Time of War Chpt 2

Story by Zadik on SoFurry

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#2 of Time of War

Here it is Chapter 2

scene change: |\||||////|

character change: |.........||.........|

As rain fell from the darken sky two dark figures stay crouched in tall grass to evade detection from the patrolling enemy QRF. Both figures were knew if they didn't move from the spot they were in their situation could take a harsh turn for the worst, and the last thing both wanted to do was get into a fire fight. The first figure, a Lucario in soaked woodland BDU's noticed a small metal shed off the side about fifty meters from their position. The Lucario signaled his partner, an Infernape in the same type of clothing, to follow him and stay low to the ground as they moved. Once at the door of the small shed the Infernape moved his hand down to his thigh, there nestled in its holster sat a SIG SAUER P226 outfitted with a suppressor at the end of the barrel, and a small flash light on the underside. Drawing it, he disengaged the safety as the Lucario slowly opened the door to the shed. The Infernape quickly moved in, turning on the light on his weapon, he did a quick sweep of the shed to make sure they were alone.

Coming back to the door where the Lucario was crouched down guarding the entrance with an MP5, that he had lifted from a soldier he had taken down, he tapped his shoulder giving him the all clear. Once both inside the door was shut the Lucario stood to face the Infernape, "What are we going to do Zero, we've missed our extraction point and have no way to contact headquarters."

Zero engaged the safety on his weapon and turned to his partner, "I don't know blaze, I think our best bet is to steal an enemy transport and make out way back across the enemies line." Zero saw that his partner was fatigued and loosing the strength to continue. "I know we've been operating for days with no rest, Blaze, but believe me, I'm going to get you back to base, and then home." Zero tried giving his best reassuring smile, but knew Blaze could see threw him

Before Blaze could say another word, the two heard chatter from the enemy and the Radio's they were carrying. Zero moved himself and Blaze away from the window to avoid being scene. Off in the distance, but closing in fast, one of the commanders of the small militia drove up, right in front of the shed with two more soldiers, one in the drivers seat, and the other manning the turret in the back. The commander, a Raichu, looking to be about mid thirties, stood from his seat and hoped down to the floor, "well, where the hell are they huh?" He asked, in German.

Another Raichu came over to the commander, "Not yet sir, but we are searching as best we can." He answered back in German.

The commander stormed over to the Raichu, grabbing the soldier by his shirt and pulling him in close, "then spread out you Idiot's find them!" the commander released his soldier by throwing him off to the side as shouted, "I want those American pigs found, killed, and their heads brought to me on a silver platter! They will pay for the men they have killed!"

Zero was forming a plan of attack whilst listening to the commander of the enemy militia. Plan after plan, scenario after scenario played in his head until he found the proper way to confront the situation. Telling Blaze the plan, Zero thumbed the safety switch on his gun to full auto and stood up. "You ready for this, Blaze?" Seeing a confirming nod from Blaze, Zero moved to the door. He was still for only a moment before driving his boot into the door, kicking it open with one blow. The sound of the metal door being violently kicked open rang threw the air.


The sound of a door being kicked open with a heavy military boot broke Arada from his memory, and making him drop the pistol magazine he was loading. Looking to the door, with a slightly shocked, but angered glare. There standing at the door was Shade holding a small crate of ammunition, and two rifles atop the crate.

Shade stood at the entrance to the armory, his young ambition replaced with fear of his commander. "Sorry, Arada, these things are heavy, I just didn't want to struggle with them ya' know?" He didn't move, mostly from fear of what Arada would do to him.

Arada stared him down for a moment, knowing this was tearing down the young Zoroark's psyche. He wasn't the type of commander to go off on his fellow soldiers, or punish them by making them do things like push ups. He didn't need those things, not anymore, he simply used his reputation, that he had built up in his career, as one of the deadliest men on the face of the earth to strike fear into their hearts and set them straight. He took his gaze off Shade, his face going back to normal as he picked up the magazine and resumed loading it with 9mm ammunition. "It's alright shade, you just broke me from a memory." Arada stated as Shade placed the crate on the table.

Arada placed the freshly loaded magazine down next to his P226 and stood from his stool, grabbing one of the riffles off the top of the crate, he inspected it. It looked to be in the family of M-14, as to which variation he was unsure. "What is this rifle Shade?" Arada asked him handing it back to him.

