyes down her face. She held out a piece of paper for me to read. "To the residents of Sugar Cube Corner," I started to read aloud. "The Pony Board of Food and Health has hereby condemned the aforementioned building due to the performing of disturbing acts within said building. You are required to evacuate before demolition. Pinkie, that's this afternoon! What are they even talking about?"

"Some mean ponies started a rumor that I k-kill other ponies and bake them into cupcakes and other foods!" she wailed, struggling to get the words past a lump in her throat.

"Well, you don't, do you?"

"Absolutely two-hundred thousand percent not! I'd never do that to my friends!" She was on the verge of losing to the tears fighting to burst forth from her eyes. She hung her head low again, sniffling. I hugged her, trying to make her feel better.

"It's ok Pinkie Pie, it'll all be ok."

"I wish it were that easy..." She said, hugging me back. "But it's no use. I-I think I'll just go see if Fluttershy will let me sleep at her house until I can find a new home..." She pulled away from my hug and walked slowly away. I took one last look at the letter that had caused her so much sadness. It was based on lies and assumptions and it was ruining her life. I picked it up and started to trot away, my sights set on the library.

When I got there I took the note from between my teeth in my hoof and knocked on the door, expecting Twilight. Oddly, however, a small dragon opened the door.

"Umm, is Twilight there? I really need to speak to her."

"Sure, no problem." He turned around. "Twilight! Someone wants to talk to you!" He shouted before turning back to me. "She's grabbing something she put in the basement. So, I don't think I've seen you before. Who are you?"

"Names Zain, I got here when you were at Canterlot." I smiled, looking over his shoulder to see Twilight emerge from the basement and trot over to me.

"What is it Zain?" She asked politely. I held out the note for her to read. "Wait, they're shutting down the library? Why? And on that note, why is it addressed to Sugar Cube Corner?"

"No, they are shutting down Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie Pie is devastated. She's so sad her hair is straight and everything."

"Her hair is straight? Oh no, that is bad."


"There are some things about Pinkie Pie you've still gotta learn. Her hair being that way means only one thing: she's extremely sad."

"Exactly! That's why you've gotta help me!"

"I don't really know what we can do. This looks pretty final, it's even printed on official business paper from Canterlot."

"No, we can still do something. We can stop this, and we will because it's just wrong, and I can't stand seeing her that sad. Nopony deserves that. That's why you need to write an official letter of complaint to the board or even the Princess for all I care, just let someone up there know that something's wrong, ok?"

"Alright, I guess I can do that. What about you?"

"I've got a few ideas..." I said as I left for Sweet Apple Acres.

I galloped as fast as I could, not wanting to waste a single minute. I was a colt on a mission that I would not fail, no matter the cost.

"What's the hurry boss?" Rainbow Dash said, flying above me.

"Somepony is shutting down Sugar Cube Corner, and I'm trying to stop them."

"What? That's crazy! They can't just shut down Sugar Cube Corner!"

"I know, that's why we've gotta stop it!"

"What can I do?"

"I don't know, go tell all the Ponies in Ponyille to come to Sugar Cube Corner tomorrow, and I guess you could ask Rarity to make a protest banner or something."

"On it!" She said, bolting off towards the center of town.

I was just a few meters away from the barn when a door in the ground was thrown open, nearly hitting me. I dug my hooves into the ground, slowing to a stop just as my front hooves met the edge of the top step.

"Oh, hiya Zain. Big Mac and I were just fixin up a leak in our apple cellar. What brings you 'round these parts?"

"Applejack, I really need your help." I said, catching my breath.

"Sure," She said, climbing up the rest of the stairs. "What is it?"

"Somepony from Canterlot is shutting down sugar cube corner because of false rumors that were spread about Pinkie Pie."

"Well, what are we gonna do about it?" She asked.

"Follow me, I'll explain it when we get there." I said as I started galloping back into town.

"All-righty then." She said as she galloped after me.


When we got back a small crowd had formed around Sugar Cube Corner. I slammed my shoulder into the door and forced it open. I quickly scanned the walls until I found the supplies closet. There was a huge coil of rope leaning on the wall. Perfect. I grabbed the rope and tossed it to Applejack.

"What do I do with this?" She asked me, looking at the rope quizzically.

"I'm going to go up to the second floor and hang out of the window. Then, I need you to tie me up on the building from the ground. Can you do that?"

"It's gonna be a mighty big lasso, but I think I can make it."

"Thanks," I said, running towards the stairs. "I appreciate it."

I scrambled up the stairs into Pinkie Pie's room and pushed open her window slowly working my way out of it, hanging on to the rim. Once I was on the outside of the building, I turned myself around so my back was to the wall.

"Hey Zain!" I heard Applejack yell up at me. "Rainbow Dash just got here and is going to help, ok?"

