A New Beginning CHPT 2

Story by Zadik on SoFurry

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Four years ago

A little black sports car made it's way threw the traffic of LA. Inside a young Lucario was in the passenger seat in a small panic attack from the speed of the car and the danger the driver might be putting them in.

"Arada, please slow down, I want to get the doctors but I want all three of us to get there safe and sound." Her voice was filled with concern as she rubbed her swollen stomach.

The driver eased the speed of the car down to a street legal speed. "I don't know why you're freaking out so much Rachel, I'm a CIA agent, I was trained to drive like this"

"Arada, you have to remember we're not evading capture, we're just driving to the doctors to get an ultrasound and see how the baby is doing." Her voice wasn't filled with as much concern. She wasn't mad at him, how could she be, Arada was right, he was trained to drive like a stunt man in a Hollywood movie.

"You're right, Rachel, I'm sorry. It's just with being a field agent, life has always been fast paced, and well now that I'm going to a desk job, I'm just finding it a little hard to slow down you know?"

Rachel couldn't help but give him a little smile and place her paw on his shoulder, "Arada trust me, when our little one is born slowing learning how to slow down will be the least of you're problems." She gave off a small giggle.

Arada laughed along with her, Rachel was right, learning to slow down will be the furthest thing from his mind when the baby is born. "Yeah I guess you're right Rachel, that will be the furthest thing from my mind, especially if the baby turns out to be a girl."

Rachel removed her paw from his shoulder and gave her swollen belly a gentle rub, "well I hope it's a boy, so that way I can have my little man around the house when your not there." Her eyes had a small hint of sadness from the thought of him still having to do jobs for the CIA over seas, it always scared her that one day she was going to get that dreaded call, and hated it more when that's all she would think about; she was always silently scolded herself for thinking like that. "But then again, as long as we have our child is at home I'll always have a little piece of you to keep me company"

Arada sighed softly, he hadn't told Rachel yet, but he switched jobs. The life of a field agent in the CIA was a dangerous one, well at least his was. So after learning his wife was pregnant, he worked on switching from a field agent to working in intelligence and surveillance, not only did it take away the danger of loosing his life, it payed a bit more money making it possible for Rachel to quit her job and become a stay at home mom.

It was now or never for Arada to say what he had to say, "actually Rachel, you don't have to worry about me going over seas any-" His cut his ow sentence short when he turned his head to see a large SUV coming directly at them from the side. Everything in that moment was now in slow motion for him. All he could do was watch as Rachel looked at him with a puzzled look on her face before the SUV broad sided their smaller car and sent them into a spin and into another car. Both Arada and Rachel were knocked out cold by the impact.

When Rachel did wake up, she opened her eyes as best she could, her vision was blurred, her body ached, and her head was throbbing. She didn't feel anything around her neck which to her was a very good sign, her neck wasn't injured in the crash. Her eyes finally adjusted to their correct vision allowing her to sit up and look around the room, no one was there, the only things there were machines and get well flowers. She could feel something was wrong, she was felt lighter than usual. Her eyes shot open wide as her paws began to tremble. She had a good feeling of what was wrong, but she couldn't llok down. Her paws made finally made contact with her stomach, it was flat, as flat as it was before she was pregnant. Feeling her flattened stomach, her breathing became quickened. She tried taking deep breaths to calm her self, but each was deep breath was followed by welling tears and panic. Finally, after failed attempts of trying to calm down Rachel let out a scream, a scream so loud people down the hall from her could hear it. Two screams followed after the first, each one sounding worse than the last. Her crying started immediately after, Her cries contained pain unlike none had heard before. Rachel had lost her child in the wreckage, even though she had not gotten the news from a doctor, she could tell, a mother could always tell.

Just outside of the room Arada was at a water cooler. He had only left the room seconds before Rachel awoke. Arada may have been knocked out during the crash, but was awakened when the EMT's dragged him from the car, he had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing serious. Watching his wife and unborn child being placed in an ambulance and taken away was hard for him to watch and when he arrived at the hospital, he was given the worst possible news, his little pup didn't survive the crash.

