Lessons In Happiness - Part Four

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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#5 of Lessons In Happiness

Lessons In Happiness - Part Four


        My dreams were peaceful, for once, but still not very comforting. My mind was running through the past day and while I was glad to have so many ponies care for me out of their kindness I was still distraught that I hadn't found Fluttershy yet. My dream suddenly disappeared and was replaced with black. The sound of giggling met my ears as I came around from my nap. When I stood up the sounds ceased. I opened my eyes, but still couldn't see anything but darkness. I brought a hoof to my face to find a blindfold covering my eyes. I pulled it off and saw... Nothing. Everything was still black. Suddenly the lights were thrown on and what sounded like dozens of ponies yelled surprise. I staggered back, hitting the wall which knocked over a board propped against the wall which pulled a string that caused a bucket of water attached to the string to fall on me, dousing me with it.


        I shook the bucket-helmet off and looked around to see a bunch of the ponies of Ponyville giggling. I then saw Pinkie Pie hop towards me and grab the bucket, putting it on her head.


"I hope you're not mad Zain, I thought it would be funny but then I was like what if he thinks it wasn't funny and it was mean and I didn't want to embarrass you or hurt your feelings so I hope I didn't. You're not mad, are you Zain?" I shook out some of the water on my mane into her, smiling.


"I guess not, you didn't do it to try and hurt me, so I guess no harm no foul. Besides, now I'm really awake." I said. Looking around it seemed like the ponyfolk were really laughing with me, and not at me, so I decided I wouldn't make a fuss about getting wet.


"Well, that's great. Now I don't have to be worried about upsetting you! And it's a good thing you're awake, because we're gonna start your party!" She yelled, causing all the ponies to cheer. "Hit that beat, Scratch!" I looked at the pony in the back, who nodded before dropping the background music. She had blue shades on and predominately blue hair, with streaks of off-blue colors. A few ponies started dancing, while others went off to the mountain of food and sweets that Pinkie Pie cooked up. As I was shaking out my mane again, Twilight walked up to me.


"So, quite a welcome party, isn't it?"


"Yea, I guess so. Did you have one too?"


"Oh yes, I sure did. It started kind of like your, just without the water."


"Really? What happened after that?"


"Well, I drank half a cup of fire hot sauce. You can guess what that might do to somepony."


"Ouch, sounds intense. I'll be sure to avoid that then. Why was there hot sauce at the party anyways? All I see is dessert food."


"Pinkie pie likes hot sauce on her cupcakes sometimes." I looked at her with an eyebrow raised, sure she was joking. "Really, she does. It's Pinkie Pie. You get used to her normal randomness after a while, I promise."


"Oook then, good to know. It was nice seeing you again."


"You too Zain, enjoy the party." She nodded, heading towards a few of her pony friends on the dance floor. I looked across the room and saw Fluttershy trying to keep out of the whole party fever. When she saw me looking at her she froze where she was. As I started towards her she ran to hide somewhere, which she must've found a good spot in the half second I lost track of her because I no longer knew where she could've been. I hung my head low, almost ashamed for some reason.


"Hey there sugar, why so down n lowly at yer own party?" Applejack said, elbowing my chest.


"Oh, hey Applejack. It's just that I saw Fluttershy and was going to apologize, but she is utterly terrified of me still, and I feel real bad about it."


"Well, I'm sure she'll come around. You just gotta give her time." She said as we mozied over to the food table.


"Hey, could you tell her something for me?"


"Why sure, if you aren't able to say sorry face to face I suppose I could do it for ya." She said, picking up an apple turnover.


"No, not that. I won't feel better until I say sorry to her, so just tell her I need to talk to her, and that she'll know where to find me."


"Well, all righty then, I'll be sure to tell her."


"Thanks Applejack, you're a good friend."



        As the party went on, I tried my best to enjoy myself. Over the course of great food, a few fun games, and the occasional pony prank, I found myself smiling and even laughing every so often. I talked with all sorts of ponyfolk there, got to know most of them a bit and others a whole lot more, like Twilight and Rainbow Dash. All things, however, must come to an end. The party was no exception. Just as the sun was within half an hour of setting, it was time, reluctantly, to declare the party over. I thanked most of the ponies as they left, glad that they decided to spend their time here welcoming me when they could've been doing other things. Soon, it was just Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and myself.


"Hey, Zain. Do you think you could help me clean up? I know it's your party and all, but just look at the mess! This might take me forever to clean up!" She said as she started clearing the tables.


"I would love to help you, but I'm sorry. There's still something I have to do. How about a rain check? I'm probably not busy tomorrow." I said, walking towards the door.


"Okie dokie lokie! How about we make some more cupcakes tomorrow!"


        I chuckled. "Sure, we'll make some cupcakes tomorrow." I walked out the door, hearing Applejack offer to help as I headed down the road.


        It would be a five minute walk, then I'd have near twenty minutes before sundown. I just hoped she'd know where to find me. Three minutes in, I could see the light shimmer off the surface of the water, and one minute to I could hear the waves crashing onto the shoreline. I sat down, just barely letting the water reach my hooves. Five minutes, I wait. Ten, fifteen, nothing but the sound of water. The sun is closing in on the horizon.


"Oh, a-am I bothering you?" A quiet voice behind me asked. I turned my head to find Fluttershy behind me, still cautious but no longer afraid of me.


"I don't know what I did to upset you the way I did, but whatever it was, I am sorry and I feel terrible about it."


"Zain, it's my fault really. I overreacted, and I'm sorry you felt like that." She said, sitting next to me.


"Thanks, I feel better now." I said, watching the sun sink into the horizon.


"So, do you still hate sunsets?"


"No, they're really quite beautiful. I was focusing on the bad and the hard, as if bringing a veil over myself keeping me from enjoying the time I have. Thanks to you all, I've decided to look for the good in life."


"Well, I think that's just a wonderful idea."