A New Beginning CHPT 3

Story by Zadik on SoFurry

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Well here is Chapter three, of the 'New Beginning' series

Sorry if it's a boring read, but none of the fun stuff starts till chapter five (don't worry chapter four will be nice ad short)

well hope you enjoy, leave a comment rate ect. ect,


The characters in the story are mine, if you wish to use them PM and let me know, trust me I'll allow it, I just need to know. ^^

Rachel explained the situation to Celty, her new home, and why she was going to be living there. The only two things not discussed were he fathers attempt to rape her, and the death of her father. Expectedly Celty was in tears that she was no longer going to be living with her mother anymore. She cried the whole time, as Rachel shed a few tears herself. After a few ours though she was starting to calm down to the point where she was only sobbing softly.

Rachel brushed her paw over Celty's bed head and gave her a gentle smile. Celty looked up to her, her eyes were red from crying. "Celty, there is one thing I want you to always remember, your mother loves you, and she always will." Celty gave a slight nod as tears once again formed in her eyes. Rachel patted the spot next to her trying to get Celty to come over and sit with her. She started scooting over to her when her stomach gave off a loud starving growl. Rachel clearly heard it and gave a little giggle and stood up offering her paw to her, "Come on Celty, we'll go get you something to eat." Celty took her paw and looked up at her "Thank you, Mrs. Magari." She followed her out of the room and into the hallway it was nothing fancy, just a few family photos and vase on a table. When they got to the living room Celty was surprised at what she saw as her mouth opened wide. The living room was massive, the living room alone was the size of the entire trailer she used to live in. "Pretty big huh Celty?" Rachel giggled looking down at her. She took her over to the couch and helped her up onto the couch. She sat in the middle cuddling up with her plushy. She was silent, though only for a few seconds, she began to laugh at the wacky antics of her cartoon characters. Rachel gave a soft smile watching her before slipping into the kitchen. She knew it was almost dinner time for them so she couldn't make her anything too big, but also didn't know what type of sandwich Celty might have wanted. She thought of going to ask her what she wanted, but knew trying to get a four year old away from watching cartoons was harder than keeping her husband from the shooting range. While Rachel was in the kitchen making Celty a sandwich, Arada walked in the front door. He was wearing a clean pressed white dress-shirt with a black tie, he wore black pants and polished shoes to complete his look. He had a briefcase in one hand and a cell phone to his ear in the other. "Yeah, yeah, I know I just walked into my house, I'll go check the news right now." He answered the person on the other line. He set his briefcase on a small table that was in between the couch where Celty was sitting, and a very comfortable looking recliner. He picked up the remote, not realizing Celty was sitting there watching her show. "Alright Smith, I'll call you back later, I gotta watch this." He answered his friend and ended the call as he changed the channel to LOX news watching a report on soldiers in Afghanistan. Celty was unaware of Arada's arrival until her cartoons were turned off for some boring news report. It was nothing new to her in the slightest, when she was back home and watching cartoons, her father would always come home and take over the TV. She never wined about or she knew her father would get upset and start yelling at her and her mother. She simply sat back in the couch and watched as pictures of soldiers scrolled by on the screen. Arada watched the images and studied them close, he looked like he was looking for something specific, something important. Finally the picture he was waiting for appeared on the screen, it was a young male Lucario in desert cammo standing with his arm around another soldiers shoulder in friendly manner as both smiled at the camera. Arada laughed heartedly at the picture and knocked his cell phone off of his armrest. "What's so funny Arada?" Rachel called from the kitchen. "Oh nothing dear, I just that old picture of me and Smith on the news." Arada Replied. Rachel came into the living room with a small TV tray with a small sandwich and some chips and looked around. "Where's Celty?" she asked setting the tray on Arada's lap. He too looked around the room and shrugged, "I thought she was still asleep in her room." He answered taking a chip from the plate followed by a playful tap to his head from Rachel. "No, she woke up about an hour ago, I made that sandwich for her because the poor thing was staring." Rachel was looking around the