Arada had been all over the world and killed over thirty men with his bare paws and felt no remorse, But upon hearing his first child had been killed, even before it could experience the world, Arada was struck with pain, pain like he had never felt before. He fell back into a chair that a nurse had placed for him, he couldn't belive his child was gone. His gaze turned from the floor to the doctor who delivered the news and read the name tag, "Doctor, please just tell me so I may have closure, what were my wife and I to have?"

The doctor took in a deep breath, this was the worst part of his career, "Mr. Magari, it was a girl, we did our best to save her, but in the end...." Even the doctor had begun to choke up from the situation. "I'm so sorry Mr. Magari"

Some how hearing that he and Rachel were going to have a little girl eased his pain. A few weeks before this incident Rachel chose a boys name, and had Arada choose a girls name. The name he had decided on was Alicia, it was his grandmothers name, and throughout his whole life he had loved that name for a girl.

As Arada drank his water he heard the painful cries of his wife. Hearing her in such pain sent a cold shiver down his spine and rocked him to his core. Tears began to well up in his eyes from just the mere thought of having to inform Rachel about their child. Painful as it may have been, he mustered up as much courage and nerve that he could and opened the door to Rachel's room. He was met with a sight he wished to never in his life see, Rachel was slumped over holding her stomach, tears flowing from blood shot eyes, eyes that begged for good news on their child. Arada closed the door behind him, sat at her bed side and started to explain what had happened.

Arada's explanation only confirmed her deep fears, Her baby was gone, in the blink of an eye and the choice of some idiot to get behind the wheel of his SUV drunk, she was left with nothing more than her husband and the pain of having to burry her child. Rachel broke down crying, and Arada wrapped his arms tight around her. He too began to cry with Rachel, their baby was gone, and nothing in the world was going to change that.

"Rachel, I'm so sorry, they.....they did what they could," he tried his best to hold back from completely breaking down, "but in the end Alicia just.....just couldn't make it." Tears once again formed in eyes as he continued his best to hold back and stay strong for her.

Rachel's eyes opened wide hearing the name Alicia, "Alicia?" Her voice was light, almost a whisper. Her paws once again covered her stomach, like Arada, somehow hearing the babies name eased the pain. "Arada, we were going to have a little girl," she gave a little huff, "a little baby girl." After speaking her eyes rolled back and her body followed suit, she fell back onto the bed, past out from the shock of everything she had just learned.

Four years later, and two weeks after Karry was arrested for killing Rob.

It was four years after Rachel and Arada Magari lost their baby girl and the thought of trying to have another baby was still too painful for her to bare, and because of the way she lost her child, the doctors told her she may not be able to conceive for a while. So for the past couple of years the two worked on adopting a child that could use a good home, and little Celty was that child.

About a week ago Rachel was called by the child protection agency and informed that a young female Riolu had been placed up for adoption by the mother in order to give her child a better life than she could ever hope to provide. She was also told more information about the child would be given upon arrival to the hospital.

After receiving the call, Arada took a few days off from work and drove fifty miles from their condo in LA to a small children's hospital in the next county. For Rachel the drive to the hospital was too long, every second felt like an hour and every minute felt like a life time to her, she had the chance to be a mother, and give a child a good home and everything she would ever need in life, this is why she got into adoption.

When the couple finally arrived at the hospital they were greeted by little Celty's social worker. The social worker was a female Ninetails in a dark female business suit making her white fur seem even brighter. "Hello you must Mr. and Mrs. Magari." She spoke with a light Russian accent. "My name Is Sharon, and I'm the social worker that has been assigned to little Celty, if you'll please follow me I'll take her to you"

Sharon lead them both to Celty's hospital room where she lie still unconscious from the head trauma her father inflicted on her the night she had been taken away. As Rachel and Arada entered the room the first thing they saw was a nurse changing Celty's soaked diaper.

"Do they normally place diapers on young patients in her condition?" Inquired Rachel.

"Actually yes, with patients under five who are unconscious for an extended period of time they place them in a diaper. Celty on the other hand is a different story, the poor thing sadly is incontinent with her urination. Her mother was always working, trying to keep a roof over her daughters head." Sharon answered looking over the chart making sure she had the story right.

