Time of War Chpt 5

Story by Zadik on SoFurry

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#5 of Time of War

well well look at this, only five days later and chapter five is already out. I know I'm just as surprised as you are.

well anyways here it is, ladies and gentlemen, chapter five of Time of War, hope you enjoy

and as always, comments rates,and faves are welcome

Scene transition |\||||////|

flash back begin ~~~~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........|

Kicking in the front door to an abandoned, two male lucario entered, one holding a suppressed ACR assault riffle, the other holding a suppressed M4 carbine. Lights emitted from under the barrels of both weapons as the two swept the open area. A young zangoose dressed in Arab style clothing walked, unknowingly, into the room. Zero, looking threw the red-dot mounted on his riffle could see an AK-47 assault riffle in the terrorist-in-training's hand; ready to fire. With no judgment, or hesitation, Zero quickly lined up the shot and pulled the trigger. Four tightly grouped shots were placed in the center of the young zangoose's chest, and one to the head. The young Arab stumbled back due to the force of the shots, and dropped dead, three steps from where he last stood. After a quick inspection, Zero rendezvoused with Jayden at the entry way they had created.

"All clear sir, there are no other combatants in the home." Zero nodded. "Shall I get the others?" Zero nodded once again and moved to a large table. Jayden walked out to a military Humvee and threw open the back door where Spark had been anxiously waiting. "let's go, let's get him inside!" Jayden ordered as he grabbed the handles of a small stretcher and began to pull it out, being mindful of the body on top. "Careful, don't drop him." The two carefully, and with military quickness, carried the body of a bleeding umbreon inside to a large table where Zero had carelessly cleared off with one swift, swiping motion of his arms.

"Set him down and prep him, we need close that wound up!" Zero commanded as he heard something at the door. A zoroark was dragging in a bound and gagged ursaring by the collar of his three hundred dollar dress shirt.

"Where do you want him, sir?" Shade asked as he let go of his hostages wrist, letting him drop to the floor with a small thud.

"Set him on the wall over there," Zero answered quickly pointing to a wall far away from where they were. "And bring me the medical kit from the Humvee!" He shouted as he turned his attention to the injured man who lay before him. Spark was busy stripping off the non kevlar tactical vest while Jayden was taking off the jacket and slicing the shirt open with a knife, revealing a large exit wound on the right side of his chest. Shade had already run back in with the medical kit to allow Jayden and spark to being patching the young soldier up. "Shade take up over watch on the north side window," he said looking over at him, the light revealing Zero's blood stained fur. "If something out there makes so much as a twitch, you shoot to kill." Giving a confirming nod, Shade set up his silenced M110 SASS riffle on the on the window sill of the north side.

"how is he doing?" Zero asked walking back to the table. Looking down at the young soldier, he knew it wasn't going to turn out well.

"He's not doing to good Zero. His pulse is racing, he's fading in and out of consciousness and there is too much damage to his right chest. Unless we get him to a doctor he's going to die." Spark stated, trying to stop the bleeding from the massive fifty caliber wound.

Tech must have heard the words 'he's going to die' and took it as a sign, because as if on cue he began to pray in his native Irish-Gaelic tongue. "Conas a athair atá ar neamh hallowed a thy ainm, dod ríocht teacht, beidh thy a dhéanamh. ar an talamh mar a dhéantar ar neamh."

Zero, being fluent in a lot of languages, one of them being Irish, heard The Lords Prayer being recited. "Move get out of the way." Zero said as his men quickly moved aside. "Come on Tech stay with me buddy, come on." Zero had interrupted him before he could finish. Tacking Brian's hand into his he grasped it tight. "Brian, look at me. You're not going to die here, do you understand me? We're going to get you out of here." He had never believed in it before, but now he could see it, something every killer said about their victims last moments, Zero could see the life slipping away from Brian's eyes. In that moment he knew it was over, he knew he had to let this poor soul go. Brian's hand gripped Zero's with equal force as he gathered every last ounce of strength he had, and brought out a long necklace of beads, and a crucifix at the bottom. Gripping it tight in his hand. "Finish it with me son." Zero said slightly bowing his head.

"A thabhairt dúinn ar an lá seo Ár n-arán laethúil agus maith dúinn ár bhfiacha mar a mhaithimidne dár bhféichiúna féin. Agus ní mar thoradh ar sinn i gcathú, ach saor sinn ó olc." Both recited in unison. A few seconds after speaking his final, gasping words, Brian's eyes shot open as his body convulsed a few times before his already strained heart gave way; his life coming to an end.