"Yea, that's ok!" I shouted back. I watched Applejack start to work the rope in circles the air, slowly getting it wider and wider. Once it was almost wide enough, she had to start moving around it to keep its form. Suddenly, she leapt forwards and whipped the rope towards the top of the building. It just barely cleared the tip before falling down around me, where Applejack tugged it tight. Applejack then gave the rest of the rope to Rainbow Dash, who flew up even with me and circled the building until there was just enough rope to tie a knot at the end. Below me was a massive swarm of earth and unicorn ponies helping me protest, above me a cloud of pegasai flying in circles.

We were ready, and just in time. A small council of ponies approached from down the road, the few unicorns undoubtedly sent to destroy the place. The lead pony, wearing a suit and holding himself high, looked shocked for a moment but quickly regained his composure.

"I, Mark, by decree of the Pony Board of Food and Health, have been authorized to demolish this building due to the performing of disturbing and sick acts within said building."

"That's total crap, those were all rumors and lies, rumors and lies!!!" I shouted down at them at the top of my lungs. He seemed appalled by outburst but began speaking again.

"You are all asked to remove yourselves from the premises. If you refuse, I have the power to detain all of you for however long I see fit."

"We're not budging!" Rainbow Dash yelled from above me, a torrent of agreement raining down shortly after from the other pegasai.

"This building is scheduled for destruction, there's nothing you can do to stop us!"

"What are we doing right now then?!" I shouted once more.

"I'm not afraid to use force to remove you all."

"Then do it, I'm not afraid!" A roar followed after I spoke, making Mark take a step back. He looked fed up with our protest, and stomped on the ground.

"Why, as Celestia is my witness, I shall-" He was cut short as the sound of whistling air rang from above, soon accompanied by the crashing down of an alicorn. Everpony was silent and down on one knee.

"Well, you shall what?" Celestia said, standing in her crater not even five feet from Mark, who had dropped to his knees after an astonished pause.

"I-I, Princess, I was just-"

"I had received word that you were going to shut down Sugar Cube Corner based on a few rumors that you heard. Did you even take the time to find out if they were true or not?"

"I-I didn't. But Celestia, I-"

"Any why did you take such an unprofessional and brutish approach to this? Not just this time, either. Recently you've shut down many places that I don't think should've been."

"Princess, I was just doing it so you wouldn't think I was slacking or not caring about my job."

"Mark, just because you aren't shutting down buildings left and right doesn't mean I don't think you're doing your job. I understand that there are times where you can't do much in your position, but I still know you try hard even if there isn't much to show for it. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

"Y-yes Princess. My sincere apologies." He said before looking at his crew and nodding. As they left a cheer rang out from all the ponies in Ponyville. I managed to untie the knot holding me up with my teeth and work my way out of the bonds. I slid down the roof before jumping onto the ground, brushing the dirt off my hooves.

"You are Zain, am I right?" Celestia asked me.

"Yea, that's me." I responded, turning towards her.

"Twilight told me a little about you when she sent me that message you asked her to. I'm glad that in such a short time you've made such strong friends. It's been just shy of a week and your already willing to risk your life and freedom for the happiness of another pony."

"It was wrong what they were going to do and I couldn't stand seeing her so sad. I had to do something."

"And I'm sure Pinkie Pie will be very happy with what you all did."

"Speaking of which, will you excuse me? I'd hate for her to feel bad for a second longer."

"Absolutely." She said, nodding and turning to Twilight, who was waiting to speak with her.

I ran through the crowd, surrounded by cheers of victory and thanks. While it felt good to be thought of so highly, it wasn't the first thing on my mind.

I galloped to Fluttershy's, getting there faster than I had thought possible. I knocked on the door, but received no answer. I pushed open the door to find Pinkie Pie lying down on the couch.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, where's Fluttershy?"

"Out feeding the chickens." She said, still sounding extremely depressed.

"Well, could you come with me? There's something I wanna show you."

"Why? It's not like it'll make me feel any better."

"I bet it will..."

"I'm not going to move."

"Fine then, I'll just have to carry you." I said, walking over to her. I nudged my head under her belly and slid her onto my back. She let out a huff but didn't protest. I carried her out of Fluttershy's hut and back towards town.

"Why are you taking me back to Sugar Cube Corner?" she asked when we were in view of the building.

"There's something I want to show you." I said, pushing the door open. I walked up the steps and into her room.

"Why do you want to show me the room I'll never be in again?"

"Because, thanks to all of your friends here in Ponyville, they won't be destroying Sugar Cube Corner."

"R-really?" she said, sticking her head around from behind my back and looking at me in shock. A single teardrop worked its way down her face as a smile spread wide across it. She leapt off of me, her hair immediately becoming just as curly as when I met her. She pulled me into an extremely tight hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you soo much Zain!"

"P-pinkie. Y-you're choking m-me!" I managed to get out of my near-crushed wind pipe.

"Oops, sorry. I'm just so happy!" she said, letting go and jumping all around the room. "Zain, why would you go through so much trouble just for me?"

"Because, Pinkie, you're my friend and I care about you." She smiled wide and hugged me again, though more gently this time.

"Thank you so much Zain."

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