"This my friend is a SEAL weapon, I was lucky enough for my buddy to get me one, it's called the M-14 Enhanced Battle Rifle, or EBR for short." He grabbed a fore grip that was sitting on the crate and screwed it to the under side rail. "This weapon was made for a guy like me." He stated boldly, his young ambition coming back with a vengeance.

Arada couldn't help but let out a laugh at the Zoroark. A voice quickly followed Arada's laugh, "yep, just like old times alright." Spark announced as he entered the room, with Jayden following. Blaze looked back to the young Lucario, "I know he seems hot headed, arrogant, out of control, reckless, careless..." Spark was cut off from a loud throat clearing from Shade, followed by a slight gaze. Spark just gave a small chuckle, turning his attention back to Jayden, "but there is no better sharp shooter then Shade you would want to have your back."

Jayden respectfully gave a nod, showing respect to, and he trusted he would keep him alive on the battle field. The four got to work unloading crates, and loading magazines with ammunition. Almost an hour past before their weapons had enough ammunition to sustain them for about a week of operation in the field. When Jayden stood from his stool to stretch, he noticed a large black rifle on the opposite table. The barrel was propped up by a bipod on the bottom, and the stock of the weapon resting upon the table itself. After quick glances he saw it was a sniper rifle, and one with a big Cal. at that. "Hey, Shade, what is that?" Jayden asked moving from his spot, to the weapon.

Shade grew a large smile over his face as he almost seemed to glow with joy as he made his way to the table with that large rifle. "That my friend is M82A1 Barret .50 Cal sniper rifle. I got this girl while I was on a mission in Israel....don't ask what happened."

It was a cardinal rule in Shadow squadron, if a soldier didn't want to explain the details of a mission, either due to secrecy given by a General, or a matter of national security, Mission would not be discussed or forced to be discussed. The reason being, most of the missions they were on could be described as war crimes, and if discovered by anyone, each of the members would be tried and sentenced to life in prison, on every single continent, including the US. But then again it only guarded against war crimes, not embarrassing moments.

Zero laughed hearing Shade telling Jayden not to ask questions, and knew exactly why. Sharpening A knife the Lucario began to laugh remembering the story behind how he got the snipper riffle. "Yeah don't ask Leslie," they heard Spark burst into laughter while he cleaned a riffle in the corner, followed by Zero's laughter, "don't ask Shade how a little kid shot him in the ass with a .22." Now laughing even harder.

Shade stood, dead silent, his eyes closed, and taking deep steady breathes to calm his nerves. He didn't want to get into a fight with his commander, because he knew if he did, he would be eating threw a straw for the rest of his life. His back turned to the two, him and Jayden still facing the riffle, Shade raised his hand high in the air, his fist clenched tight, and his middle finger raised high.

Zero looked at it and laughed, "Calm down Shade, we know what happened that day, we just still think it's funny." He said going back to sharpening his knife, while Spark went back to cleaning his rifle.

Jayden stood by Shade, pondering how getting shot would get him such a monster of a weapon. Suddenly realizing something Jayden shook his head, turning it to Shade, "your name is Leslie?" He asked a small chuckle escaping him.

Shade's head hung as a large sigh escaped him, "I swear my mother was high when she named me." He muttered under his breath. He lifted his head up, still trying to stay calm, he hated when people brought that up about him. And jus to set the record straight, it wasn't a little kid, it was a teen aged Iranian kid shouting some antisemitic shit and tried to kill some Jews. We tackled him down....but.....not before a stray shot went off and hit me, well ya' know where." Embarrassment setting in once again.

"That doesn't really explain how you got such a monster of a sniper rifle." said Jayden.

"Oh, right, well when the Iranian government learned one of their citizens had injured an American citizen, at the time I only looked to be a citizen, I was just in town scouting a place out, you could imagine they were shiting bricks. A few hours later I was in the hospital, a representative of the Iranian government came to talk to me. We both agreed to keep America out of this situation, I had to they didn't even know I was there on a mission. And to shut me up they tried offering me money, I couldn't take it. So after ten minutes of them offering me things, they pegged me as the stereotypical American who loves guns, and offered me a rifle they had confiscated from one of their soldiers. I couldn't turn down a riffle, so I accepted and the next day," He patted the sniper rifle, "this little beauty was brought to me."

Zero chuckled in the back round after hearing the story again. "Alright Shade stop drooling all over that thing and take Jayden to the rifle range."