"And it was because of that the mother never had time to properly train her"

"Right you are Mr. Magari" she said closing the small binder she had on Celty. "The day care she was frequently at did their best but was only able to get her to recognize when to poop. Some of the pediatric doctors here say she may be like this till she evolves, but no one had a solid answer." She sighed and looked to the little pup in bed, she was covered up now and sleeping soundly with her little Lucario plushy under her arms. "Please come, let's get this paper work done so you can take her home with you tonight"

Rachel and Arada were a little surprised that they could take her home tonight, they were told that to make an adoption finalized they had to appear in a juvenile court before a judge. Once in the small office Rachel took her seat next to Arada and asked, "how is it possible for us to take Celty tonight, I mean not that we're not ready for her, but what about the going threw court to gain custody of her?"

Sharon placed a pair of reading glasses on and ruffled threw a couple of papers. "Ah here it is." she said pulling out a small stack of papers, a judicial grant signed with the mother to give full custody of the child in question to any parents the agency deems fit to raise the child.

Sharon took off her reading glasses, "allow me to explain." Sharon began to explain the events that had transpired the night Celty was given up for adoption, Everything was explained right down to death of Celty's father.

"So is the mother in prison, or jail for what she did?" Rachel asked a little shocked to hear such a grim tale.

"Luckily no, a day after the incident the charges against Karry Caldera were dropped because she acted in self defense, for not only her but her daughter." She ruffled threw some papers again bringing out the document that Karry had signed to give her daughter up for adoption. "We were ready to award her full custody, but she refused, Karry simply said she wanted her daughter to live a good life, something she could never provide for her in the end. That's when we suggested the grant, It was more for her ease of mind, that a pair of Lucario would take in her daughter and raise her as their own." she placed a pen next to the stack of papers "Just look it over and sign when you-"

Sharon couldn't even finish her sentence before Rachel started filling in her initials and signatures where needed. Arada quickly filled in his portions after Rachel was done. Sharon gave a small nod. After everything was looked over and check for accuracy, a few more papers were signed, and that night Rachel and Arada took little Celty Caldera home with them.

A five days after the Magari's had brought Celty back to their home in LA before Celty began to show signs of waking up, Rachel still had to change her occasionally, but she was more than happy to do it, she was even ready to change her till the day she evolved. Rachel had quit her Job as a chef to become a stay at home mother, and Arada worked his usual nine to six. Rachel monitored Celty during the day, and even after a hard day in the office, Arada would come home and check on Celty and change her if needed.

On the sixth day Celty awoke in her room, she was dazed and confused as to where she was. After exploring the room a little she found the one thing she recognized among all others, the little stuffed Lucario that she held so close to her heart. The little pup grabbed it and squeezed it with all of her might, not wanting to ever let go of it. Rachel was passing the room at the moment, she had not planed to check on her for another fifteen minutes, but something was telling her to open the door.

When the door was opened Celty's face lit up, a large smile stretched across her face. Though when she was not greeted by her mothers soothing voice, or greeted by her mother, the smile quickly faded as she took a few steps back from Rachel.

"Well well, Celty, You're awake, how do you feel sweetie." She asked, her voice was soft, soothing like her mothers.

Celty could only whimper softly as she took some more steps back from Rachel. She was scared, which only made herself wet her already soaked diaper more. "Where's my mommy?" her voice broke, and she began to cry.

Rachel walked into the room and got down on her knees in front o Celty "Celty, I'll tell you where you're mommy is, but first, do you want to get out of that wet diaper?"

Celty wiped the tears away from her eyes, she was a little hesitant to let this strange female change her, but she was feeling uncomfortable between her legs. "O...OK." she said softly as she began to pull down her pajama bottoms and undid the tape above her tail, something her mother had taught her to do. Rachel got up as Celty lied down on her back. She grabbed what was needed to change Celty and got back down on the floor. She undid the tapes of the diaper and pulled down the front and the rest out from under her, she rolled the dirty diaper up and set it aside as she powdered her crotch and placed her in a fresh diaper. When she was done she stood Celty up on her feet and did the strap in the back and pulled her pajamas up.

Rachel picked Celty up and sat her on the bed and joined her. "Alright Celty I'm a woman of my word, I'm going to explain what's happening, and well what's going to happen in the future." She took in a deep breath, she was preparing for this, but now that it was time to actually tell the pup about her mother she found it hard. But she promised herself that no matter what, Celty had a right to know. "Honey, You see...." Rachel began explaining the adoption, and how she was now going to live with her and Arada from now on."