whole living room for her thinking Celty was trying to play a game. "It's alright Rachel, she probably went back to her room, let's...." He felt a small tugging on his pant leg as he spoke. He looked down to see Celty holding his cell phone up to him with a little smile. She had seen his cell phone fall to the floor and got off the couch to get it out from under the couch. "Umm....you dropped this." she said sweetly to him causing her little tail to wag. Arada gave a little smile to her, but was a little hesitant to get down to her level and talk to her. Luckily for him Rachel was still there, she gave him a little nudge on his arm telling him it was alright. Arada got down on his left knee and just looked at Celty for a few seconds, he was a little afraid to speak to her, he had no idea what to say. He took the cell phone and placed it in his pocket. "Thank you for picking my phone up for me, Celty" His voice a little hint of nervousness in it, he knew she didn't have too great of a past with her father, and he didn't want her to fear him. "You're welcome Mr. Arada." She had her hands behind her back, but not in a frightened way, she was smiling as her little tail wagged behind her. She wasn't afraid of him. He wasn't yelling at Rachel, he wasn't drinking, and he didn't reek of cigarette smoke like her father always did. She was going to ask him a question, but her stomach interrupted her by giving off a nice loud growl. Arada gave a little laugh at hearing her belly growl, "you must be hungry Celty." Celty responded by giving a little nod of her head putting her little paws over her stomach. Arada smiled seeing how sweet she was, it looked as if nothing that happened two weeks ago didn't affect her innocence in any way. He gently lifted her up and walked over to recliner and sat her down placing the tray over her lap. She looked up at him, now with a slightly puzzled look. "you can see the TV better in this seat." Arada said with a little pat to her head. Celty went back to a smile looking at the food on her lap. Picking up the crust-less sandwich and taking a bite of it made her squirm a little in her seat, she was happy to have food in her stomach. "How do you like it Celty?" Asked Rachel, standing with Arada. Celty looked up to her, a smile across her muzzle, "it's yummy" she answered with a mouthful of PB&J. Rachel giggled and quickly disappeared into the kitchen, reemerging with a small glass of ice cold milk and placing it on Celty's tray. She did her best to mumble a little thank you before taking a drink. To both Lucario, what they were witnessing was the first of many adorable moments to come their way, so much so that it caused Rachel to tear up, not only from how sweet Celty was, but she was starting think of her unborn daughter. She quickly excused herself and headed to the kitchen where she began to softly sob. Arada picked the remote up and went back to the channel she was watching before. "You enjoy dear, Mrs. Magari and I will be in the kitchen, just call for me if you need anything, kay?" Celty gave a quick nod and just as quickly turned her attention to the TV. Arada entered the kitchen to see his wife leaning against the fridge covering her mouth, tears streaming down from her eyes. She did her best to contain her sobs, but one or two escaped, thankfully not reaching Celty's ears. This happened more often than he would like, either triggered by simply thinking of their daughter, or looking at the only pictures they had of her, the ultrasound pictures. He wrapped his arms around her trying his best to comfort her, "I know Rachel, I miss her too." He too was close to crying. After a few minutes Rachel was beginning to calm down, tears were still flowing from her eyes, but now she wasn't sobbing as much. It may have been four years after the accident, but she was still heartbroken over it, as was Arada. They stood there in each others arms, comforting the other. Not much was said amongst them, the silence and the occasional giggle from Celty was helping Rachel get through it. Eventually she stopped crying, even a smile had formed across her muzzle. Seeing her happy, Arada returned her smile and gave her a little kiss. Rachel placed her paws on his chest, looking up at him "go get into something comfortable dear, I'll go go pick up some food and a movie, and we'll spend the night with Celty." She was back to her chipper mood as she undid his tie for him. He did as commanded, giving her a little mocking two finger salute as he walked off, "yes boss." It was a little joke they had developed during their marriage, and they both loved it. After coming back from the bedroom, Arada was in a pair of black basketball shorts and a white T-shirt. He walked into the living room seeing Celty still sitting in his chair, she was done eating and was now just cuddling with her plushy. Arada approached the chair and gently picked Celty up and placed