Solace In Misery - Part One

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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#1 of Solace In Misery

Solace In Misery - Part One


               I walked into the bar and grill, wearing collared shirt and khaki pants. I was nervous, but excited as hell.


"Welcome sir, would you like a table or would you like to be seated at the bar?"


"Oh, no thank you. I'm waiting for someone and wouldn't want to take up a table." I said back to the vixen hostess. Taking a seat at the bar I tapped the counter, thinking how long the last month had been. My girlfriend, Genny, was coming back from her business trip today, and we decided to have dinner at the place we had our first date.


               I jumped up as a pair of hands wrapped around my chest and someone whispered into my ear.


"Is the horsey ready to be ridden?" I turned around and saw, not Genny, but instead a fox with a lusty smile on her face, reaching for my chest.


"Umm, can I help you?" I asked, grabbing her wrists to stop her from touching my chest.


"I've got a craving for some horse cock, and I think you can help me." She said, licking her lips.


"No no no, I can't. I'm waiting for my girlfriend and I'm not interested in you, at all. So, if you would please..."


"Ohh, playing hard to get I see. I love it when they do that." She said, reaching for my hips. I pushed her back firmly.


"Hell no, not now, not ever. I've told you once already, so get away from me."


"Come on, I know you'd love to pound me with you're-"


"Get away from me whore!" I yelled, attracting the attention of a few others in the bar. She looked around and groaned before walking towards the next person she'd try to seduce.


               Man, I hate women like that. They just makes me sick. I shook my head and tried to calm back down. I thought back to the morning she had to leave. I went to see her off, so I took the subway to her work with her. We happened to be the only ones in that section of the subway, except for a mouse who was on the other side. We got off and walked the short distance to her building. With a tight hug and a kiss, she was off, and the month long wait had started.


"Hey Jeremy, can I get you anything?"


               I broke from my daze and turned towards the bartender who was looking at me and drying off a mug.


"Nah, I'm fine. Just waiting for Genny."


"Wait, that little fox lady of yours?"


"Yep, that's her. She's getting back from a month long business trip today."


"Are you sure?" He asked, putting down the mug.


"Well, yea. Of course."


"But I coulda sworn I saw her in here a week ago with some guy, a dragon I believe."


"No, that's impossible. She was on a business trip the last month, and she's my girlfriend. So I think you're mistaken."


"Well, she was being awfully frisky with that dragon to be considered your girlfriend."


"What, are you saying she lied to me and has been cheating with me for the last month?" I said, shaking my head.


"Well, apparently so."


"No, she wouldn't do that, she loves me..."


"Look, maybe I was wrong, maybe I'm not. Either way, can I get you something to drink?"


               I sighed. "Fine, just a water."


               I turned around on my stool and looked towards the door eagerly. A few minutes passed before I decided to take a drink of water, but my eyes were back on the door within seconds. Another fifteen minutes passed, and I was getting anxious. I saw the door open and a fox, my Genny, walked in. I stood up and started walking towards her, but froze as I saw a dragon enter behind her, taking her hand. She giggled and kissed him quickly on the cheek.


"G-Genny..." I muttered, unable to accept what was going on. I saw her glance my way before she saw me, letting out a gasp.


"Oh, hi there Jeremy."


"Genny, what are you doing?" I said, finding my voice.


"Damn it, I knew I had a bad feeling about coming tonight."


"What is that supposed to mean, and who is this guy?"


"He is... My boyfriend." She said.


"But I thought you loved me, I thought we had something... I-I just wanted to be happy with you..."


"But look, I am happy. He bought me this necklace today!" She said, showcasing her new, obviously expensive necklace.


"Come on babe, let's get a table." The dragon said, grabbing her arm.


               I trudged over to the bar again, holding back tears.


"Hey man, I'm sorry..." The barkeeper said, leaning on the counter.


"Just, just get me a beer..." I said, fighting just to get words past the lump in my throat. He came back with my beer and set it down.


"Now, I don't want you to try and drown your sorrows with-" I slammed the empty mug down before he could finish his sentence.


"Get me another two, please."


"Come on now, this isn't like you..."


"That's because my soul was just mercilessly slaughtered, so if you would, get me two more beers."


"Fine, but think about what you're doing to yourself." He said, walking back to get two more drinks. I put my head down on the counter, taking y hands and trying to squeeze the pain thundering in my skull out. I heard two glasses being slid down towards me, so after a final attempt to crush my head I reached for the closest mug and downed it, slamming it on the bar and grabbing the other one.


"So," He asked. "Are you done yet?"


"Get me two whiskeys, two rums, a shot of vodka, and another beer."


"Ok, fine. If you want to go ahead and drink yourself to death, do it. But don't say I didn't try and stop you."


"Now, that's where you're mistaken. I'm already dead; my heart has been torn from my chest. All that's left is for my body to stop moving." He just shook his head and went to get my drinks.


               Each glass that came my way was empty before the next one came my way. Soon I had five empty shot glasses and a mug of beer in front of me. I grabbed it and started to drink its essence before the bartender came to collect the empty glasses.


"Look, I'm cutting you off now. I know you're a stallion but everyone has their limits, and I'm not helping you kill yourself." I slammed the mug down, perhaps a little too hard, and it shattered.


"I'll tell you when I think I had enough, got that? And I won't have enough until the pain becomes bearable."


"No, you're done. Get out of here!" He said as he started cleaning up.


"Well fine, I'll go n find me anuther bar!" I said, standing up. I knocked the stool down accidentally and stumbled over it on my way to the door.


               I burst out onto the streets, searching for a different bar. I felt my stomach turn and lurch. With one hand I grabbed my stomach and the other I leaned on a lamppost. There was one more sharp pain in my gut before I puked, sending the alcohol-tainted contents onto the sidewalk and leaving a acrid taste in my mouth.


"Oh damn," I said as I started working my way down the street. "Now I gottsa find me more beer." I spit the residues left in my mouth out, nearly hitting someone's foot.


"Come on now, that's just gross!" They said, shaking their head at me.


"No, I'll tell you what's gross, what's been done to me is... Bah, I forgot what I was gonna say..." I continued my sad stumble until I found myself in front of a different bar. Black spots started to form in my vision but I could still see, so I could still drink. I threw open the door and did my best to walk to the counter.


"Get me, umm, something to end the pain." I managed to get out of my clouded brain. He might have said something back, but I couldn't hear him or, anything really. My vision finally blacked out completely as I fell backwards...