Zero kept his head down, Brian's now limp hand still clenched in his fist as he reached up and closed the eyes of the now deceased young umbreon. "Chuid eile i síocháin anois deartháir, scíth i síocháin." Zero said as he placed covered Brian's chest up with what remained of his clothes and placing his hands at his side. Spark found a clean sheet in the home and placed it over their fallen brother corpse out of respect, not only for the dead, but fir what Brian had done that day.

Though something snapped in Zero when the sheet was placed over Brian. He walked over to an end table and picked up the vase that was sitting atop of it. He gave the slightly heavy vase a gentle toss into the air and caught it a couple of times before he reared his arm back, turned to the ursaring and gave it a hard toss; the vase shattering just above his head.

Before the ursaring could materialize what had just happened Zero was standing no more than a few inches away with his hands already gripping the stunned ursaring by the shirt and dragging him to the table where Brian lay. "Do you see this you miserable piece of shit?" The tone in Zero's voice was unlike anything any of the three had heard in the past. It was filled with pure hatred and rage as he lifted the ursaring up to see the fallen Irish-American. "This is because of you Vlad, this kid should be back state side getting a job behind a desk as computer tech or something. Instead he had to come here; come here so we could track illegal gun smuggling-terrorist-helping Russian scum like you!" He shouted as he threw the heavy Russian to the floor behind him. "Men, children even, leave their homes, their families, and for what, to go off to some foreign country, only to be killed by some guy who claims he was an enemy because his god said so?" He reached down to his holster on his thigh and pulled out the silenced P226. "And then we have scum like you, who come along and supply the murdering bastards with high tech weapons to kill even more of us!" He shouted Jamming the tip of suppressor into Vlad's right temple.

Sitting on the floor, an enraged almost psychotic lucario pointing a loaded pistol at his head, Vlad began to tear up, the gag in his mouth preventing him to apologize fir what he's done. Though all in the room could tell what he was saying. "It's too late to repent for your soul Vlad, what you've done is done, the blood of the many killed by the weapons you supplied to enemy is on your hands now. And there is no washing it off." Zero gave a small growl deep in his throat as he pushed the suppressor into Vlad's temple even harder. "They told me to bring you back alive at all costs, but seeing the cost, the premature end of a child, I don't think they'll mind if I bring back your bullet riddled corpse." Zero said in an eerily calm way as he racked the slide of the pistol, chambering a round and flicking off the safety into the -fire- position. "Good bye Vlad."

Before Zero was finished pulling the slide back, Jayden and Spark were already running towards their commander to try and stop him. "Zero, wait don't!" Jayden shouted trying to reach for the weapon as Zero pulled twice.

Sixteen hours ago:

"Alright gentlemen, this is it," the older mightyena stated as the lights in the room shut off, and a large projector displayed an over head image of a military compound. "This is where Vladimir Gorbachev is going to be located in ten hours local time. We're sending sending asset Shadow squadron in," he motioned over to the team of five soldiers sitting off to the side, "to extract the High Value Individual, and to go in and extract information from this main frame computer." He stepped to the side of the projection to give everyone a better view as the image changed to a computer room with a large side-by-side of the main core computer.

"Sir, if I may ask, why send in an asset? I can have two SEAL teams, who can deployed and be stationed at the compound within a matter of hours." A young, fresh from officer training, Navy colonel piped up from the back of the room.

General Mathews was about to explode on the young colonel when Zero stepped forward, arms folded across his chest. "Tell me son, does anyone in any of those SEAL teams have the capability to hack into a main frame computer that took not one, but three captured computer geniuses almost a year to build?" In the back, and all around the room Zero got silence as a response to his question. "That's why asset Shadow squadron is being deployed, we have a man who will be able to hack into their main frame and extract, any and all information. That task will be appointed to Shadow five," he said pointing to Tech.

"Thank you shadow one," Mathews said after regaining his composure. "And as for a military Quick Response Force, I will leave that up to the 75th Ranger regiment, and if the primary QRF fails, I will deploy two seal teams to rescue and secure Shadow squadron."

"Sir, other than Gorbachev, is there anyone else we are after? An Army Major asked from the middle of the room. "I ask this sir so I can bring proper transportation."