her in his lap as he sat down. It was unexpected on Celty's part as she leaned back against him and looking up curiously, and Arada looking back down with smile. It actually surprised her a little, making her untrained bladder empty into her diaper. Normally she couldn't tell when she wets until the absorbent padding started to spread her legs apart, but this time she was able to tell because she felt the flooding as she was sat down on his lap. At this point in her life she was used to asking someone to change her when she needed it, but something about asking Mr. Arada to change her made her hesitate. Arada's smile faded a little as he saw her expression hadn't changed. "What's wrong, Celty, are you OK?" He was worried he had over stepped a line by sitting her in his lap. Celty finally answered his question after a quick little awkward pause. "Umm..." she was still a little hesitant to ask him, but she knew what would happen if her diaper was left unattended "i..is Mrs. Rachel still here?" she asked sheepishly. "No, sorry honey, she went to go pick up some food for dinner, why?" He asked, Celty turning on his lap to properly look at him, a little embarrassed blush was visible under her fur. Arada couldn't help but give a little chuckle "do you need a changing?" Celty looked up a little giving a slight nod, "Ye....yes, can you change me please Mr. Arada?" She asked giving him a little innocent smile. Again Arada laughed at how cute she was and picked her up from his lap Standing up, "Yes I will change you, Celty, but next time sweetie don't be afraid to ask, I'll change you anytime, OK?" She didn't nod, she only rested her head on his shoulder as he carried her back to the bed room. "Thank you, Mr. Arada." Her voice was soft, she felt a great sense of security in his arms, something she never felt the few times her real father ever her. Arada placed her on the bed and went to get everything he was going to need. Returning to the bed he pulled off her pajama bottoms and set them next to her as he proceeded to change her into a fresh diaper. When the new diaper was strapped nice and secure around her waist, and the used diaper discarded, he placed her pajama bottoms back on her and gave her belly a little tickle. She giggled covering her belly. "Thank you, Mr. Arada" He smiled down at her picking her up, "sure thing kiddo." With that they returned to the living room and Celty resumed watching TV in Arada's lap, leaning back into his chest. Rachel returned twenty minutes later with two hot pizza's and some soda and two family movies, since they didn't have any in the house. The three ate, drank and laughed the night away. Though half way threw the second movie Celty was fast asleep in Arada's lap, curled up and snuggled close to him. Seeing she was fast asleep they decided to turn the movie off and just tuck her in for the night. Rachel stayed back in the living room to clean up as, Arada carried Celty off to her room. When she was tucked in bed with her plushy in her arms he placed a kiss on her forehead, this however woke her up slightly. He did his best trying to get her to fall back to sleep, gently stroking the top of her head, humming a little tune, nothing was working. He was going to try talking her to sleep, "did you like the movie Celty?" He asked softly, still stroking the top of her head. She gave a little nod followed by a big yawn. "Mr. Arada, can I ask you something?" "Of course you can, sweetie, what is it?" "I know I can't go back to live with my mommy," she started to tear up at that thought again, "so...so can I call you...Daddy, and call Mrs. Rachel....Mommy?" Arada was in a small state of shock and at a loss of words from what she had just asked him, because he wasn't expecting her to call them mom and dad for a long time. But regardless, a wide smile stretched across his muzzle, "Celty, we would love nothing more than for you to call us mommy and daddy. Of course you can call us that." Celty was over come with joy, so mush so that she sprung up from under her covers to wrap her arms around Arada. When he hugged her back she began to cry. Rachel passed by the room seeing Celty crying in Arada's arms, and even seeing a few tears coming from Arada's eyes. She asked what was wrong, and when told Celty was going to start calling her Mommy, Rachel immediately started to cry herself. When all of the crying was over, Celty was fast asleep, this time in Rachel's arms, and, Rachel and, Arada were drying off their tears. Rachel placed the sleeping pup in bed once more and tucked her in with her plushy, like Arada had before, and gave her a kiss on the forehead, this time not waking her up. The two adults padded their way across the room, trying not to wake Celty, but at the door they very faintly heard, "good night Mommy, Good night Daddy." They both turned around, Arada putting his arm around Rachel, as both replied "good night baby girl."