Time of war Chpt 7

### "Where is- ow." Rachel said after stepping on one of Celty's carelessly placed toys on the living room floor. After some stumbling and knocking over of items, Rachel was able to find the ever elusive TV remote. Rachel gave a cute, little victorious...

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Time of War Chpt 6

#### Scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~\~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........| "Come on Haseem, your only hurting your self and everyone of your fellow terrorists when you keep secrets from us." A...

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Time of War Chpt 2

### scene change: |\\||||////| ### character change: |.........||.........| ### As rain fell from the darken sky two dark figures stay crouched in tall grass to evade detection from the patrolling enemy QRF. Both figures were knew if they didn't...

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TIme of War Chpt 3

#### Scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~///~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........| #### In the corner of the armory Spark sat, cleaning yet another riffle. Other than the sound of the knife running...

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Time of War Chpt 4

#### Scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~\~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........| "So how is our new guy doing Shade?" Arada asked of the young Zoroark as he walked up to the sniper range. "Or did you...

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Time of War Chpt 5

#### Scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~\~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........| Kicking in the front door to an abandoned, two male lucario entered, one holding a suppressed ACR assault riffle, the...

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Side story-Celty

### Out side of the small trailer, wind, rain and thunder mixed, creating a storm unlike the small trailer park had ever seen before. The harsh falling rain alone pounded the metal of the trailers. The howling winds gently rocked the already unstable...

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A New Beginning CHPT 3

#### Rachel explained the situation to Celty, her new home, and why she was going to be living there. The only two things not discussed were he fathers attempt to rape her, and the death of her father. Expectedly Celty was in tears that she was no...

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A New Beginning CHPT 2

### Four years ago A little black sports car made it's way threw the traffic of LA. Inside a young Lucario was in the passenger seat in a small panic attack from the speed of the car and the danger the driver might be putting them in. "Arada,...

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A New Beginning CHPT 4

### As the little Riolu Celty Caldera slept in her bed she could here her parents, well new parents outside of her room in the usual morning routine. Because of the work Arada was involved in, it required him to go in very early in the morning. This...

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Character Sheet

### Character sheet for Arada Magari and Rachel Magari This is just some back round information on Arada and Rachel, the two Lucario that will be taking in young Celty Caldera. Rachel is the strange Lucario Celty sees at the end of chapter one (name...

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