"Only the HVI, if captured, will be the only detainee, a regular Black Hawk, or a Chinook will be acceptable for transportation." Mathews finished up with debriefing of military personnel by explaining how important it would be to America against the war on terror. Names, numbers, and locations of some of the most sought after terrorist's.


The projector now displaying photos of three men in a side-by-side. The first was of an ursaring getting out of an armored SUV and surrounded by armed guards; Vladimir Gorbachev. The second was of a close up shot of a luxray in the security detail for Vladimir; Alexie Charkov. A highly skilled and deadly spetsnaz soldier. The third and final picture of a galade dressed in tactical clothing, exiting the military compound which they were about to infiltrate; Aziz Abadi, highest ranking terrorist leader.

"Gentlemen, now that the government is satisfied with our mission we can get down to what we will actually be doing." Mathews was now only speaking to the members of Shadow squadron. Pointing to the picture of Vladimir, "this man is to be taken alive at any cost," he looked to Zero, "I know he's single handedly helped this world become what it is, but he needs to stand trial for what he has done. We owe that much to our fallen citizens in New York. Is that understood?" All five gave a nod and a 'yes sir' in unison.

"Now as for opposition," he said stepping aside to better show the picture of Alexie, "I know all of you," he then remembered Tech was new to this whole thing, "well most of you, have dealt with this man before in combat." He clicked a button on a small remote and picture of Alexie took up the entire screen. "He's a highly trained and deadly spetsnaz soldier, who is now Gorbachev's sword and shield. I don't need to remind you how we lost fifteen of sixteen men from the original strike team that tried to take Gorbachev down eight years ago." Zero got up to leave the room. "Remember Shadow squadron, this mission is vital to our war on terror, we can turn a major tide with the information you gather at this compound." Mathews took in a deep breath, he couldn't help but feel he was sending these men off to their deaths. "This briefing is over, you are dismissed. good luck gentlemen, and god speed." The team stood from their chairs and stood at attention, giving the General a salute before exiting the darkened room.


Taking light, slow steps down the dimly lit corridor as he peered over the iron sights of his MP5, Zero heard two gun shots, almost sounding like explosions, go off behind him. Following the sound of the gun shot, young Zero turned to corner to discover a horrifying sight. Before him lay six men, all of whom were riddled with bullet wholes. He was frozen stiff at the sight of his fellow team mates. The brothers he swore to himself, to protect, now lay dead at his feet. "They....they can't all be dead, this isn't happening." Zero said to himself as he walked down the bloodied hallway, searching for any survivors. He quickly stopped as his ears twitched from the sound of hammer being cocked on a gun. Ducking back away from the door the sound had emanated from, he heard, once again two monstrous shot ring ring out. one threw the open door way, and the other threw the wall where he was standing, the bullet only coming within an inch of striking his head.

Walking out of the room, dragging Zero's team leader was a bloodied, none of it being his, luxray. In his right hand was the source of the monstrous blasts, a fifty caliber desert eagle hand gun. Speaking in Russian with one of the most thick accents ever heard "You told me there was no more of your soldiers left, liar." With that being said the luxray placed the tip of the barrel to leaders head and pulled the trigger. The large caliber gun shot left a large whole in the top of the Leaders head as his body went limp. The luxray let the body go, the head making a sickening smack on the ground.

A second shot rang out from the gun striking Zero in the upper left arm. The kinetic energy of bullet cause Zero to stumble back and fall to the ground, his smg being knocked out of his grip. Before he could even go for it, the luxray was starting to close in, and fast. He knew there were only a limited number of things he could do at this point, and dieing, wasn't one of them. Just before the Russian raised his gun and leveled it to Zero's heart, Zero made a last ditch effort move. He grabbed his six inch field knife, sat up quickly, and with one hard toss he hurled the knife into the right side of the Russian's chest down to the hilt. The Russian showed no pain, not even a small wince as the blade entered his chest, just the same stone cold look on his face, the face of a psychopath.


Standing in front of a mirror, his shirt off while he trimmed his now growing beard. He could see the large scar that was left from his mission to Moscow. "You killed fifteen American's that day Alexie, I threw a knife threw your chest, and you still refused to die." He said to himself as he threw some cold water on his face. He looked at his scar again, his constant reminder to always be on guard, vigilant, and never loose another soldier to the enemy. "I'll send you to hell, all three of you even if I have to drag you down my self."