Shade turned around to Zero, "Rifle range? What for?"

Zero looked to Jayden who had also turned to face him, "I read your file, yes even the parts the CIA blocked, I know your an advanced marksman, I just want Shade to asses your skills."

Jayden nodded, "yes sir, and you read all of it?" His file told a lot of stories.

"Every last word." He said picking his wet stone up and sharpening Sparks blade as well.

Jayden grabbed his M-4 carbine and walked out with Shade, who carried his M-14. In the corner of the armory Spark sat, cleaning yet another rifle. Other than the sound of the knife running along the wet stone, and Spark cleaning, the room was dead silent.

The silence was broken when Spark spoke, "Zero.....I know for a long time I've been avoiding the details of my brothers death but...."

"I told you Spark, when you're ready, I'll tell you what happened that night, I'll tell you how your bother saved my life that night." Zero paused his knife sharpening for a moment, "but before I tell you what happened, do you believe I killed him?"

Spark was silent for a moment, a moment to collect himself. "Alright Zero, I...I'm ready to hear it, I'm ready to hear how my brother died saving your life."


Sitting in the living room, a large photo album upon her lap,sat Rachel. A few tears were running down her cheek, a few landing on the picture of Celty Arada, and Rachel below. The photo album was filled with pictures of the family from over the two years that Celty had been with them. Pictures of Celty asleep in her bed, before and after she had woken up and become part of their lives. Pictures of Celty and Arada snuggled together on the couch after he had come home from a hard day at the office, and pictures of Rachel with Celty, cooking, and snuggling with her. The tears she was crying weren't from sadness or just looking at fond memories, she was about two months pregnant, and her hormones were making her feel everything.

Hearing a knock on the front door she closed her album and wiped the tears from her face and got up to answer it. Looking threw the peep hole she saw that it was one of her neighbors, and friend, that had their child going to the same school Celty was going to, she opened the door to see her standing there with Celty. "Welcome home sweetie," she addressed her daughter, "I left a little snack on the table for you." She told her as she entered the home. "Thanks a bunch Marry." She said to her Houndoom neighbor.

"It's no problem Rachel, I know our thing is every day we switch off walking with the kids to and from school, but in a few months I'll just take over until after the baby is born."

Rachel placed her paws over her slightly swollen stomach, and then hugged her friend, whom hugged her back, "thank you Marry, you're such a good friend."

"you know I'm here for you dear, you watched my children so many times for me, you Arada and Celty are like family to us." She pulled back and looked at her, both wiping tears from their eyes, "just call if need anything." She stated, he cheerful voice coming back and taking her leave.

Going back into the home and locking the front door, Rachel made her way back the living room to see the TV on with cartoons playing. Sitting on the couch Rachel saw Celty looking a strange black and white picture on the first page of the photo album. The only picture Rachel had of the child she tragically lost.

"Mommy, what is this." Celty inquired about the picture she was looking at.

Rachel picked the album up and placed it in her lap allowing Celty to snuggle up next to her mother. "This is called an ultrasound picture, it's where they take a little machine and gently move it along mommy's tummy," she showed her the motion, "and the doctor can see the baby inside." She could see Celty was greatly confused and softly chuckled, "don't worry baby, you come with me when I go get one for this baby, okay?" she asked gently rubbing the top of her head.

Celty was now more confused than ever and looked from her stomach and then to the picture. "Mommy, isn't this the baby in you?" She asked a cute little tilt of her head.

Rachel knew she was going to one day explain she was going to have a daughter around Celty's age, but didn't know it was going to be this soon. "No baby, you see, around six years ago, daddy and I were going to have a baby, she would have been born around the same time you were, maybe even on the same day." Once again Rachel began to cry. "But something happened to her."

Celty instantly started to comfort her mother, not knowing the source of her pain she simply wrapped her arms around Rachel. "Don't cry mommy." She looked up to her mother, her little eyes filled with sadness seeing her mother like this.

Rachel moved the photo album off her lap and set it on the couch, bringing Celty onto her and putting her arms around her, and kissed the top of her head. The two stayed on the couch, in each others embrace until Rachel stopped crying long enough to say, "you're such a little angel Celty, I love you."

Celty looked up to her mother once again with a big smile, "I love you too mommy."

Did Arada kill Blaze, or did Blaze take the bullet that was meant for Zero, find out in the next chapter